
Friday, November 13, 2009

Need to Purchase Computer - request for help.

I need to raise AUD$700  (Ringgit: $2200  - Two Thousand Two Hundred Ringgit) in order to get my own Computer and continue with steadyaku47. Currently I am sharing a computer with my son – who needs the computer for his studies at Uni SA. There have been too many problems these last few weeks that has disrupted my work on steadyaku47 and also my son use of the computer because of the constant interference from the goon squad. I would like to ask that those who do read what I write, and can afford to do so, to kindly each donate RM$10 (Ten Ringgit) via the donate button in the right hand corner of this blog – you can use your credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or use Pay Pal. I hope that there are enough of you out there to raise the money to empower this blog to stay active. Please do not use my BSN account anymore as I have now been denied access to that account.

Let us show these goons that we can pull together to keep steadyaku47 active in spite of their interference. I have done what I financially can and need your help now. Meanwhile I will keep going the best way I can. Regards.


  1. Patricia has left a new comment on your post "Need to purchase computer - request for help.":

    My link is in KL, Hussein. So, as I promised, you'll get some ringgit soon :)

  2. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Need to purchase computer - request for help.":

    HH - had chipped in.

    Folks - from the StatCounter, there are more than 3000 unique visitors to Steadyaku47 today. So, even if only 10% of us take the trouble to make a small contribution of rm10, it is already more than enough for HH's computer.

    Come on lah, let's all do our part - once and for all, to help address his immediate concern. I'm sure he's quite tired having to sing this same old song, again and again.

    PS. Too bad that my earlier contributions of rm300 is stuck in that BSN account. Damn!

  3. Hi HH,

    My paypal credit card transaction just went through.

    Order the Computer first thru credit card, the contributions will come flowing in and the amount will be more than sufficient for your computer specs purchase.

    Malaysians are a generous lot especially for a good cause.

    Keep on writing, Mate! Tell the truth and shame the Devil!

    Najib thinks he can get away with the Altantuya murder scandal.You don't need a Sherlock Holmes or CIA to piece together all the damning evidences as exposed by PA Bala to incriminate his swearing that he has never met her before....- his text message with Baginda, with Shafee Abdullah, his wife's collusion with the carpetman Deepak.

    And his previous trip to Singapore, hopefully to beg the S'pore counterparts to erase the CCTV showing him, Altantuya, and Baginda together....his fling with the singer ZZ in Port Dickson, being photographed naked with towels by Isa.....his amorous getways with his rubba Dr. JJ and many many more as exposed by RPK.

    And as for the 'First Lady', may God have mercy on her.


  4. Hi HH,

    I have just contributed some via Paypal to your account.

    I want to continue to support your work. I am not a Malaysian, but I have many Malaysian friends.

    I like your articles and please continue with your work.


  5. Hi HH,

    I have just contributed some via Paypal to your account.

    I want to continue to support your work. I am not a Malaysian, but I have many Malaysian friends.

    I like your articles and please continue with your work.


  6. Dear HH,
    It's good that you use paypal credit card service. It makes payment transaction fast and convenient. My little contribution just went through. Keep up the good work, brother. Lawan tetap lawan!

  7. HH,

    I am just curious.

    I read in one of your articles where you said that you will not return to Malaysia to vote in the next round of general election.

    Is the BN/UMNO goons after you like they did with RPK?

    Did you leave Malaysia because of them?

    If it is inconvenient to reply openly, then, I will drop you an email.


  8. Siebel I chose to live in Australia over 30 years ago but still retain my Malaysian citizenship - and have been back and forth many times. But having started this blog and what i write in it - going back to KL would not be an option i would consider to be a sensible thing to do for me unless these is regime change.

    Guys for all your help - tqs.

  9. all the best, steadyaku47.
    engkau steady, ok? don't falter. we love you.

    KerinchiGuy - paypalled my little contribution

  10. Hello Mr. Hussien.

    Best of Luck for your great work. I wish you get a computer soon. I will tell my friends about your story.
