
Thursday, January 18, 2018

cakap cakap in my Facebook...

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Andrew Gregory Sewell Hussein Abdul Hamid.....let me assure you that those of us who live in the main cities in west & East Malaysia know about all the rot you write about and know that we want a change in this political slavery. The majority of voters either are not fluent or illeterate in english....these are the rural malays and east malaysians. While it may seem that if u write in BM it may open their minds to the truth the reality is completely different. Both groups of these people are partly feudal (who will listen to their overlords who r in these modern times known as MP, ADUNS, Ketua Kg, Penghulus, Temmengongs who have all been bought by BN, some for a pitance) and also easily pacified by free hand outs (be it HDPE water tanks or roofing sheets for their wants are simple and they cannot see beyond today) and scared into losing their constitutional guaranteed right of Special Privileges as Bumiputeras which their overlords say the oposition will take away. Since the Mahathir Era every election was guaranteed by East Malaysian seats in Parliament. And things havent changed amongst these 2 groups of voters. How thus does the truth you speak help change this use less eventuality for what use is there of truth or falsehood if it does not change anything just as what use is a light in the darkness if No one needs to navigate or see anything ? And this sadly is the truth BN knows and keeps playing this same game over and over and which will help them win this coming election too.
Hock C Ooi DAP is doing their parts in Sarawak and Sabah ??
Andrew Gregory Sewell Hock C Ooi yes they are but only in the cities and city folk in EM do not make up the majotity of voters. The Opposition from WM is stopped and deported at EM airports. Opposition members who are EM citizens do not have the financial resources to tackle the logistics - the majotity of EM voters live in hinterland/interiors which is accessible either by 4x4 only and several hours upstream by sampan. They cannot have enough 4x4 nor helicopters to reach these areas. Another problem is that if u try to enter you will be stopped by the Feudal lord who has been bought already....i kniw few of them, lived with them and know how they think. And the police are glad to assist them. Its a dead lock.
Andrew Gregory Sewell P.S. rural areas in EM are not similar to WM. In peninsula a rural district may have as much as 50 to 100k people. So getting to a few of these areas will make a difference. In the Interiors of EM a typical village would comprise of about 10-15 houses with eligible voters amounting to less than 50. And the next village is some 10-50kms away.
Hock C Ooi They do come to towns. Their children are working in towns. Technology solutions
Andrew Gregory Sewell They come to towns once in a blue moon and their reason is to seek medical treatment or buy sundries. They do not have the time nor money to sit down and gossip or buy a meal in a coffee shop as the fare to go to and fro their village to the towns is itself a handsome sum. Very few actually live with their kids who work in cities and may visit them once in a few years as the tradition is that the kids go back for Christmas or the very least gawai/kaamaatan. And they r already averse to what has been labelled Opposition Lies/Propaganda.
Jermyn Seow Yen Huei Completely agree with what u are trying to tell us.

It will take a few secession.. At least another two to three generations must go for them to finally embrace the modernisation influence their children bring..

Election in third world country is change proof. It will take a revolution to change such world
Hock C Ooi We all now know the issues and reality. 

Just need to find doable solutions. 

Can work with the children to educate the parents
Andrew Gregory Sewell Jermyn Seow Yen Huei history both ancient (from begining od time till 1399) and modern(from 1400 till present day) shows us that in such a predicament only revolution can change the status quo....we have so many examples just in SEA itself....Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand....but problem is the malaysian is too afraid to loose what little he has for he thinks it is everything. Thats the reason why all the Bersih never went beyond the 2-3 day fanfare. In other countries it woukd have snow balled into a people power revolution where people are willing to risk their jobs/incomes/property/life for a better tomorrow.
Andrew Gregory Sewell Hock C Ooi their family amd social set up is different. Felial piety and respect for elders is foremost and going against that is taboo. To even try and convince your elders that what they uave been told is a lie is disrespectful. So adult children leave their parents be in the knowledge they have. Remember for us here acquisition of knowledge is power/an asset. But for them more knowledge serves no purpose for the lives they are content with.
Hock C Ooi Andrew Gregory Sewell 
Thanks for sharing and your wisdom. 

If they can vote for BN, they can vote for anyone else 🙂

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