
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Najib cannot get into my head. Dedak and empty promises cannot get into my head. Sungai Buloh cannot get into Anwar's head. The threat of imprisonment has not got into Rafizi's head. PDRM can harass, detain or take into custody many of us, but they cannot mess with our head. Jakim and Jawi can try...but there is a higher authority then them in Islam....and so Jakim and Jawi cannot make Muslims not think of change. You can stop the Christians from building Churches, tear down Hindu Temples and take what you want from the people of Sabah and Sarawak...but you cannot mess with the idea that is already in their head...and the idea within so many of us is simply this : ENOUGH. WE WANT CHANGE.

BN, Umno, Najib and his cohorts are hyperventilating at the prospect of losing PRU14. All the resources at their disposal are being thrown at the opposition and the leaders of Pakatan Harapan. Those they can incarcerate, isolate and neutralised they have done so. Every legal and illegal means at their disposal they have used to do this. Any which way they can  hamper, obstruct and diffuse any perceived or real threats from Pakatan  Harapan,they have done and will continue to do from now until PRU 14.

But even as they are focused on wrecking havoc within the opposition in any way they can...within themselves...within BN and Umno...there is something rotten within their midst. 

Dedak, corruption and money is holding things together. And day by day, Najib has begun to realises that all the money they now have and will soon have from the spoils of politics, may be enough keep the mighty Umno in lust, but it will not be enough to satisfy greed. And greed there is plenty of in Najib and Rosmah, around Najib and Rosmah. Greed is the festering sore that will eventually kill Umno. Dedak, corruption and greed is the shifting sand upon which the foundation of Umno now sits.  Shifting sands upon which nothing should be built for anything built on sand will soon collapse like a house of cards in the face of troubling winds.

So now Najib has in front of him, the armies being assembled by Pakatan Rakyat that will go against Najib's larger army - an army driven by Najib's deep pockets and nothing else. Every advance by Najib army has to be fuelled by massive cash injections. His rearguard is non existence because when Najib's army is in flight, there will be no one prepared to guard his rear or his flank because those within his army lack courage and the will to fight his enemies at close quarters in hand to hand combat. Many in Umno are being asked to do more than what they are prepared to do. Any sacrifice by them is too big. Any thing they are asked to do that would endanger their physical and financial wealth is  not acceptable. 

Yes the opposition army can be identified, seen and attacked. Anwar can be jailed. Mahyuddin can be removed from his post as DPM. All that they can do to Mahathir they have done. 

But in truth what the opposition is putting together to physically fight Najib in the kawansan delineated for PRU 14 is not what Najib  should worry about. Najib knows his election machinery is better funded, better equipped and much much more effective on the ground then the one Pakatan Harapan can put together. Najib has  been able to bring PAS onto their side - certainly a commendable achievement if you think the PAS of today is the same PAS as the one that was led by aruah TGNA in PRU 13. 

But is it the same PAS...or has the cost of joining Umno dammed PAS to lose Kelantan? Damm PAS to lose the two most critical factor that has given it any credibility and relevance : the support of the people of Kelantan and Islam? Already the leaders of PAS are awash and drowning in a sea of dedak : 

Extract from
Claim No. HQ17M01386


"... 26.9 Nasharudin and other senior PAS personnel have also benefitted personally, enjoying and exhibiting a new affluence from the money channelled into the party by Najib Razak.
26.10 Nasharudin has shown his new-found wealth by acquiring vehicles costing not less than RM1.5 million (including a BMW 525 priced at RM388,000, a Mini priced at RM230,000, a Toyota Vellfire priced at RM290,000, a Toyota Camry, priced at RM150,000 and a Toyota Fortuner priced at RM200,000 and property, including a house at Banggi, Selangor, worth RM3 million, bought with cash. PAS MPs and senior party figures have bought new, luxury cars and new houses and married second and third wives, spending conspicuously in excess of their political salaries and what they could previously afford.
26.11 In this way, the Deputy Chief Minister of Kelentan, Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, has acquired a fleet of luxury cars, including a Range Rover, Audi 6, Toyota Vellfire and Toyota Attis and built several houses for his family. The Spiritual Leader Hashim
Jasim acquired a Porsche Cayman car. PAS MP and Information Chief Khairuddin Aman Razali gave his second wife a RM500,000 Audi Q7 car as a gift. PAS Information Chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi bought a RM300,000-plus Toyota Vellfire. Secretary to the Syura Council, Nik Muhammad Zawawi Nik Salleh acquired a luxury Mercedes with the number plate PAS 9, itself worth around RM100,000, and a luxury Audi. Takiyuddin bin Hassan, MP for Kota Baru and Secretary General of PAS has acquired a fleet of expensive cars and a luxury motorbike, including a Volkswagen Passat priced about RM160,000 with personalized number plate TAK 11, itself worth up to RM100,000, Muhammad Khalil, PAS Youth Leader, has acquired a luxury BMW motorbike. Mokhtar Senik, chairman of the PAS Pahang Ulama Council, has acquired a luxury Mercedes and Toyota..."

