
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Sticks and Stones....IDRIS of Selangor.

I have been called many names in my time as a blogger. Certainly most often by the names by beloved parents has given me...whether it be Hussein, Ssein or, as those ignorants Western people often invariably do refer to me as Mr Hamid. Some call me Uncle, some Pak Chik and there have been some who would politely or impolitely call me "the old man". Be as it may, sticks and stone may bother me, but calling me names do not. 

But as us all blogger do know, there are those times when name calling becomes simply a means of venting anger, contempt or even hate at another. ...and unfortunately for us bloggers, those times seems to vary in intensity according to the mood of the moment. None more so when bloggers in the opposite camp seeks to hantam you for perceived wrongs you may have done to their cause....and almost a decade of blogging has still not made me immune to those slights as and when they do come. 

Talking about race, religion and royalty does that to me and so I only stray into those areas only when I must. Yesterday I strayed into the "Royalty" arena. Simply said...I said, in essence, that if it looks like shit, smells like shit and taste like shit...then it must be shit....and this Idris of Selangor talks like an idiot, acts like an idiot and certainly looks the very image of an idiot...and so, I deduce, he must be an idiot....and that seems to have riled up a few Malays, a few Bugis and a smatterings of Royalists who wants to tar and feather me for being disrespectful to His Majesty. 

"His Majesty" my foot! What is Majestic about a man who has had three wives and countless "girlfriends" he fucks even as he carries the title of being "The Head of the Islamic Religion" in his state?

What is majestic about a man who thinks himself the defender of the Bugis when he himself is a Bugis who has lived off the fat of our State and can never ever claim to have been gainfully employed to justify the insane purse he has taken from the State to live that life of leisure, waste and instant sexual gratification he thinks is his right as the Sultan of that state?

And I can go and on about this Bugis Sultan and so called Defender of the Islam faith in Selangor but for what purpose? Surely not for the purpose of simply venting my disgust at the antics of these "Royal Brats"....surely not for the purpose of defending Tun Dr Mahathir.....for Tun can certainly take care of himself better then anyone can take care of him! 

No, I do so for none of the above reasons. I do so because this Sultan and also many other Sultans, deserves to be told that when they put their thoughts into the public domain...first THINK! If you say stupid things they are many of us out there that will call you stupid. If you push your nose into that trough where there are dedak aplenty...we will also be there to tell others what you do. And when you think it is your business to interfere in the affairs of someone we respect and have much to be thankful to....someone like Tun Dr Mahathir....then Idris you are being a naughty boy....a naughty boy who risks being caught in the rough and tumble world that is the new normal of politics in Malaysia. 

And so for those who think it to be their business to give me a good scolding for taking pot shots at this Idris guy....I have this to say. Do so and put your name to what you write to me...and I will willingly post your comments of me on my blog for others to read and comment upon. As I said...sticks and stones make break my bones but talk don't bother me....lawan mesti lawan!      

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