
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Politics in Australia.

This is how Politics is done here. If you stray "tiada maaf bagi mu". I would need more then ten fingers to count the Ministers in the Malaysian cabinet that should be sacked - not resigned because they never will - but sacked. I am just talking about Ministers.
But what hope is there when the head honcho himself is denying any involvement of his own in any sex and corruption scandals when there is already a smoking gun - a young Mongolian girl murdered and RM$500 million already in the coffers of a good 'friend'. What hope is there ?  


  1. You are being kind HH. If Australian standards are imposed on Govt Ministers in Malaysia, dont count who will be sacked, thats much too difficult.

    Just count who DOESNT get sacked, I think you will need less than ONE (1) finger!!! or at most just that measly one finger. :)

  2. ..that measly one finger will not be used for will be used as a one finger salute to the remaining minister !!

  3. wat hope is there when executive power is vested in only 1 person thanks to MM ... if there's only one finger that we can use now it is the middle finger lah ... so so sad!
