
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tan Sri Adenan Satem : A Daughter's Lament

Yesterday, i just lost a part of my heart and my soul. I had to face a hard reality of losing a parent. It is the hardest time for me right now and i find solace in the love that everyone has for my late father. People from far and near all came to say their goodbyes and they all share their amazing stories about him. 
My dad, a true statesman. He deserves every bit of that Sarawakian flag covering his coffin because he lives and breathe for Sarawak. He holds his State, his People close to his heart. Even towards his last days, he was still making decisions for the state. 
Quoting my mum from a few days ago, "I want people to love Sarawak as much as I do Milah, cause if they do, they will take good care of it". 
He taught me generosity, sincerity and kindness, my late dad. Always keep your feet on the ground no matter how high life takes you. 
We are proud that he has touched and inspired many and we are overwhelmed by the support we got from all Sarawakians. On behalf of my family, we would like to apologize if we did anything wrong or any mistake and we would like to thank all for the kind wishes and messages sent to us on this very day. Please pray that God bless his soul and give us all the strength to face the days to come without him. 
Rasulullah saw bersabda: 
"Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi Orang lain". 
And Allah knows how much he has given to our beloved state. May all his deed be Accepted by Allah swt and like he always tells me "dont say goodbye, say Au Revoir, which is Til we meet again". Til we meet again Daddy..May Allah forgive all our sins and place you at the highest form of jannah. Amin.
Aziza, arwah's daughter.

Photo Gallery: Tan Sri Adenan Satem

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