As Zaid said "It’s the death knell for any political party to sell its principles for cash" and this PAS has already done in joining with Umno.

All this is worrying for Najib, Umno and BN....but then they are the architect of their own doom.....are they not? 

But all this...all that Najib and BN have done to BUY the election, all that they have done to BUY PAS ...all the money that Umno and BN leaders have taken for themselves in the mistaken belief that when they are insanely wealthy they can buy our country and all of us because "CASH IS KING".....all this has made them blind to the real threat against him and against  Umno and that is already taking root and growing by the day.

Let me tell Najib what is more powerful then Pakatan Rakyat. Let me tell Najib that it is not just Mahathir and the representatives being fielded by Pakistan Rakayat against BN that Najib has to worry about. Najib and BN, has the financial resources at their disposal to sweep aside the opposition candidates  with ease. Time and time again Umno and BN has done this ...even in places they have been told they will lose, they did not. Even in states they have lost in PRU 13, they have managed to "win" back. 

There is something more contagious then the plague.  More deadly then any bacteria, any virus or any other diseases...something that is resilient to any of Najib's dedak .....almost impossible to eradicate...and once it has taken hold it can never be shaken off.

An idea.

The Rakyat in Malaysia....the vast majority of them as the last PRU has shown...has voted to rid themselves of Najib, Umno and BN. The idea that they almost did so in the last election is exhilarating for them! The idea that together they have the numbers to do away with dedak, corruption and money politics has dared them to think that "ini kali" at PRU 14, they will do just that! And once an idea has taken hold of the idea that is fully formed...fully sticks in your head. And the last general election did just that. The idea of another government in place other then BN is now real.  There is an alternative to BN - Pakatan Harapan. There is Tun Dr Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim and Kit Siang and many many others untainted by dedak, and money politics, to lead them. There is that idea among many many Malaysians that "ini kali" that can have the government and leaders they aspire to lead them. The idea of a government by the people, for the people and of the people is simply audacious for a rakyat that has been trampled upon, ignored and wrecked asunder by Najib and his BN cohorts. 

Who can tell the people of Malaysia not to think about change in PRU 14? 

Who can tell the people of Malaysia not to think that together, they can rid themselves of dedak, corruption and money politics....that they can rid themselves of Umno and BN...rid themselves of Naib and Rosmah and all the greed and evil that these two represents?

Who can tell the people of Malaysia not to think all this is possible? Certainly not Najib, not Umno...not BN or PAS.

The mind can do evil and it can do good. The mind is the most overpowering of all that we have. And when Malaysian begin to think change is possible and that they are the ones who can make that change possible....what can Najib and his money do to change their mind? Give every Malaysian a TV, a washing machine maybe perhaps a car? Give every Malaysian BRIM? Give every Malaysia dedak? Tell every Malaysian that only Umno and BN can save them and expect them to believe those lies even as they contemplate decades of being burden by the evil that government does when greed and self preservation occupies the waking hours of those BN leaders?

No Najib and his cohorts cannot fight an idea! Too many Malaysian have begun to understand what they must do for themselves to make change happen. Take Brim if they give it to you. Take the sack of rice, the tins of sardines and bottle of cooking oil. Take anything they give you - take the cash, take the false promises they make in your stride....but all this orgy of gifts and promises being made in the run up to PRU 14 cannot erase the idea within so may of us...the idea that we can make change happen. 

Najib cannot get into my head. Dedak and empty promises cannot get into my head. Sungai Buloh cannot get into Anwar's head. The threat of imprisonment has not got into Rafizi's head. PDRM can harass, detain or take into custody many of us, but they cannot mess with our head. Jakim and Jawi can try...but there is a higher authority then them in Islam....and so Jakim and Jawi cannot make Muslims not think of change. You can stop the Christians from building Churches, tear down Hindu Temples and take what you want from the people of Sabah and Sarawak...but you cannot mess with the idea that is already in their head...and the idea within so many of us is simply this : ENOUGH. WE WANT CHANGE.

By now Najib must surely understand this. By now many in Umno and BN understand that the idea for change has already taken root in many many Malaysian and they are powerless to do anything about it. 

All that remains is for you and me to do what we must to make that idea a reality: VOTE.

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