
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Only Isa’s name will be submitted by Teluk Kemang Umno
That headline in The Malaysian Insider this morning said it all. As I have said previously in my piece on “The Arrogance of Power” where I said:

“That all this has become the norm for UMNO frightens me. This is the arrogance of power that I am talking about. Perhaps the most outrageous example of this arrogance is their inability to understand that there are another points of view to be considered other then their own. To them any deviations from their point of view is a conspiracy to undermine their ability to hold on to power – no matter what”.

Is it not arrogant of UMNO to force upon this country another UMNO member found guilty of corruption charges related to money politics during the UMNO General Assembly Elections of 2005? This is the part that I simply cannot understand – that after fielding a disbarred lawyer at the last by-election in Permatang Pasir they are now going to field a corrupt politician convicted by their own disciplinary board!

Yes he has served his sentence!
Yes he should be given a second chance in life!
Yes everybody likes him in Negri Sembilan.
Yes if they do not field Isa Samad there will be problems in that state because the UMNO WAR LORDS of the state wants him!


Let me ask Najib this. In the things that UMNO does is morality and decency not a consideration to be looked at?

Do you not have the moral back bone to do the right thing and stand up against these UMNO Negri Sembilan War Lords and tell them:
“NO we will not have Isa Samad as our candidate for Bagan Pinang because he is corrupt. To do so will show disrespect to the UMNO Disciplinary Board and more important will show disrespect to the people in Negri Sembilan”. THIS IS THE DECISION OF THE UMNO SUPREME COUNCIL!

As PKR Teluk Kemang MP Dato Kamrul Bahrain said today: “It’s good for us if Isa is selected, it shows there is a talent shortage in Umno”.
So let us look at this again.
1.   Isa Samad is an UMNO politician convicted of corruption by UMNO’s own Disciplinary Board.
2.   If Isa is selected it confirms that the Negri Sembilan War Lords can impose its demands on the  UMNO Supreme Council.
3.   Bagan Pinang has 14,500 voters of which 4,900 are postal voters – military. Their votes are in your hands –literally! (As Hishamuddin said what he would like to do to the bloggers “Dalam Genggaman!”) Do you want to test the resolve of the others by fielding a corrupt Isa Samad?
Now if you are still not able to process the above arguments and come up with what is the right thing to do – let me spell it out for you.

Put that in your constitution because that will be the RIGHT and DECENT thing to do and begin the first step towards making UMNO relevant again to the Malays. 


  1. Dear Hussien,

    After reading Datuk Sakmongkol's take on upcoming Bagan Pinang' by-election in his write- up " UMNO Must Win Bagan Pinang" this was my comment to him:

    "Dear Datok Sakmongkol,

    I have been following your writing for quite sometime now and have high regards for your writings and views. You have always taken a higher ground on issues that may not be favourable to UMNO as long as good governance and credibility is concerned.

    Your support for Isa Samad is understandable (with regards to win at all cost) but DISAPPOINTING. This write up has revealed the UMNO in you is too entrenched to see beyond the moral stance needed here for clean, incorruptible governance that you often speak of.

    I guess one can remove you from UMNO but not the UMNO in you.

    I had thought you were made of sterner stuff."

    I was so glad you have given your comments on the same issue and have taken a moral high ground on this matter. It is great to see there still Malaysians (especially ex-UMNO) who are fighting for clean and just governance and one based on rule of law. There is still hope for Malaysia yet.


    Guat Hoon

  2. bro Hussein,

    Najib can do no good for our beloved country...least we forgot, he is one of a big time corrupter in Malaysia !!!.... RM500 Million submarine commission & C4 of a mongolian Woman !!


  3. Guat Hoon thank you for your comments but i need to put one thing right. i am not a member of UMNO and have never been except for once over 40 years ago when I asked by the then MB of Negri Sembilan (Dato Mansor if I am not mistaken) to be a member of UMNO if I want any business from the state Government. This I did for that purpose only and have never renewed that membership. Regards.

  4. Dear Hussein,

    Huh! I can see why you don't suffer the same malaise as Sakmongkol. Unlike you he still has to purge the entrenched "UMNO way" in him to write objectively all the time.

    There is hope for him yet judging by his writings, though I can't draw much of the person in him as he does not reveal his past as you do.

    You write from the heart. Thank you.

  5. To b honest, if winning is everything and the only thing that matters, I do think Isa represents UMNO's best chance.

    But lets see.

    Pakatan is in a pratically no-lost situation. Its like a Manek Urai in reverse. All we have to do is take down the majorioty and we can claim victory already.

    We dont lose any 'new' seats. We can claim rakyat is rejecting UMNO even with the reduced majority and Azman (the fella who passed away) had higher majority.

    Ie all the things UMNO enjoyed after Manek Urai, we can savour.

    We just have to avoid losing big.

    But guess what, what if they field Isa and still lose.

    That will really set the fox into the UMNO chicken coop.

    Watch the back stabbing start if UMNO, GOD willing, actually loses EVEN WITH ISA!!!!
