
Friday, January 20, 2017

Jangan biarkan geng2 ni lepas dari jaring bila bertukar Kerajaan esok. Kejar mereka sampai ke lubang cacing. Rampas semua kekayaan mereka dan pulangkan kapada rakyat. Dan kita tau lah dimana mereka akan menghabiskan masa depan mereka.  Razak Yahya

Si Badak ni bangan ka? 

What would it take to make this Flying Hippo aka FLOM (Fat Lady of Malaysia) understand that the government jet is for the use of the prime minister of Malaysia. She may be the husband of the prime minister but that does not make her the prime minister! 

Hermes handbags are no longer enough to make this old bag feel important? Does she has such an acute inferiority complex that nowadays she needs the government jet as a prop to make her feel better when ever she has to go anywhere? 
Does she thinks that anybody who arrives in a government jet gets the respect of the people waiting to greet her wherever it is that she is going to? No Badak...even if you were to arrive in Air Force One with Donald Trump you will still be a fat old and ugly bitch! Nothing can or will change that fact....ever.  
Saya setuju dengan Razak .......Jangan biarkan geng2 ni lepas dari jaring bila bertukar Kerajaan esok. Kejar mereka sampai ke lubang cacing. Rampas semua kekayaan mereka dan pulangkan kapada  rakyat. Dan kita tau lah dimana mereka akan menghabiskan masa depan mereka!

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