
Monday, April 16, 2018

You did not Vote?

Dedicated to 505,000 who did not return home to vote
The front is the national seat number, the seat name, and the number of votes lost. [did not vote] 
003 Arau loses 1371 [5564]
012 Jerai loses 1196 [9796]
018 Kulim BB loses 1871 [8378]
026 Ketereh loses 974 [8491]
029 Machang loses 805 [7982]
053 Balik Pulau loses 1539 [5932]
058 Bagan Serai loses 1140 [8479]
061 Padang Rengas loses 2230 [4328]
067 K. Kangsar loses 1082 [5332]
078 Cameron Highland loses 462 [5232]
089 Bentong loses 379 [9763]
090 Bera loses 2143 [8167]
092 S. Bernam loses 1890 [5612]
093 Sg. Besar loses 399 [5156]
096 K. Selangor loses 460 [6824]
118 Setiawangsa loses 1390 [9579]
119 Titiwangsa loses 866 [9769]
140 Segamat loses 1217 [7202]
142 Labis loses 353 [5736]
144 Ledang loses 1967 [8968]
146 Muar loses 1646 [7316]
158 Tebrau loses 1767 [10728]
159 Pasir Gudang loses 935 [12604]
168 Kota Marudu loses 842 [9120]
177 Beaufort loses 672 [4148]
182 Pensiangan loses 1744 [4815]
Take a look at Bentong. Losing 379 votes, unfortunately, right? Because 9763 people did not vote.
Look at Cameron Highland. Losing 462 is a pity. Because more than 5,000 people did not vote.
Pasir Gudang is even more. Lose 935, twelve thousand people did not go to vote.
Titiwangsa, lost 866, more than 9,000 people did not go to vote.
Labis lost 353. More than 5,000 people did not vote.
In order not to let the government continue to rule over this land, it is a left one 300, a right one 300, and we will be successful. As long as Pakatsn Harapan wins over the 26 marginal Parliament Seats, we will be successfully change the government. 
To tell the truth, there are always thousands or tens of thousands of people in each of our constituencies.
*At this critical moment, a pessimistic brain has determined that "I'm losing, I don't want to go home to vote so hard" and give up. Voted. So don’t let this regret this year and continue to perform again, so trouble everyone’s help*.
Share out to see friends and family in other people’s hometown. 🌵
003 Arau 输1371 [5564]
012 Jerai 输1196 [9796]
018 Kulim BB 输1871 [8378]
026 Ketereh 输974 [8491]
029 Machang 输805 [7982]
053 Balik Pulau 输1539 [5932]
058 Bagan Serai 输1140 [8479]
061 Padang Rengas 输2230 [4328]
067 K. Kangsar 输1082 [5332]
078 Cameron Highland 输462 [5232]
089 Bentong 输379 [9763]
090 Bera 输2143 [8167]
092 S. Bernam 输1890 [5612]
093 Sg. Besar 输399 [5156]
096 K. Selangor 输460 [6824]
118 Setiawangsa 输1390 [9579]
119 Titiwangsa 输866 [9769]
140 Segamat 输1217 [7202]
142 Labis 输353 [5736]
144 Ledang 输1967 [8968]
146 Muar 输1646 [7316]
158 Tebrau 输1767 [10728]
159 Pasir Gudang 输935 [12604]
168 Kota Marudu 输842 [9120]
177 Beaufort 输672 [4148]
182 Pensiangan 输1744 [4815]
看看 Bentong。输 379 张票,很可惜,对吗?因为有 9763 个人没去投票。
看看 Cameron Highland。输 462,很可惜。因为五千多人没去投票。
Pasir Gudang 更绝。输 935,十二千人没有去投票。
Titiwangsa,输 866 ,九千多人没有去投票。
Labis,输 353,五千多人没有去投票。
为了不再让这个政府继续玩弄下去,就是那么的左一个三百张,右一个三百张票,就可以成功了。只要希联多赢上面这 26 个国会议席,就可以成功换政府。
分享出去让他人家乡的亲朋好友看见 謝謝

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