
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Umno members detention show MACC does not favour anybody: Johor MB

JOHOR BAHARU: The detention of six members of the Kota Tinggi Umno division youth wing yesterday shows that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission does not favour any party in carrying out its duty, Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said today.
This was contrary to claims by many parties, especially the opposition parties, that the commission always favoured the governing political parties, he told reporters after opening the Regency Specialist Hospital in Seri Alam, Masai. 
Abdul Ghani, who is also Johor Umno Liasion chief, said Kota Tinggi Umno division chief Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar had not briefed him on the matter. 

At this point he said, the Johor Umno left it to the commission to investigate the case. 

The six were alleged to have attempted to bribe three of the division's 18 youth committee members who quit last Sunday following a loss of confidence in the youth chief's leadership. 

It is believed that the mass resignations prompted the suspects to 'negotiate' with a former youth wing committee member to prevent an election for the wing. 

The six, aged between 30 and 40, were picked up about 2am, at the committee member's house after allegedly trying to coax him to withdraw his resignation by offering him RM40,000. -- BERNAMA

Steadyaku47 comments:
From the above NSTP report (which should be gospel given their owners and UMNO are one and the same!) a committee members is offered RM40,000 (Forty Thousand) to withdraw his resignation.

Now there are were 18 youth committee member who resigned. If they are prepared to pay RM$40,000 to one committee member NOT to resign they would be prepared to pay the same to each of the 18 committee member not to resign.

RM40,000 x 18 = $720,000.00 (Seven Hundred and Twenty Thousand Ringgit)  - and this is at division level and for the post of the Youth Chief (not Ketua Bahagian!)

That gives you an idea of what this Youth Chief is prepared to spend to keep his post. Now he also has to pay those who he has asked to do the giving for him plus other small expenses – and shazam! he would have to allocate around One million Riinggit just to keep his Ketua Pemuda position at division level.

Let us say if we are talking about the three most sought after post in the Bahagian:

·      Ketua Bahagina.
·      Ketua Pemuda
·      Ketua Wanita

At a conservative One Million Ringgit allocation to fund each of their their election – you are talking about a whole lot of  money there – RM3 million ringgit per Bahagian!

There are 26 UMNO Bahagian in Johor.

At RM3 million per Bahagian x 26 = RM78 million ringgit for the state of Johor.

God the mind boggles. Where does all the money comes from? And all this from Muhyiddin state? When you have the next Prime Minister from your home state everybody wants to take a position in the Cawnagan and Bahagian level….and of course the name of the game is money!    

Thank you MACC for giving us an insight into the workings of UMNO in the state of Johor – our Deputy Prime Minister’s state.

Now there are 14 Umno Bahagians in Pahanag. Going by Muhyiddin state means Najib has to have RM3 million x 14 =    RM42 million for the state of Pahang.

So please people spare a thought for these UMNO leaders – they need to steal a lot of our money just to keep the UMNO state machinery well oiled and running smoothly!


  1. Abracadabra!

    Magic, just magic. Umno can get money just with a flick of the fingers!!!

    Puzzled? and still in a shock?

  2. All the ikan bilis again and that also not guaranteed edible. No kick lah. I yearn for ikan jerungs lah. Oh yeah, we can't find Jerung in Malaysia because the always excuse given is the water is not deep enough to have even one. In fact, we & they all know there are many out there but these Jerungs are provided with protective camouflaging suit to make them look like blocks of coral reef. So, they are not visible and 'SAFE'.

  3. Pak HH,

    If 1MACC can only bring the Indon migrant scum ex-MB Toyo to trial for corruption and the 1AG and 1Judiciary finds him guilty on all grounds (legally, technically and morally), then we can perhaps start taking note of what this 1UMNO sycophant "vulgar open palm and fisted hand sign" Abdul Ghani is saying.

    Until such miracles happen, all these "detentions" are just pure sandiwara. 1Malaysia, Truly the World's 1Big Joke!!
