
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Anzani Danapaul : UMNO still wants the Malays to trust the party of obnoxiously arrogant leaders?

This is ANzani's comment on :  cakap cakap : Mati UMNO, matilah Melayu

Anzani Danapaul

12 hours ago  -  Shared publicly 
""And should these two (Mahathir and Anwar) win government again from umno - what do you think will happen to our nation, to democracy and to umno?""
What Will happen to our nation, democracy and UMNO? Well, our nation will progress, democracy will thrive and UMNO will have to go back to the drawing board after ditching all those who have hijacked the party for their own ends enriching themselves beyond description. By the way, aren't there capable Malays at the helm of opposition State governments?
A large number of Malays have awoken from their slumber and realise they have been taken for a ride with false promises and handouts. Malay youth have become aware that their tertiary education doesn't guarantee them a job more so when their academic qualifications are not suited to today's job market. The latest figures show 514,000 Malaysians lost their jobs since 2016. Most of them obviously are Malays employed by Petronas and GLCs among others. And this situation arises after 70 years of UMNO rule. UMNO still wants the Malays to trust the party of obnoxiously arrogant leaders?
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