
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Greed, greed and more greed !!

If there was one recurring though that was in my mind while doing business the “UMNO” way- it was this. When does the merry go round stop? How can the country afford to pay for all the money that was being siphoned out not for services rendered – but for ‘pure profit’.
Long before all these conglomerates and multi disciplined business entities came into being there was SPK and KUB. If you were to delve into the history of these two companies what you will see is a mirror of what has been happening in UMNO.
I am not to familiar with SPK but it is enough to say that many many years ago it was already the owner of the SPK building beside Hotel Equatorial in Jalan Sultan Ismail – in the heart of Kuala Lumpur Golden Triangle. Remember Sri Jaya buses? That was also SPK! It had interest across a diverse range of business activities and was tasked to uplift the economic well being of its shareholders – mostly ex Government Servants and Politicians. But the ‘help’ it was given by UMNO to do so was not used for the good of the Malays but for the personal gain of its major shareholders. Yes it now has a place in Malaysian business – but just think what a committed, focus and well intentioned businessman could do for SPK given the opportunities and business ‘advatages’ that SPK had? At the least he would have given Robert Kuok a run for his money ! 

Let me give you another example. KUB. I am not going to go into the manipulations by Hassan Harun - etc etc. Suffice to say this. This is an UMNO vehicle. When I first knew about KUB it had its headquarters at the old UMNO building in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Hassan was putting in place his grand design to ‘build up’ this UMNO vehicle – borrow money (hundreds of millions) to take control of this conglomerate – play it up financially – and then cash out making as much as he can out of the whole transaction – leaving KUB bleeding and almost a shell of what it formerly was. This he did very well – so well that from that old UMNO building KUB landed up at their “OWN’ premises at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng. In buying that building a massive under the counter kick back payment of many many millions was made to persons unknown. Then over RM$10 million was spent renovating the premises – again quotations were padded up to ensure money was again siphoned out to persons unknown – unknown to you guys but known to me lah! 

Let us just look at one of KUB’s wholly owned interest. A&W – yes that fast food chain store belongs to KUB. A&W managed to go into a deficit of RM40 million dollars! How? This very established and lucrative fast food chain (the premier fast food chain in Malaysia – many of us will remember their outlet in PJ with affection) - well the management of this fast food chain was under a ‘management ‘ company that siphoned (again that word siphoned) out enough money to put that fast food chain under a RM30 million debt. Amazing. It must take considerable skills to lose money on a fast food chain that should rival KFC and MacDonald. But they did it. Hasssan Harun did it. Who is he? He was once one of Mahathir’s blue eyed guys and a member of the Supreme Council – the UMNO Supreme Council. Supreme enough to borrow hundreds of millions to buy over KUB and made it his own to plunder and pillage. He is from Kelantan. Smooth man – intelligent. Good talker. If only he had used his skills for good rather then evil. From what I know he still owes the bank a few hundred million dollars that he borrowed to buy over KUB. When he has milked KUB dry – UMNO comes in and revives it again – but who foots the bill for its ‘resurrection”? The Rakyat. 

Always, all the breathtaking ‘rescue’ of MAS, …..all these amazing silap mata – I always wonder who is paying? The Rakyat of course. 

Now after all those years of massive frauds, greed and avarice – it has now come to this. The country’s resources is almost bankrupt. The people are not able to earn decent wages. Cost of essentials we need to live on are too expensive. Houses, cars, road tolls, petrol costs…all these are slowly killing the Rakyat because not only do they have to work harder and longer to earn a decent wage – there is no decent wage to be earned and yet these plundering and pillaging goes on. We are not able to weather the global downturn. We buy Proton cars on the never never – take as many years as you need to pay. No deposit etc - anything to sell the car – but who pays for the interest – who pays for the mark up of each of the components supplied to Proton under it’s “Vendor programme so that UMNO cronies can make their money? The Rakyat! 

Look at the prices of these Proton Cars in Australia. Dollar for dollar even a guy working as a waiter can afford to buy a Proton in Australia because they are under AUD$20,000. A waiter can easily earns AUD$2400 a month and with that kind of money buying a Proton is too easy. Can you expect a waiter in Kuala Lumpur earning RM$600 a month to be able to afford to buy a Proton? You do not have to be a rocket scientist to work that out yourself!
Price Guide
2009 Proton Gen 2 GX CM   $17,990  (AUD Dollars)
                  5 door Hatchback
                  7.1L / 100km
                  5 speed, Manual transmission
                  4 cylinder, 1.6 litre engine
Price Guide
2009 Proton Persona GX CM  $16,990 (AUD Dollars)
                  4 door Sedan
                  6.6L / 100km
                  5 speed, Manual transmission
                  4 cylinder, 1.6 litre engine

I can go on and on and on….but I think we all know where I am going. And though all this UMNO has the audacity to trumpet out loud that they are the savoir of the Malays. That they and only they are the rightful rulers of this country of ours that they have ravaged raped and destroy? They have the audacity to put as OUR leader a Prime Minister tainted by corruption and sex scandals – and murder most foul? Possibly they were thinking that putting a leader which exactly mirrored what most other UMNO and Barisan leader are doing will make their wrongdoings right in our eyes? That if the Prime Minister is doing it all – they why not them? 

