
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What will come after this?

Face off

Face off by The Edge Malaysia.

In my writing I have tried, where I can, to be even handed in the things that I say though I must confess that in the heat of the moment I am not beyond making comments that would, on reflection, be termed a bit remiss. About a year ago I received an email which asked me the question: “Have I not heard that there were people within UMNO who have argued that UMNO should look towards getting themselves “ready” for what is to come – if their position was threatened? – Especially in the light of the last GE”. My immediate response was to ask, “What does he mean by getting ready?”

Sine then we have had a number of exchanges and others have joined in the ‘loop’ to argue the ‘for’ and ‘against’ this “readiness” of UMNO to meet any challenge that comes their way. Logic tells me that what UMNO will do first and foremost is to see what they can do to counter the tsunami that hit them in the last General Election.

If they need to change leader they will do so. This they have done with the dismissal of Pak Lah.

Then they go for the opposition. Go for Pakatan Rakyats leaders. Hit Anwar. They have done so through the Judiciary and through any underhand tactics they could muster. Hit Karpal Singh. If they could they would have physically harm him outside Parliament when those brave Pemuda UMNO confronted that old man in his wheel chair. Harass Lim Kit Siang – but nothing much they could do to this man – he is too seasoned and able to take care of himself. Love your enemies to death – they tried that with PAS – no can do!

Now UMNO know the tide is really turning against them. The Rakyat are beginning to show their contempt and disgust too – demonstrations, the web and that “ out with UMNO feeling” that you just know is sweeping through the nation has started to make everyone wake up and do their personal best to keep the momentum of that “feeling” to continue to embrace us all across the nation. 

Now this is the part that we all worry about. What will UMNO do now that they know they might (a big might!) not be able to be the first to get across the finishing line at the next General Election?

This is where the “readiness” factor comes in. Would there be another May 13? Would an emergency be declared soon to ensure that UMNO would maintain control over all things Malaysian? I have discussed all these in previous postings.

Now I want to ask you all this? To what extent will UMNO be prepared to go to keep power and control? I think a comment from one of our readers where he questioned what those illegal buying of arms meant – is something we need to think about – hence the reason why I posted that comment. Malaysia Today too has posted articles by RPK on the same subject recently and so have others.

I just want you to start to think of the possibilities. Desperate people will do desperate things. I have my opinions. Let me hear yours. Is UMNO going militant? Are they establishing links with Pakistan, the Middle East – with like-minded organization where the only justification of what they do is that the ends justify the means? What will UMNO say to these matters?

These are very disturbing questions that I ask. But understand this – we need to think these thoughts through carefully and rationally. Remember there are just too many of us who are for justice and fairness in Malaysia to allow for any Party – even UMNO – to impose their will upon us – if we chose not to allow them to do so. Think and reflect. Tell me what you think. Amen.


  1. If the management concept can be used interchangeably to political organization, then the Pareto Principle can be applied to UMNO's possible strategy where 20% of its membership consisting of the 'ultras' and extremists in the like of those who appeared in the cow-head and town council meeting fracas will be ever 'ready' to turn the country into lunacy, amok and cause racial strife.

    The rest of 80% will just stay away and abstain from resorting to such explosive measures.

    That is what UMNO means when they say they have to be 'ready'.

    Knowing how this group of UMNO ultras behave in such berserk manner, we cannot dismiss such possibility from happening. Just as the former Information Minister, Mohd Rahmat, had bluntly commented in the past - " Don't force the Malays to run amok, you don't like it when they run amok".

  2. I will have to look up what the Pareto Priciple is this evening - then will comment.

  3. Well weren't Pemuda UMNO sent for commando style training last month?

    I guess that pretty much explains the arms acquirement.

  4. The present points to the future.
    The fact that UMNO refuses to change and refuses to learn from 308 humiliation indicate it has 'other means'to stay on in power, come what may.

    1. Have absolute control over the Judiciary, Police, MACC and all branches of Government. Control the Monarchy. These UMNO has got in its pocket.

    2. Try to unite the Malays by inflaming their baser instincts. Whip up racist sentiments. Attack the non-Malays. This they have done.

    3. When No.2 fail, go for the Jugular. Take arms, spill blood, impose emergency rule, jail a few Opposition leaders, revert to the Dark Ages.
    UMNO will rule a bankrupt, pariah nation. Let the country go down the drain as long as the Malay (read UMNO)remain the Dominant power.

  5. My take is this.

    A non-ordinary response would only surface if the UNEXPECTED happens.

    Ie what I mean is this, UMNO expects victory and suddenly a shock happens in PRU 13, something totally unexpected. Ie something totally out of the ordinary.

    If UMNO expects to lose, then I find it almost impossible to believe UMNO have such stupid leaders. I mean, leaders that expect to lose and therefore plan for violence to avert the unevitable.

    Would it not b better for UMNO to plan to avoid losses in the first place?

    Then again, thats asking a lot out of he current generation of UMNO leaders.

  6. My take is this.

    A non-ordinary response would only surface if the UNEXPECTED happens.

    Ie what I mean is this, UMNO expects victory and suddenly a shock happens in PRU 13, something totally unexpected. Ie something totally out of the ordinary.

    If UMNO expects to lose, then I find it almost impossible to believe UMNO have such stupid leaders. I mean, leaders that expect to lose and therefore plan for violence to avert the unevitable.

    Would it not b better for UMNO to plan to avoid losses in the first place?

    Then again, thats asking a lot out of he current generation of UMNO leaders.

  7. I watch a TV program in JAKARTA( Secret Operation) on Metro Tv , which was on a CONFESSION by a former HIGH RANKING OFFICER which who admitted that he was responsible & INVOVLED in EXPORTING INDONESIANS into MALAYSIA(Sarawak to be PRECISE)and on arrival these people were RECIEVED by MSIAN GOVT. OFFICIALS & GIVEN LOCAL IDENTITY PAPERS so that they can be LOCALISED and in turn became the SO-CALLED MELAYU!!!It happened in the late 60's to the early 70's and it was shown on PRIME TIME TV.
    Can you BELIEVE IT ????? such DIRTY TACTIC was USED .

  8. I am afraid that UMNO might use some thugs to create racial trouble in several spots across the nation simultaneously, then they can impose emergency laws and keep the government under their control if they ever lose the next GE. As a Malaysian, we of course, hope that this will not happen but the way UMNO extremist are voicing racial subjects and not arrested under ISA makes one wonder what else they can do! With the announced military/commando training they are going to provide for their members does send a chill down my spine. What is the intention of UMNO for doing that? One can just wonder!

  9. I believe if Umno were to lose the PRU13, this senario could take place.

    Pekida would be the machinery it will use to create turmoil , and as is their usual tactic, it will be race based and it will likely start with rumours of non Malays expecially the Chinese attacking the Malays ( after they have started it by attacking the non Malays first thus drawing counter attack in defence).

    With such rumours spreading rapidly and widely (with their active participation), they will rouse up the Malays against the non Malays . When fighting spreads according to their plan, martial law would be imposed and all the opposition leaders, Malays and non Malays will be arrested under ISA.

    Is this a possibility ? I pray non, as many many innocent lives would be lost.
