
Friday, December 15, 2017

Petra : You heard the story about those crabs in the bucket? Well Petra I do not want to be in any bucket with you!

Pakatan Harapan Blogger Whacks Selangor Sultan A Second Round

Hussein Abdul Hamid, Pakatan Harapan blogger based in Australia, whacks DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, the Sultan of Selangor, a second round and triggers a police investigation.

steadyaku47 comment : 

The above is what I found in MT.

First thing first. I consider Petra a friend. Of course we all have many type of friends. The good ones, the bad ones, the "tompang" friends, friends for old times sake...etc which category Petra strays into is for me to know and for him to find out...but he is a friend. But I do not read what he writes. Have not done so for a number of years and I only go to MT if one of my friends sends me a link to his blog...and they usually do that when Petra writes about me. This week I got two links to MT...and so with a heavy heart but happy in the knowledge that a "friend" remembers me...I click on the link...and there were indeed two postings about me. 

Petra write all you want about me....but leave aruah Endon out of this. Yes she is my cousin - her father and my mother are brothers and sisters....but she is long gone. Surely you do not need to use aruah Endon to get people to visit your blog! Have some decency to leave the dead be. call me a Pakatan Harapan blogger. What does that mean? That I am paid by Pakatan Harapan to blog? That I write gratis in support of Pakatan Harapan? I wish Mahathir or Anwar pays me to blog. About four years ago I asked Anwar if I could blog for PKR...he said yes and we agreed to Aud $1000 (one thousand dollars) a month. First month I wrote for PKR he never paid me. Second month I wrote...he again never paid me. And that is when I told him to go fly a kite. As for Tun Dr Mahathir...if Clare Newcastle Brown have not got a single cent from him for all that she has done in exposing 1MDB...what do you think are my chances of getting anything? I did contribute about 50 articles to Lim Kit Siang blog...and yes...for that too I did not get a single cent from him. So please lah...dont arbitrarily call me a Pakatan Harapan blogger based in Australia. The only thing true about that is that I am indeed based in Australia. I am not going to call you a blogger under Rosmah's payroll...that would not be true...would it? Please Petra tell me it is not true! I will believe you if you say it is not true...promise I will. And so will many other Malaysians! Just tell us that it is all a lie.....Petra....Petra........please tell us it is not true.....!

You heard the story about those crabs in the bucket? Well Petra I do not want to be in  any bucket with you!

Write all you want about what I write about because when we put what we  write into the public domain we must be prepared to be hantam...but no cheap shots ok. Don't hit me when I am not looking!

You are more famous then me, you are a better blogger then me, a better writer then me, hundreds and thousands of people click on to your site...maybe millions, many millions.....and of course you are better known then me ...and even better off financially then me. Okay lah I am taller then you but all you need is a box to stand on and you will soon be looking down on can I ask you to just keep the writing about each other on a level playing field. Kapish?


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