
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Has dedak come my way?

Lately, some of you have begun to ask me if dedak had come my way in these last few months. 

No lah, not dedak from those bastards in Putrajaya...but dedak from the other side of the fence. Pakatan Harapan. 

They have detected a subtle emphasis in what I write that tends to tilt towards Pakatan Harapan more then towards Barisan Nasional. For starters, they say, I refer to the leader of Pakatan Harapan with a respectful Tun Dr. Mahathir, whereas I often refer to Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, simply as the Idiot. Really guys what would you rather do? Write out Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil), Mohd Najib Abdul Razak everyone I want to refer to the prime minister, or just refer to him as the Idiot? 

Jesus Christ it is a no brainier. I choose Idiot.

And just in case if any of you are still in doubt as to whether I am for BN or is the truth. I am for my country. I am for right over wrong. For good over evil and for what is needed to be done to have good governance in Putrajaya.

But enough of this frivolities. We, you and me...we are in the fight of our life. And more critical, we are in the fight of our nation's life. 

Malaysia is now in the hands of Mr and Mrs Idiot. They already have hundreds of millions in their bank accounts in Kazakhstan and in places unknown. .....being topped by the day if not by the week or month, with a never ending (so it seems) supply of cash coming from the coffers of our nation.  

We are in the grips of the greatest con our country has ever seen since the British legally took from us our tin and our rubber to advantage their economy not ours. Like the British, this Mr and Mrs Idiot are taking these millions if not billions from us aided by the state...the very state that Idiot is prime minister of. 

Now, you and me...we know this. We have seen the unravelling of 1MDB to the tune of billions. The flipping of Felda and FGV to fill the deep pockets of many many individuals from Isa Samad to anyone else within these organisations that is needed to perpetrate this scam upon the peneroka's sans checks and balances because harapkan pagar, pager makan padi. And many many other ruse in between that is about to bankrupt these government entities that have been at the paying end of the con. Anything they can think of that will make them a dollar...they have done. Open a boxing academy for Malay girls. Done. Sturgeon farming for caviar. Done. Flipping properties in Australia done. Selling land, Proton, projects and perpetual rights to claim parts of Malaysia ostensibly for the purpose of doing business in Malaysia. Done. Buying Submarine that may or may not submerge.Done. Buying our people to vote for them with our money. Done. Investing in non-existent projects. Done. The list goes on and on and on...and is still unravelling even as I write this. 

I can understand if those Ketua Bahagians will "berani mati" for that Idiot for they have already receive their dedak. I can understand the late Bala and that Carpet Seller Deepak changing the story the tell us from time to time because they dance to the tune of the dedak being played for them. Even Khalid Ibrahim, Musa Hitam and Ku Li's flip flop, however contrived, I can still understand for these people have been the beneficiaries of dedak in its many forms, off and on throughout the term of their natural lives. 

Now here is the part that I cannot understand. There are people whom I know have not got much dedak if any at all...and most of them none at all... but are still adamant about not wanting Tun Dr Mahathir as PM even if that meant the alternative is to have BN win PRU 14. Let us go through this again slowly...Pakatan Harapan is the only viable alternative that could possible win PRU 14 from BN...and yet there are people who wants BN to be ousted but will not support PH if Tun Dr Mahathir is to be prime minister when PH wins PRU 14. 

For to these people, Tun Dr Mahathir is the ogre that is responsible for the state of our nation today and for that they will not forgive him ever! 


Why don't these people just grow up! Stop being spoiled brats who are bawling their heads off because they have had their candy taken away from them because their mother do not want them to eat candy so close to meal times. No they are not principled people who are prepared to stand up for what they believe in...they are spoilt brats unable to look no further then the tip of their noses. To these people..."I MUST HAVE MY WAY. I WANT TO HAVE MY WAY. OR ELSE I AM GOING TO STAMP MY FEET AND YELL UNTIL I GET MY WAY" these people I say "grow up!" 

And if they insists on getting their way...then do what we have done to those who have troubled us in the past...just walk away from them. Do not trouble to engage them in conversation, dialogue or debate. Do not offer them your hand to lead them to our path. Do not suffer them gladly. 

As I have said earlier, we are now in the fight for out life and for the life of our Malaysia. They are not. Cut out the negativity that they represent and move on in our march to Putrajaya.

And the question "Has dedak come my way"......just think about this...I have been blogging for almost a decade...over 11,00 postings.....if you want to find anything good or bad about any...and I repeat ANY of our political leaders on both sides of the divide you can find it in tell me...who would want to put their money on me being 100% percent other side? I am too much of a loose cannon to have on anybody's side. So be rest assured that I will write what I want to write. Damm the dedak!



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