
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

cakap cakap ...staying awake!

To those who do celebrate...Happy Deepavali...This posting says it all....
Current status : Waiting for chicken and mutton to be cooked.

3.20 PM...and it is hard to stay alert when the Summer heat is so oppressive. The doors and windows of our apartment are all closed for while the sun is out and about, the wind continues to blow. Any open windows and doors is an invitation to those cold winds to invade our home and make all things cool again. I would rather bear the oppressive heat then to have to put on socks and another layer of shirt to keep me warm. The many months if winter is not forgotten shine on Sun...I will keep myself awake with those Short Blacks....bitter but invigorating!

Many months have passed since I last had 40,000 clicks in a day on this blog of mine. Yesterday made me smile...40.652...many thanks friends for reading what I write...well a bit of what I write and a lot of cut and paste. 

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Will try to lessen the cut and paste and do more of the writing! Hard to do when you have a problem staying awake....but them are the breaks.   

I am focused on what is to come in the coming months as political animals the length and breath of this country of ours begin their political preening and posturing in preparation for the final furlong towards PRU14. 

That "feel good" factor within the opposition no longer resonates as brilliantly as it did a few months ago. I feel a sense of confusion on the ground (that includes me and you) and an inability, among the rank and file, to build on past gains within Pakatan Harapan. 

Dare I say that there seems to be a lack of cohesion and solidarity within Pakatan Harapan as the jockeying for political advantage and positions by Yang Berhormats wannabe begins in earnest? 

The real possibility of power being wrested from Barisan Nasional gives an air of desperation to those who do not want to be left out of government should Pakatan Harapan wins. Too many years in political wilderness makes one yearns to finally be on the winning side.... the side that will take Putrajaya by hook or by crook. The end justifies the means. The only thing that lies between the by hook or crook is integrity : a trait not considered worthy of much consideration by our politicians of all persuasion. It is not yet a free for all in Pakatan Harapan but within Umno confusion and greed reigns in equal doses. And none exemplifies this more that Najib and Zahid...the Bugis and the Jawa. How it will be for Pakatan Harapan is yet to be seen....but seeing what is now happening within Pakatan Harapan, I think we are fighting a losing battle. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am right. Time will tell.    

This debate about the suitability of that fornicating son of a bitch to be the KP of SPRM vexes me. Why, in the first place has this to be debated by the taxi/uber driver, by that Indian Barber....or even by the Mak Chik selling Nasi Lemak and Goreng Pisang? Why has not any religious make that Jawi or Jakim...why have they not wade in to give their two cents worth of observations on the whole issue? Adultery for one! Or are they all in agreement that the SPRM KP is innocent given the impossibility of finding four witness of good character before someone is found guilty of Adultery?

It is not enough to say "we saw him on top and they were naked" no no. Not even "We saw him doing to her what a man do to his wife". Also a no no no! It has to be "We bear witness that his penis was in her vagina".  So can you imagine how impossible it is to prove this KP of SPRM is guilty of putting his penis into that lady's vagina! 

End of cakap cakap!

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