
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Its open Warfare.....

Insider Latest
  • FLASH - Police serving orders to restrict 91 people from       entering Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.
  • FLASH - Police apply for order under Section 98 of the CPC to lock out people from Kuala Lumpur on July 9.


  1. I don't know what to say.......
    This country has gone down the
    longkang literally speaking.

    No matter what peaceful means
    employed, someone devil is
    ready out there to keep sabotaging us.

    The only question now is that when will all this end ? When ? When ?
    When ?

  2. This country have gone to the dog, I cannot go the city center and I cannot wear the T shirt I like to wear.

  3. Oi pak cik tua, balik la sini. jangan dok pandai cakap dari sana.balik la sini...... baru la anak jantan

  4. Biadab kurang ajar betul
    @ anonymous 11:05 PM

    Ko jantan ke ? Klu
    anak jantan kenapa tak guna nama
    sendiri. Buat apa sorok-sorok
    bawah nama anonymous?

    Nak perli org pun ukur baju
    di badan sendiri