This is politics gone mad. Ten, twenty years from now our children will be taught in schools what “NOT” to expect from our leaders and what UMNO Barisan did will be paraded as an example of what should not be done. And questions will be asked by the students “ Were there not checks and balance in place to prevent theses things from happenings?” “NO” - there are no check and balances in place. The arrogance of power brooks no obstacles in its path. 

I am waiting for Petronas to collapse. For CIMB to collapse. Not possible? Would any of you thought it possible that Bank Bumiputra will fall. That Rolls Royce will be bankrupt? That Enron will fail? What UMNO is doing is just patching up holes – dig one hole to cover another one opening up – take from Petronas to cover up…take from Tabung Haji…take from EPF to….what happens when there is no more to take and the holes still keep opening up? 

Who pays for Putrajya, for Proton, for Suria KLCC, for KLIA,….the problem is that all these payments are not one off payments. We are still paying for it –through the tolls we pay daily, the massive cost of living…all siphoning the life out of the Rakyat. How can we stand this? We cannot! That is why my friends there must be change in our country. There must be changes in our thinking as a people. And we must, together, make this change happen. 

Oh my poor poor country how we have all suffered. How its people are bearing the brunt of the excesses of our leaders in whom we placed our trust and hope. Is there a way out of out predicament? As I have said time and time again – there is a way. The time will come when we can make a difference at the next GE – but for now we must keep the anger. Keep the anger so that we will not forget how these bastards have ruined out country. For the Malays you must not forget that we have been played out by UMNO the very people we trusted – harap kan pagar, pagar makan padi’…..and talking about padi I can write another three pages on Bernas alone – but this is enough for now. And so my friends I say it once again KEEP THE ANGER!


  1. Bang, make sense or not?

    What's NEP for?

    Yes! And brand new!

    Toyota Camry 2.4L for RM69,396.00 (and not RM170,000.00)

    Toyota Altis for RM46,000 (and not RM112,000.00)

    Honda Jazz for RM36,000.00 (and not RM108,000)

    Want more?

    Read the following forwarded Syed Akbar Ali.

    And know the actual prices of your dream car.

    Subject: Fwd: Car Prices In Malaysia (crazy high!)

    Car Prices In Malaysia

    Digest this article, after that, you may need to vomit. What is the Malaysian Govt doing all these while. Ripping off our Rakyat for the last 30 yrs with APs designed to benefit a few well connected Bumis, the UMNO/BN have robbed millions of citizens in this fiasco, under the pretext of protecting our local industry. The Govt have forgotten we Malays are the largest customers in the country. What is the NEP policy doing ?? Ripping off the Malays (which forms 65% of the consumer base) to benefit a few UMNO politicians !!!

    BMW 535i sells for RM178,000 in the US

    In the United States of America (a developed country which we are also
    aspiring to become by the year 2020) a 2009 model BMW 535i Sedan is
    selling for about USD50,367.00. This is only RM178,000 - about the
    price of a Toyota Camry 2.4L here in Malaysia . The same BMW sells in
    Malaysia for about RM450,000..

    BMW 328i sells for RM155,000 in the US

    The 2009 model BMW 328i 2 door Convertible sells for USD44,014 or
    RM155,369.00 in the US . In Malaysia the same car sells for over
    RM460,000. This is an untenable situation.

    Audi A4 2.0T Cabriolet Convertible sells for RM142,000 in the US

    The 2009 model Audi A4 2 Door 2.0T Cabriolet Convertible sells in the
    US for USD40,328.00 or RM142,357. In Malaysia the same car would sell
    for about RM265,000.

    VW GTI 2.0T sells for RM85,000 in the US

    In the US the 2009 model Volkswagen GTI 2.0T sells for USD 24,039 or
    RM85,000 only. In China the same car will cost around RM60,000. Over
    here the same VW car sells for about RM200,000.

    And the 2010 model Toyota Camry 2.4L sells in the US for USD 19,659.00 or RM69,396 In Malaysia the 2008 Toyota Camry 2.4L sells for
    RM170,000. Toyota Camry 2.4L, 2010 model. RM69,000 in the US

    Car prices in Malaysia are about three times higher than the prices in the United States. We are a developing nation. Our land and labour costs are so much cheaper than the US . Why are our cars so expensive? It does not make any sense. Tak masuk akal.

    Then here are some car prices from our neighbour Indonesia .
    The Toyota Altis sells in Indonesia for about RM46,000. The same car sells here for around RM 112,000. Again we are three times more expensive than Indonesia

    The Honda Jazz sells here for RM108,000.. In Indonesia the Jazz sells for RM 36,000. Three times more expensive.

    We are paying ridiculously high prices (and actually impoverishing the Malays - who are the largest buyers of cars in Malaysia) to support an out of date, out of touch with reality motor car policy.

    We are paying the highest car prices in the world to support the Proton and other locally made cars as well as support a mind boggling AP policy which only benefits a relatively few rich Malays. A disproportionately large number of Malays and other Malaysians are
    being impoverished to subsidise the wealth of a few inefficient rich.

