
Thursday, January 4, 2018

cakap reply to Ahmad Johari.

In reply to my posting...


Ahmad Johari send me comments which I will now give my reply.

Ahmad Johari · 7 mutual friends
Since there is no clean election.
1. Madey won all on dirty election. Why bring him back.
2. If the election is rig why opposition still won alot of seat and some state. If anybody are willing to cheat for sure they won't let the big names to win or taking a few states with them.
3. If the government can cheat and determine who wins....why the opposition bother to contest.
4. If moving voters around to win not only the government but the opposition is also doing it.
5. If the government cheats why do the opposition accepts their winning and losing during last PRU13. They should ask for re-election.

I will start at the beginning...

1. Madey won all on dirty election. Why bring him back. 

As I have said, elections in Malaysia are rarely fought on a level playing field....whether by the incumbent or the opposition. Ahmad asks "Why bring Tun Mahathir back?". Why indeed! That a 92 year old, 22 year term prime minister and former president of Umno  is now leader of the opposition speaks volume as to the state of Umno, BN and that of our nation today. That people are talking about him becoming prime minister again simply tells us that there has to be something wrong with those who are now in government - specifically the present prime minister. If you cannot work out what corruption, dedak and arrogance has got to do with the state of our nation today...then I suggest you go f**k yourself.

2. If the election is rig why opposition still won a lot of seat and some state. If anybody are willing to cheat for sure they won't let the big names to win or taking a few states with them. 

If the election was not rigged, the umno led BN would be out of office. The seats and states won by the opposition happened because the support for the opposition in these seats and states, were so overwhelming that nothing could be done by BN to change the vote tally by redrawing electoral boundaries, gerry mandering or outright fraud. There is nothing BN can do to stop the "big names" of the opposition from winning the seats they were contesting  because there was nobody in BN that could hold a candle to these "big names" in the opposition.   

3. If the government can cheat and determine who wins....why the opposition bother to contest.

No....this umno led BN government CANNOT determine who wins...they can try but they cannot determine...for in the final analysis, it is the voters who determine who wins. That is why the opposition "bother" to contest. In PRU 13 the opposition did win the popular votes and enough seats and states to put the fear of God into BN.

4. If moving voters around to win not only the government but the opposition is also doing it.

Yes the opposition do try...but they cannot do it as well as the government can.

5. If the government cheats why do the opposition accepts their winning and losing during last PRU13. They should ask for re-election.

The opposite did NOT accept the results of PRU13 and wanted the High Court to nullify GE 13. Anwar Ibrahim, the then leader of the opposition said that he did not accept the GE 13 results and demanded that the EC investigates. All petitions filed by PKR and PAS  were rejected by the Election Court. And do not forget the deliberate failure of the EC to implement indelible ink. And these protest by the opposition has been taken up by Bersih - a moral force demanding Free and Fair election and an end election irregularities....and what Bersih have done to date, is to keep us all aware of the need for a free and fair election in Malaysia. 

Enough said.

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