
Thursday, October 5, 2017

cakap cakap....saya only a "jaguh kampong".

Selamat Pagi...and a very good morning to all non-Bahasa speaking netizens who do read what I write. It is now 9.35 am...Thursday morning. I must minta maaf for not working on my blog these last one week. Just got back from and extended outstation "urusan kerajaan" trip late last night. Not for the present "kerjaan" but for the incoming "kerajaan" nudge nudge wink wink! This is the longest time that I have been away from my dear wife...but I knew she was in good hands - my son took care of business!

Back to the "urusan". I can only say these coming days if not weeks there will be some interesting news coming out of Sydney. Not in this blog....steadyaku47 is only a "jaguh kampong" when compared to some of those "big boys and girls" in the blogging world. It will come from that certain Lady who has been the cause of much heartaches and problems to the powers that be in Malaysia...especially of the "corrupt, swindling, lying, greedy, arrogant etc etc kind" that we see so much of within Umno and BN. 

I am just one of those in the supporting cast....a willing supporting cast...whereas the many others in the "production" are really unwilling participants who would prefer to stay deep in that dingy hole that they usually crawl into when ever this Lady comes looking for them. 

That is all I can say  for now except to leave you guys with some clues....the Lady in question is NOT Malaysian, the Victim is NOT Malaysian...but all the greedy ones are Malaysians. 


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