
Friday, December 15, 2017


Been blogging for close to ten years...and that has been a hell of a long time! Ten years and 10,910 postings. Ten years of time, commitment, focus and perseverance into steadyaku47 that has resulted in getting 18,071,413 clicks coming my way...over 60K of them coming my way yesterday courtesy of that Idris guy and comments made by that PIG from PDRM who insinuated that this blog is causing "uneasiness" among the Malaysian pubic. 

So is my work now done?

This much I can say. For as long as Umno remains corrupt and dedak infested, I and many many others, will "lawan tetap lawan"..."lawan mesti lawan"....and that is the part that most of those mostly Malays dregs within the so called political elites of Umno, and the mostly Malays dedak infested hordes that swarms around these so called political elites within Umno, BN and PAS are simply unable to comprehend.... that the time has come for many many Malaysians to say 'ENOUGH'. And not only to say 'ENOUGH' but also do what they must to ensure that 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!". For me that means to keep writing what I write in this blog towards making that "ENOUGH" happen and for others they will keep doing what they do to make "ENOUGH" a reality by PRU 14.

For a 92 year old Tun, that means pushing himself to the very limits of physical endurance, for he knows he is the glue that holds many many millions of us together to fight the good fight against the evil that so many Malay leaders have burden not only their own kind but every other Malaysian in Bolehland. 

For Anwar Ibrahim it is enduring yet another day of incarceration in Sungai Buloh, yet another day isolated from family, friends and acquaintances ...yet another day behind bars in the forlorn hope that keeping him in Sungai Buloh, will make Anwar Ibrahim no longer a force to be reckoned with in their failing struggle to hold on to political might. You and I know that every day that Anwar Ibrahim is kept behind bars strengthen his and our resolve to say "ENOUGH" to all the evil being perpetrated upon this country of ours in the name of for Anwar....prison be dammed!

These two will not be where they are now as leaders of the "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" tsunami against dedak and corruption if they do not have the support of the rakyat...that means you and me. And now there are enough of us behind Tun Dr Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim to put the fear of God into many many politicians in BN who have grown insanely rich, incredibly greedy and totally lost in their world of dedak and corruption so much so that they are blind to the predicament they are all in now! 

And what is that predicament?

There are many names that roll of my tongue....the latest being Mugabe. Others in that genre includes Marcos, Suharto, Gaddafi, Idi Amin and soon, very soon...Najib, Rosmah, Isa Samad. The list of Malays joining the ranks of these international political crooks and criminal will be substantial and lengthy. I kid you not even as these crooks and criminals are all ready to flee Malaysia with properties already bought in parts unknown and money stashed away in banks unknown. Until then they are still among us all.....stealing and robbing us and our country blind!

So my work is not yet done. Neither is yours. I am one. With you we are two. Who else will join us? I know I will never walk alone...

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