
Friday, September 11, 2009

cakap mental block!

Hi Friends,
It is just past midnight here in Adelaide. I have spent many hours on my PC today working on my Blog. I say working but it is a labour of love because I like what I am doing…but nevertheless it takes effort, commitment and a lot of thinking on a day to day basis. Today was the first time in these last two months that I found myself in a situation that I did not expect. Just before noon today my mind went on the blink…it decided to not function. My thought process went dead. My ability to understand what I was reading on the web went AWOL.

The last time that happened was in March this year and I went on self-imposed leave for two months from my blog site. Just did not and could not do any writing for that amount of time. This time it lasted about ten minutes. I normally am a very laid back sort of guy. Nothing much will faze me or make my heartbeat quicken. If you drop a plate behind my back I will not even turn around to look because my mind will tell me it is just a plate being dropped – no need to turn around and look. If anybody upsets me with anything they say or do – I prefer to walk away. But this ten minutes of inability to proceed with my blogging did give me some concern–mostly because I have got into a rhythm of doing things on my blog and I did not want it to be interrupted.

So for a moment I tried everything I could to restart my though process – had a drink of water, a quick walk outside to get the cold air to refresh me, think about Najib, about Nasi Dagang…nothing…and then as easy as it went away, it came back. And everything worked again. Everything clicked. Old age or pushing myself too do to much? I really don’t know. Have any of you had any of these kinds of moments when your thought process goes haywire and you do not know your right hand from your left? Well it happened to me today and I did not like it. 


  1. Good evening HH, Sheer mental exhaustion through blogging and subsequent lack of sleep? Even Lieutenant Tuvok needs his beauty sleep.

  2. could it be a very subtle sign of a very mini stroke? may want to get that checked...

  3. Bro,

    Get yourself checked.

    Exhaustion, may be.

  4. Friends it looks like a false alarm...I know I sudah tua but everything A OK once I had a good fish head curry for breakfast this morning.

  5. Ha ha ha!

    You makan kari kepala ikan apa? Spanish Mackerel ke or just Red Marlet?
