
Saturday, April 14, 2018

THEJAKARTAPOST : PM Razak has used and will continue to use such primitive tactics to win the next election

steadyaku47 comment : This is what THEJAKARTAPOST says of the Idiot
"Developments in Malaysia are indeed worrying. Its leaders know very well how to benefit from divisions in society, where Malays and Muslims are treated as first-class citizens according to its Constitution. Oppress the opposition, manipulate the fears of the majority Malays against economically powerful minorities, rewrite the election rules, control the mainstream and social media. PM Razak has used and will continue to use such primitive tactics to win the next election. The “1Malaysia Development Berhad” corruption case that allegedly involved him and people around him, which he has repeatedly denied, has been effectively swept under the carpet".
Apo nak di kato? The Indonesians no longer quietly and politely talk among themselves about the way things are beng done in Malaysia. Today they shout it from the highest hills that they have...and this article in THEJAKARTAPOST says it all...and having that Zahrain dolt (that is english for BANGANG) as our rep in Jakarta does not make it any better for us. 
There are 260 million Indonesians there and we have Zahrain there to represent us? Please lah BN...if you want to give dedak to some frog who has jumped over to your side send him to some tin pot alley African despot ruled country where the dictator there can understand why you have made this Idiot an ambassador. Not to Indonesia...Indonesia is too important a neighbour to insult by sending Dolts like Zahrain! Kapish?

Developments in Malaysia are indeed worrying. Its leaders know very well how to benefit from divisions in society, where Malays and Muslims are treated as first-class citizens according to its Constitution.

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