
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

cakap cakap : Koling, Keling, India....

Last week I posted "Dulu koling baling kerusi,now Malays ikut serta.." and a couple of people who read what I wrote took exception to my use of the word "koling" and the following exchange ensued. 

"Koling"...seriously? I expected better from you


59 mins
David Anandarajoo I was shocked to read this as well.


34 mins
Hussein Abdul Hamid Brother that was a quote from someone that I thought conveyed the essence of what happened...and that guy is from Negri Sembilan...that is how they pronounced Keling over there. Don't get too testy....I am an equal opportunity blogger....I call Malays bodoh, bangang...Chinese are sometimes nang boti nang qui boti I hantam everyone malice intended. Life goes on.


20 mins
William Devabalan · Friends with Rbt Leong and 1 other
You could have used "India" but you used a derogatory word that you know Indians do not like. And no apology?

Reply14 mins
William Devabalan Instead you're clarifying that you actually meant Keling....bravo

Reply9 mins
Hussein Abdul Hamid William Devabalan Can you go read what I just posted...THAT WAS A QUOTE FROM SOMEONE....and when you quote you quote what is being said - you do not paraphrase. Take that chip from your shoulder and steady sikit lah....I get call many many names .....just water off my back.

Reply8 mins
William Devabalan Not good enough reason. Anyone can say anything and say they are quoting some mysterious person as an excuse. Followed you many years but time to unfollow. No loss to you I'm sure. Good luck man.

Reply4 mins
Hussein Abdul Hamid William Devabalan every guy who unfollows me is a loss to me...but brother in and let live lah. And may I suggest you stay away from being a blogger...we bloggers get called many many unsavoury names and the only consolation is that we give back as good as we get. Thanks for reading what I write during all those years that you "follow" me.

ReplyJust now

May I suggest you go look at this posting of mine about Muslims and ask yourself if it is any worse than me using the word "Koling"....and no Malay/Muslim took exception to what I posted because sometimes the truth does hurt but you roll with the punches. For as long as I have lived I have used "keling" when talking about Indians and it has always, will always and shall always have the same meaning to me....Indians. And I don't bloody care if it is not politically correct to use it in the present times that we now live in. At 70 I am too old to change. 

End of story. 

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