
Sunday, April 30, 2017

You don't have to give your hand phone to any Tom, Dick n Harry including the police. If you are stopped by police, you can demand to sight Court Order to search your phone.

Dear all,
Attached please find a copy of the advice given by a senior and experienced lawyer. 


[29/04 11:43] 

"There are a lot rumours on police checking your hand phone. This is a fear mongering technique to make people to stop talking on key political issues that you are entitled to read. 

You don't have to give your hand phone to any Tom, Dick n Harry including the police. If you are stopped by police, you can demand to sight Court Order to search your phone.

Please secure your phone with password lock. Choose the password and lock it. No one can open it. You don't have to give the password to anyone asking for your phone.

Also remember that messages shared on WhatsApp are encrypted and no 3rd Party can read your message(s).

There are 50 million hand phones in Malaysia and the police don't have the resources to check even if they want to.

This is a primary mode of communication among the rakyat (people in Malaysia) and the police has no right to seize and arrest the public if no suspected crime has been committed.

The UMNO goons (and BN) are creating these rumours to stop receiving opposition messages through social media. They don't want you to know the truth.

Note : No search without warrant or Court Order"


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