
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cakap cakap ....Ibrahim Ali

This Ibrahim Ali is a man of many ideas. The problem is that most, if not all of them,sucks. He is not as bad as what all those Chinese have made him out to be - he is much worse!  He is like a bad accident which you encounter while on the North South Highway. You tell your children not to look. You tell your wife not to look. And you tell yourself not to look but somehow you still have to take a peek at the gory and bloody mess on the road just in case you miss anything worth seeing. Now tell me what is worth seeing at a bad accident? The same with this son of Ali. I know there is nothing worth reading about him and yet when there is some story about him I cannot keep myself from sneaking a look see at what it is that they are writing about him this time around. And as always, like the Malays say "Kalau ada pokok bergoyang, tentu ada beruk"....i.e whenever there are any rantings on racial matters this Ibrahim Ali will be in the thick of it all.  

He is either crying "wolf" on the same old issues of Ketuanan Melayu or he is doing what those street hustlers do on the streets of London...using shonky cards tricks or the pea under the cup trick to try to bring attention to his most cherished cause...himself and taking advantage of the situation to make whatever gains he can for himself. 

He proclaims himself a fighter, a general (he should really be a Field Marshall)  to wage war on anything and with anything that disagrees with him. Interestingly enough he is also a peace warrior...always that "pahlawan or warrior/fighter" bit must somehow be included when he is babbling away about himself. When I imagine this son of Ali at the head of his troops urging them to fight for God knows what reason - my mind travels back to that classic Peter Sellers movie "The Mouse That Roared" 

This movie tells the tale of the tiny Duchy of Grand Fenwick, on the verge of bankruptcy, declaring war on the United States. Their logic for doing so is this : When they are defeated by the US they can also profit from the generous aid that the US bestows on its defeated enemies like Germany through the Marshall Plan at the end of World War II. Unfortunately Peter Sellers ends up defeating the US by accident! So do we now have our own Peter Sellers in this son of Ali? Not bloody likely....while this son of Ali might look comical, he is no Peter Sellers! 

At times he is in full costume complete with head gear and that Keris that he must had borrowed from Din after Din was banned from using it in UMNO assemblies. At times with a head band ala Rambo....but most  times he just looks plain stupid notwithstanding whatever it is that he had decided to dressed himself in on that day. Nothing much can really be done to jazz things up cosmetically when he did not have much to start life with! That's the way the cookies crumble for this son of Ali. 

He seems to be always doing that Clint Eastwood know always saying he is not backing down from a fight! Always willing to take on anybody on issues. KJ, Nazri Aziz, DSAI and all non Malays - especially non-Malays! All the time urging them "Go ahead, make my day" just like Dirty Harry. One of these days somebody will just about have had enough of his meowing and oblige by really "making it his day!"

For those who are in Perkasa this is my advise. If your father is a poor man it is your fate. Work hard and do better for yourself. If you leader is an idiot, then it's your stupidity. Do something about it and get out of that so called NGO. But rest assured that we the people will never underestimate the power of Perkasa - the power of stupid people in large groups -to do harm to our people and our nation.  

But when all is said and done you cannot in all honesty say that this son of Ali is a complete idiot. Some parts are still missing. He claims that he is in shape for any fight demi kepentingan bangsa, negara dan lain lain....yeah right, his rounded body is a shape! It must be frustrating being Ibrahim Ali. He thinks he knows all the answer to the problems of UMNO, BN and the Malays. Too bad that nobody is asking him! He is trying to walk with the BN government, with the Malays, with Royalty with anybody he can find - but they all want him to leave them alone!

He looks for and find enemies around every corner. And he is quick to fire away at those perceived enemies as soon as he thinks that are in range...he forgets that if the enemy is in range, so is he! The hall mark of this guy is to create chaos, panic and disorder - once that happens in our country then his work is done!  

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