
Thursday, July 7, 2011

An attempt at clarity....

Today Bersih front line activist...tomorrow who else will have their civil rights and liberty taken from them? The exercising of our civil rights now becomes a crime? To peacefully protest, wear yellow T shirts, carry placards, chanting and distribution of leaflets and using the Internet to find information about Bersih 2.0 is now a crime? Are these not our rights protected under the constitution? It would seems that all the Rakyat in Malaysia are potential enemies of the BN regime! You are designated a threat to national security if your actions threatens BN chances of victory at this coming 13th general elections!

Yes I know that challenging the status quo is risky business  - more so in Malaysia where this BN government makes illegal any activity it does not like.

This BN government has insists Bersih 2.0 activity is the actions of a dissident minority taking a public stand on an issue that is not of interest to the majority. Fair and open elections. That Bersih 2.0 activists and supporters are outside the mainstream. That without Bersih 2.0 the 13th general elections would have proceeded unquestioned by the people of Malaysia. This is not true! 

Najib projected a false image of potential violence by Bersih 2.0 which, to his thinking, nullifies the right of the people to protest against a need for 'law and order.' How convenient that the police uncovered petrol bombs, parangs and other 'inciminating' evidence to confirm Najib's claims of that potential violence by Bersih.....again bringing out all the usual suspects! 

There are now two dominant group within Malaysia engaged in a struggle with each other. Those for BN. Those against BN. You cannot stigmatised the group that is against BN as being a threat to national security. At most you can label our protest as civil disobedience because we cause traffic jams and inconvenience the public by gathering in large numbers. When your government indulges in corruption, money politics and abuse the trust the people gave you to govern us : When people die in PDRM's and MACC custody : for you these are just 'cause for concern'...not illegal acts?

Our protest are non violent. The violence is perpetrated by PDRM upon us.

The activities of political parties are normally non violent. A democracy is not held together by brute force. Najib do you intend to change this?

The balance of power within our country is now hanging.The struggle is between BN and Pakatan Rakyat. The struggle is not about the system but between BN and Pakatan Rakyat within the Democratic system that we now have. Do you intend to change the principles of the democratic system itself to ensure victory over Pakatan Rakyat in a desperate 'win at all cost' strategy? And do you think you can do so because you are backed, as a last resort, by PDRM and the Military? And that violence by PDRM and the Military is usually seen as legitimate - so you will use them against your own people when needed? 

Najib you are threading on quick sand if you intend to use the full power of the Federal government against activists like Bersih and ultimately Pakatan Rakyat! If you intend to use the law and Federal power backed by force to eliminate Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat because they challenge your dominance over all things political in Malaysia then we are indeed entering a disturbing era in the politics of our country.   

How can the people now protest against the abuses of your politicians while in government? You do not allow use of the normal channels of political action in a democracy - a fair electoral system, a level playing field for political parties, demonstrations by concern voters on issues they care about etc. 

So we need to take direct political action. Through Bersih for a start! These are non violent direct action that may break laws because this BN government makes illegal anything they do not like! But these are political actions that, in any democracy, will fall into the category of legitimate civil disobedience -and these are done in public because the critical mass now aligned against BN is too massive to allow this to be done covertly. Hence the need to hold the Bersih rally.    

We know that our direct political action through this Bersih rally is a threat to BN because it has the potential to undermine BN  legitimacy because the numbers that will come out in support of Bersih is large. You have tried to appeal to the fear of chaos and riots by the public to explain your attempts to stop this rally from happening. What you have done so far merely serve to reinforce the people beliefs that this is not a 'protest or demonstration' by a small minority of the public. Your use of Federal power, PDRM and the Army so far indicates a maniacal paranoia that mirrors the last days of the crumbling Roman Empire - the last days of Hosni Mubarak, of Idi Amin and so many other despotic leaders whose main concern was not the well being of their people of their country but their own political survival. 

Najib while you might have force on your side to do what you will in Malaysia, the people's need for change will be too great for you to overcome.    

'The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while'. 
Albert Einstein 

You Najib do not have the wisdom. Only the power! 

I rest my case!


  1. I rest my case too.

    But I will be there on 9th July, with or without yellow t-shirt!

  2. Nobody could have said said it better my good sir, hopefully they know what they are facing

  3. Even if they realised what they are doing is wrong,this rotten to the core umno people will not care,they will never did.....

  4. All Malaysian (except the fascist thieves) are grateful to Bersih for exposing the fascists.
