
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

cakap cakap....Jeff Ooi

A few days back I wrote about Jeff Ooi : Cina Kurang Ajar!  

This comment by "Just In" would probably sum all the comments made by you all on this posting.
I share the same feeling as Anne Sim.
Your readers had enlighten you with some very good facts, you decide!

Pls don't take this too personal, understand you need to focus on your wife. It could be some frustration. I think you meant well, we had forgive you & I'm still your blog reader.

Keep it up.

It is now 6.24 AM here in Fitzroy, Melbourne....a cup of Nescafe by my side and the early morning quietness of this suburb makes one receptive to the comments of others on what one writes. 

Sleep is still within me, but, as I always do, I read again the comments made by many of you on what I have written about Jeff Ooi and I guess what "Just In" said "enlighten you with some very good facts, you decide" says it all.  

Consider that I have been "enlighten"...... which I know is a polite way of telling me "why the hell did you not engage your brain before you write!" 

Lesson learnt! 

Now on to another day, another posting....but be assured that if there is ever another "Jeff Ooi" who does not engage his brains before he engages his mouth on the horizon....I too will not hesitate to "hantam" that "Jeff Ooi" as I have "hantam" with this "Jeff Ooi"....until then I will continue to blog and please do continue to read what I blog.

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