
Sunday, July 17, 2011


Dhalan Zainuddin Kisah Saorang Biduan

steadyaku47 comment....sorry bro I cannot suffer fools easily. I have posted this song by Dhalan "KISAH SAORANG BIDUAN" and these two idiots are insisting that it is about a "BANDUAN" and it is all about DSAI! Open your f#@king eyes and look! Think before you write anything because it is there for everyone to see....stupid is as stupid does! With idiots like you no wonder our country is in the s*#t it is now in.

Two words for the two of you...first letter of the first word if "F" and first letter of the second word is "O" ...and if you are stupid enough to not know what it is says "FUCK OFF!".

"Dhalan Zainuddin Kisah Saorang Biduan"

3 Comments - Show Original PostCollapse comments

AnonymousAnonymous said...
sein,kau ni nak beritahu orang dsai saorang banduan kan?dia masok sebeb orang fixed dia.kau sein belum pernah masok jail kan? jangan hina orang sein,awak nak mampus lagi
Sunday, July 17, 2011 3:15:00 PM GMT+09:30
AnonymousAnonymous said...
uncle husin,i agree with anon why are u being so mean.anwar was jailed for reasons known to the authorities.he suffered for 6 years in imprisonment and there u are playing the sad song 'saorang banduan'.i tink uncle u are a nut,an old man who is really sick both in the mind and body,may u RIP
Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:47:00 PM GMT+09:30
BloggerHussein abdul Hamid said...
WOI you stupid idiots....Dhalan is singing about a BIDUAN not a BANDUAN!Aisehman pakai otak sikit lah...I post it because I like the oldie (same as me) but a goodie ( not like me!)
Sunday, July 17, 2011 9:05:00 PM GMT+09:30


  1. HH : Terfikir jua saya mengapa cepat sangat your readers jump to the conclusion that DSAI as BANDUAN in the song, whereas it is BIDUAN. Stupid to the core.

  2. ...I did say that sticks and stones may break my bones but talk don't bother me...but whereas genius has its limits stupidity does not!

  3. Udah le tu tidor le orang tua

  4. Udah le tu tidor le orang tua
