
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Indonesian minister says men become corrupt due to their greedy wives

By  |  | @ascorrespondent
AN Indonesian minister has blamed women for the scourge of graft in the country, saying that men become corrupt due to the greed and materialistic nature of their wives.
Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin said men were driven to make more money out of guilt for not being able to spend more time at home with their families, and this leads them to corrupt practices.
“My message [to wives] is: do not demand excessively material things that are out of the ordinary, that would be an outstanding way for women to contribute,” Lukman said on Saturday as quoted in a report by Kompas which was translated by Coconuts Jakarta.
Lukman said although corruption was influenced by many factors, extraordinary demands from a man’s family could be one reason for graft “to atone for their guilty feeling” which made them act outside the norms.
“Often times corruption is motivated by many things. Among other things because there are extraordinary demands [from his family] so to atone for their guilty feeling, they act outside the norms,” said Lukman.
According to the report in Coconuts Jakarta, Lukman’s predecessor, former Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali, was recently sentenced to six years in jail for stealing billions of rupiah from the state’s haj fund.
Indonesia’€™s rank in Transparency International’€™s Corruption Perception Index 2015 rose to 88th from 107th position in the previous year, but public opinion views corruption as pervasive as ever.

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