    26 million Malaysians have to pay three times more for their cars just to support Proton and 120,000 people who are directly and indirectly involved in the motor sector in Malaysia and the AP holders. That is a ratio of 216:1.

    This ratio of 216:1 is too skewed. 26.0 million happier people can contribute many more votes than 120,000 members of an inefficient motor industry. 26 million unhappy people can change a Government. (The maths is not really difficult here)

    And this outdated policy is impoverishing the Malays more than anyone else.


  2. (con't)

    Here is some news from our DPM Tan Sri Muhyudin Yassin about our car
    policy. This is truncated:

    Muhyiddin assures govt support for automotive parts and component sector

    1. KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 - The deputy prime minister said special focus
    will be given to "facilitate and encourage" the development of the automotive parts and component sector despite the current global and regional economic downturn...

    2. "Under the CEPT and Asean Trade in Goods Agreements, Malaysia has agreed to eliminate import duties on all products in the Normal Track on January 1, 2010. This includes motor vehicles, auto parts and components," he said.

    3. He pointed out that . .. . the motor vehicle sub sector in Malaysia will not be directly impacted because of its heavy dependence on the domestic market.

    4. "The Malaysian government recognises the contribution of the
    domestic automotive industry towards the development of the country."

    Para 2 sounds promising but then Para 3 and 4 basically says that the Malaysian motor car industry will continue to be protected. This means we will continue paying the highest car prices in the world for automobiles.

    Cuba kita kira : kalau kereta Honda Jazz di jual dengan harga yang sebenarnya (lebih kurang RM36,000 saja) dan bukan pada harga sekarang
    (RM108,000) maksudnya bayaran bulanan pembeli kereta akan jadi kurang,
    mungkin sepertiga sahaja daripada bayaran bulanan sekarang.

    Jika sekarang orang bayar RM1,500 sebulan untuk beli Honda Jazz, kalau
    harga kereta lebih menepati harga pasaran dunia, orang kita perlu
    bayar sekitar RM500 saja sebulan.

    Maksudnya tanpa Kerajaan perlu membuat apa pun (merangsang ekonomi,
    belanja berpuluh billion Ringgit duit rakyat untuk stimulus dan sebagainya) setiap rakyat Malaysia yang membeli kereta yang seharga dengan Honda Jazz akan dapat menjimatkan sehingga RM1,000 sebulan daripada kos sara hidup bulanannya.

    This is like giving the car buyer an RM1000 pay rise without incurring
    any extra costs for the taxpayer, the Government or the economy. It
    will greatly reduce the cost of living in Malaysia and spur greater economic growth too.

    Tapi sekarang, yang menjadi mangsa dulu dan yang menjadi miskin dulu
    orang Melayu juga. Orang Melayu yang paling ramai sekali menjadi pembeli kereta dalam negara kita. Orang Melayu kebanyakannya makan gaji - tiap bulan dapat gaji tetap. Bila harga kereta naik gila, yang menjadi miskin di saf depan sekali adalah orang Melayu juga.

    In absolute numbers, the Malays are suffering the most because they are the most in number among the fixed income people who also buy cars.

    Some folks said the other day that Proton has 150 major component
    suppliers, dealers, distributors and about 500 other parts suppliers too. Of the 150 major component suppliers, about 15 of them are listed companies. In total they employ about 120,000 people. The Proton supply chain is a mix of bumiputras and non bumiputras. But here is a sad fact : none of them are operating at their level best efficiency.

    Our motor car policy is forcing Malaysians to subsidise Proton so that
    Proton can sustain major inefficiencies in the Malaysian economy. This is not a good thing at all.

    We have to unwind this situation. Set a target of 18 months from now to unwind all protection for our motor industry. Remove the impoverishing AP policy also in 18 months. Let Malaysian car prices reflect world market prices for the same makes of cars.

    If a BMW 535 sells for RM178,000 in America , it should sell for a little less here in Malaysia (our rentals and salaries are cheaper). Fw: Car Prices In Malaysia


  3. (con't)

    The Ministers continue making pronouncements about the car industry as though nothing has happened. I hope everyone will please wake up. The
    Government has a real chance of getting thrown out of office in about three years. The people will not accept inept answers anymore.

    The ridiculous car prices in Malaysia is an issue that is just beginning to get more attention and publicity. It is going to become a really big issue in the near future. Be forewarned.

    Posted by Syed Akbar Ali

  4. mahathir should be reading this article. The stinking SH'T should nauseate him to rue his long life.

  5. So, its all finally coming home to roost. We truly do reap what we sow.

    The urban folks, whether Malays or non Malays are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, what UMNO has really been doing all these years since Mad Hatter came to power.

    The poor kampung folk esp the Malay kampungs and the Sabahans and Sarawakians. the issue is this, how do we bring them the information???

    Coming up, a by election in an UMNO stronghold!!!! Lets see if we can win this one !!!!!

  6. Bro HH,

    Reading this really boils me up!

    Kita tunggulah GE 13!
