
Monday, July 4, 2011

The Dead cannot Cry...reprise.

Mungunshagai Bayarjargal,Altanshagai Munkhtulga,Teoh Er Jia, Shahril Ahmad' Norsiah Mohamad.

These are some of the people that have lost loved ones under the regime of this Barisan Nasional government. Most of us have never met any of them neither do we know them and yet their lives are intertwined with ours.We share their sadness and felt their loss as if it was our own. Many others too have lost their loved ones during this regime of Barisan Nasion but what distinguishes these people from most of the others is this. Their loved ones were murdered during the reign of this Barisan Nasional government. Murdered by the very authority that should have protected them!

  • Mungunshagai Bayarjargal and Altanshagai Munkhtulga are children of Altantuya.
  • Teoh Er Jia is the son of Teoh Beng Hock born after his murder by MACC.
  • Sharil Ahmad is the son of Ahmad Sarbani - murdered while under MACC custody.
  • And Norsiah had her son Aminulrasyid gunned down by PDRM in a hail of bullets.

There are many others. When anyone is murdered while under the custody of PDRM or MACC it is not only that one individual that dies. Many other dies with them - if not a physical death then a living death. The same for those incarcerated under the ISA. Wives are left without their husband and children without their father. Parents without their children.

Where this BN government have not caused the death of those that they deem to be a threat to national security (or more exact to the survival of this BN government) they harass, physically and mentally hurt or humiliate. And again those harassed physically and mentally and humiliated are not the only human beings that are hurt by BN....their families too suffers. We are too familiar with the sufferings of mothers who are left to take care of their children when their husbands are incarcerated under the ISA. And worse of all for them is the madness of not knowing what will happen to their loved ones - how long before they see them again and what their loved ones are going through in the clutches of the Special Branch and alone within the four walls that imprisoned them.

And still, for now, the people endure this BN government  - though now they do not endure them silently anymore. When a Tiger lies down do not say that it is giving you respect! It is time that this BN government understands that it is the people that is the Tiger that has been lying down! This Bersih rally is nothing more then a manifestation of a people that has endured too much sufferings for too long. Too much humiliation from arrogant Ministers that turun padang not to listen to what the people has to say but to announce to the people what THEY have decided to do to ensure "keselamatan negara!" These same arrogant Ministers lie to us time and time again. And while they fiddle away Malaysia burns!

Just as it was in the 12th general election there are moments in Malaysia's history that defines the path the people will take in the lead up to that election. The first Bersih rally was just one of those moments. This BN government does not want that moment repeated with this Bersih 2.0 rally - hence their desperate endeavours to stop this Bersih 2.0 rally from taking place! Truly an exercise in futility when a nation has been awakened to its abuse by a corrupt BN government!

Maybe they can stop this Bersih 2.0 rally with their large armies and deep pockets that enables them to move mercenary forces like Perkasa and Pemuda UMNO to fight their fight for them. But they do not understand that "The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations". (David Friedman)....and do not forget that Malaysia is not a large nation!

What government will do this to their own people? Why do they do it? They might win this battle against Bersih 2.0 but the war that will come with the 13th general election will surely be lost by them. What does this government expect to gain by these acts that will surely harden the rage and anger within our people who are saying ENOUGH! Or is this government beyond caring? Beyond having any compassion for the people they govern?

We are all becoming numb at the audacity of our government to label any dissent within our country as a threat to national security. We watched with morbid fascination at the manipulation and outright abuse of government ministries and executive powers in the hands of these politicians. What they can use to their advantage becomes an act "demi kepentingan bangsa, negara, ugama and King". This government proclaims at will the legality and the illegality of any act, organization or deed as they deem fit without concern for the Constitution of our country. Without due regard to the rule of law or common sense. The right and wrong of anything in this country is determined by the whims and fancies of these BN politicians without regard to anything else bar the political survival of BN. What is to become of our country now?

I will tell you what is to become of our country! If we do not stand and fight this BN government for what is our right to have a responsible and accountable government to rule us then our country will continue with its descend into the abyss that BN is already heading into. If we do not say enough to the corruption and abuse perpetrated by this BN government then our country will become as corrupted and as abusive as the UMNO and BN politicians that take what they want and more of our country's wealth and resources for their own use. If we do not do all these things now then we might as well lie down now and let these UMNO/BN politicians come into our house, eat our food and rape our wives and daughters. And then we will have to tell Mungunshagai Bayarjargal,Altanshagai Munkhtulga,Teoh Er Jia. Shahril Ahmad,Norsiah Mohamad and many others that we have failed them!    

You are one. With me we are two. It is time we all come together to rid our self of this abusive  BN government and make ready for our children a future of hope and a Malaysia for all that wants to call it their home! 

1 comment:

  1. so sad, so sad. what can we say. but please write about our AG to. (the most powerful man in the country).
