
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"stupid is as stupid does"

I was hoping against hope that the Barisan Government would do the right thing on the cow-head protesters. I really really hoped that they would. But then I now know that it was asking for too much. We have the Home Minister Hishammuddin, first cousin to the Prime Minister, doing the dirty work for Najib. Not only did he defended the cow-head demonstration but he justified it and pointed out that it was the demonstrators who was being victimized.  He then went on the offensive to say that it was the Selangor State Government’s fault because it refused to listen to the requests of the Section 23 residents in Shah Alam….hell he even went so far as to say that even the Hindus were not that passionate to have the temple built there. If anything you have to admire how this guy is dumb enough to think that we can be taken for a ride…again !
Does this Hishammuddin think that we are idiots? We already know that we have idiots running our country – he is just confirmed that.  A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid one that needs advice. So here is some advice for you Hishammuddin. We know that what we see mainly depends on what we look for. Try looking for the other point of view. Maybe the Hindu’s and the possible effect of not punishing the demonstrators. Think !  Are the facts that these demonstrators are inciting racial violence irrelevant to you?  Everybody is entitled to be stupid once in a while but you are abusing the privilege. I am not going to argue with this idiot. He is just going to pull me down to his level and then beat me with experience.
Oh God help Hishammuddin. He is just not that bright. It is said that we human uses only one tenth of our brain power. With him it could be much less.
Hishammuddin is an ignorant man. Ignorance is the inability to see the truth about things. To see the truth as they are. We can see that what happened in Section 23 in Shah Alam last Friday was that a group of Malays, of Muslim who after Friday Prayers wanted to make a point about not having an Indian temple built in their midst. And they did so by knowingly showing disrespect to the Hindu’s by the use of the Cow’s head. Let us cut to the chase. If the government does not want to punish those Malay demonstrators there is nothing the Police can do. Nothing we can do. Nothing, nothing nothing. Except to keep our anger for these bastards on the boil. Do what I do. One more injustice. One more nail into their coffin. One step nearer to UMNO’s demise and always keep the anger ! Keep the anger !  


  1. What hope is there left if this beloved country of ours is left to such incompetent leaders? Can it get any worse? I just can't wait for the next GE.

  2. Why the confidence?

    If our current Home Minister over such a clear cut incident can come out with justifications and reasons to protect such racists.

    If Pakatan really wins PRU 13, wouldnt this be an even bigger shock to this cowdung head we call our Home Minister.

    Whats to stop the real racists UMNO elements going on full scale riots (WITH THE FULL PROTECTION OF THE PDRM AND THE ARMY MIND YOU!!!!!).

    With this kind of mind set, these UMNO fella smay think that if the general public votes for Pakatan and against UMNO, this means the public is against Malay rights, against Malay rule, against Royalty etc etc etc.

    To this UMNO goons, they world starts and ends with UMNO, nothing else. Nothing else is justifiable or correct. ONly UMNO is correct. Dulu, kini dan selamanya.

    I mean this idiots must still think they will be ruling come PRU 13.

  3. This piece is really side-splitting...I love it!!!
