
Saturday, September 5, 2009

cakap cakap...

Two things happened to me today that makes me have that “What is happening to me? “ moment – you know the one in the comics where there is a bubble on top of the character’s head and there is a short note about  his thoughts followed with an exclamation mark? But I am getting ahead of myself here – so back up a bit.

Today is the first weekend since Spring started here in Adelaide. I do not really keep count of these things but my better half does. She tells she wants the grass cut before the first week of Spring is over. So I got the Whipper Snipper out this morning and did what I was told to do – cut the grass. Then I had to have a shower. 
Now here is the problem. I forgot whether I had already  shampoo my hair during that shower!  I kid you not – I really forgot whether I had already shampoo or not! So I did the most sensible thing – shampoo my hair to make sure that I did shampoo my hair during that shower. Does not matter of I did it twice – at least I know for sure that I have done it. 

Next comes the dressing up time when I forgot if I had rolled on my deodorant – yes mine is the roll on type – and I was not sure if I have used it or not. Again I did the sensible thing and rolled it on again. If any of you dare to ask why should I use a deodorant around the house – well I think it is sensible to use deodorant even if you are staying by yourself! 

Tell me my friends is this normal at 63? My wife tells me that I would even forget to bring my head if it was not screwed on. She also told me that I will still have one wife if I married another what does she means by that? Such is life. 


  1. Bro HH,

    Ha ha ha, age is catching up with you!

    Not to worry! many others experience the same may be!

    Me, many more years to catch with you.

    By the way, how is the fasting in Adelaide?

  2. as I have said before - I intend to live until I am 100 - so far so good! Fasting is ok...same time as KL because it is already Spring. Kalau winter senang sikit.

  3. Bro HH,

    Oooo 100, nanti Mahathir marah, lawan dia!

    Dia tu kena sumpah seranah hari hari, tak mati mati. Liat!.

  4. It is common with age.

    Nowadays i definitely need to carry a pen and a piece of paper with me EVERYWHERE i go!! and I mean EVERWHERE.

    Because whatever important brainwaves or thoughts I have, i have to pen it immediately.

    If not, guaranteed to forget within 30 minutes, if not shorter.

  5. not only have I got to write everything down...but must put specs, wallet, car keys etc in same place every time - if not sure cannot find one ! lucky that my wife alway can find me and I don't have to go look for her - if not another big problem.

  6. I have to do all the things you guys say, and more! Or, I'm a gonner!!!

    I will walk into a room and wonder why I am there - so I will literally back-track, and try to remember what I was thinking: and remembering one thing, leads to the next, and finally I'll get to the point of why I entered the room in the first place :)

    The thing I find MOST helpful is to focus. If I consciously am in the now zone, and am conscious of what I am doing, nothing is misplaced, no thought forgotten, no chore left undone.

    But if my mind is wandering, or if I'm talking to someone, I'm lost! I'd not remember where I put my parking ticket, whether I'd locked the car, even where I parked the car!!!

    Growing old is not fun, eh? But it's betting than growing dead!!! Hahahah!

  7. ..and all those randy old man don't pretend to foget that you are married !!

  8. I think you are doing great at 63. I am 52 and I always have this problem...after parking my car, lock it with the remote, walk a couple of hundred meters and then wonder if I locked the car...and I would walk back just to make sure. Just not mindful...
    As for your dressing part, lets hope you don't just walk out..... THINKING that you are dressed up.

  9. got to get into a routine. when we were in KL my wife got into a routine when going from our place in Jalan Boon Kim (now Persiaran titiwangsa) to PJ...but one day one of the road was close for repairs...I guess you guys can imagine what happened !
