
Monday, July 4, 2011

Cakap Cakap...Bersih 2.0

Some of you are inclined to label UMNO as a corrupt political organization with no redeeming features. To some of you PERKASA is a racist NGO used by that son of Ali to further his political ambitions (however laughable that would be given his preference to jump onto any bandwagon that comes his way). And then there are those amongst you who would put Barisan Nasional and all those anti-Bersih 2.0 support group in the same category as self interest groups that only have their own interest at heart and not that of the people. Whatever you might think of UMNO, Barisan Nasional and all the running dogs NGO's that support the BN government crackdown on Bersih 2.0 you must understand that to Najib there are his "SUPPORT GROUP". 

And try as I might, in all honesty, I could only find one support group that is with Bersih 2.0 all the way. It is called EVERYBODY!

Najib has been using all the guns and cannons at his disposal to tar Bersih as illegal. But all the kings horses and all the kings men could not make Bersih 2.0 illegal because that allegation simply could not overcome the fact that the people wanted Bersih 2.0 to happen. And this became a truth as the people repeated this demand again and again : in conversation with each other, in the electronic media, across the world wide web, in demonstrations, in everything yellow...and so it was no longer anything the government could label as being illegal - not when the people wants it to happen.       

We saw that the government could not deter Bersih activist from supporting a cause they fervently believed in even though the probability of it failing became increasingly possible as BN used all possible means to put pressure on them.  They would not abandon support for a cause they believe to be just!

So now on with the logistics of filling up stadiums all across this nation with those that want free and fair elections. We have a few days to do so. The decision has been made to allow Bersih 2.0 to hold their rally in Stadiums - now we ask which stadiums and in how many states? Tell us and we will fill these stadiums!


    I M WITH U

  2. the stadium people will say sorry, stadium fully booked on that day(instucted by you know who).so how?

  3. Johnnie if that happens then Najib is stupider then I thought he was!Or should that be dumber?
