
Thursday, July 28, 2011

UMNO as it should I see it.

Najib and Mahyuddin…with the assist of Mahathir, has agreed to do a “Pak Lah” albeit with a slight twist. Najib will hand over the Prime Ministership of Malaysia to Mahyuddin after a last hurrah – taking BN to victory at the 13th GE!

The positioning of that Din guy and Mukriz is still being firmed up. Din will be rewarded for his difficult but practical decision to abandon family (read first cousin Najib here!) for the realities of UMNO factionalism and Mukriz will somehow be slotted in somewhere to give Mahathir a shot at immortality …i.e the family dynasty is perpetuated long enough to allow the old man to have some peace and quiet in his very old days. In the manner of UMNO politics, all the others are only there to make up the numbers!

This is Mahathir again doing his very best, or worse (depending on where you stand) to ensure that UMNO will go into the 13th GE with the best possible chance of holding on to power. Open warfare between shabats of Najib’s and Mahyuddin will not be something that UMNO can tahan if they are to be of any consequence to the political realities after the 13th GE. Sahabats of Pak Lah are now busily positioning themselves within factions that can provide them with immediate financial gains and long term possibilities of further financial gains once they pledge allegiance not to UMNO, but to their generous financial benefactors.

Where KJ goes is anybody’s guess. He is without the means to “negotiate” for his faithfuls to stay with him nor can he garner additional faithfuls to gravitate towards his camp….not without digging deep into his own pockets….not a wise thing to do when the opportunity to replenish those deep pockets are still being debated within UMNO’s political elites. Quite an embarrassing situation to be in for someone who was once touted to be the heir apparent to his Father-in-Law who was also then the Prime Minister. But then the time between Prime Ministers is a long time in  politics….especially so if your eggs are put in the basket of the ex Prime Minister!

What of the First Lady? Even while she was the “First Lady in Waiting” she was already a formidable bitch to be reckoned with. I think the same insufferable Rosmah will still be there when Najib leaves office. Like the Presidents of America who are called President for the rest of their life, Rosmah will insists the same “honour” to be accorded to her….i.e. Mrs Prime Minister!

So now we know that UMNO has already put their house in order in readiness of the 13th General Elections, is it not time that Pakatan Rakyat put their’s in order too? What do they have to do that has not been done yet….you ask me? Well I have given my two cents worth these last few weeks and all I have got in return is “wham bang thank  you ma'am!”….so I will be quiet just for this posting. Tomorrow is another day.    


  1. If we have enough of 'any party but BN' voters, we can still cross the bridge when we come to it.

    BN is the biggest stumbling block to any meaningful reforms. It is beyond redemption because of the 'what is there for me?' mentality.

    PR should be given a chance to prove itself. In the process, we can see clearly who (within PR) are genuinely for the nation rather than for themselves. If PR (on the whole) behaves like BN, then it should go too. But after freeing from BN's stranglehold, it will be easier to choose between two or more coalitions in future.

  2. well i see that pr will win the next erection.there will be celebrations after cereblations followed by total chaos of power struggle and infighting by the many constituent parties. it will a while to name the prime minister with the lims, the niks, the mats, the nalas all of them going for it.what's in for the ordinary citizen.....

  3. sein,what u wrote are all RUBBISH!

  4. Let have Sein as the next pm.....

  5. Sein as a pm, what a food for thought......before you knew it, he's going to run the country dry and we become like the Greeks

  6. You posting is below par....what wrong with you mate.Had enough?

  7. Very uncannny of Sein's writings. I think he asked his kid to write this post.

  8. Bro... I must agree "what's wrong with you mate?" It is an anti-climax. This story of yours I dah dengar about 2 or 3 minths ago.. Lama nya you peram sein? Dah nak busuk dah,,, Take a long rest lah brader.

  9. Sir,

    Why have you become incoherent? Take a break if you need to but please do not demote your writings to the tabloid class.

  10. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......what a boring piece.

  11. I shall not pass this away again.Good night folks

  12. I think I know where you are heading to and I am still with you

  13. sein,kau dah nak mampus ke selalu kutok dsai
