
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pak Lah

Pak Lah

In 2004 you had Malaysia in the palm of your hand. You had the mandate to do what you will and the people would have been there with you. You could have done without Samy Velu, Rafidah to name a few, within your Cabinet. You could have come down hard on corruption in UMNO and in every Government Department and the people would have been there for you. You could have reformed the Judiciary, insisted that all your Ministers declare their worth etc etc all that you say you want to do now before your March voluntary termination as PM you could have done many times over in the time since 2004 BUT you did not. Now it is too late. Too late for UMNO, too late for you. You are a decent man who meant well but possibly our expectations of you were too high. In the end we realized that you are like us - like Mahathir - where our personal and Family greed invariably required us to "close one eye" when plundering of our Nation's wealth  was done by our Family and Friends. Amen.

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