
Thursday, October 13, 2011

cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power

Mahathir: Malays will lose power in 10 years if they don't unite

(The Star) - BANGI: Malays will lose their power in the country in the next 10 years if they do not unite now, said former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He said if the community were to split into different factions, they would become minority groups in the country.
"The minority cannot rule the country in a democratic framework, under which the majority rules," said Dr Mahathir, urging the Malay community to be united based on their Islamic faith.

 steadyaku47 comment:

How small a man this Mahathir is to think that losing power will cause us Malays to be irrelevant in Malaysia. 53 years of the Malays holding power in Malaysia has brought what to the Malays? UMNO? Mahathir? Money Politics? Corruption? Arrogance? Or all of the above?

If what I see before me of what UMNO and its Malay leaders have become is what power does then I say all that power does is to attract the corruptible, the arrogant and the dregs of human society.

It brings out the worst in human beings. Let me look for other things of value in life other then power. Things that would allow me to respect and live with other human beings rather then to live off them!

To this Mahathir he wants the power he gets from the electorates to rule the country. It is all about HIM ruling the country – never about what is good for the people.

What has Mahathir done with the power he held for over 23 years? He has abuse it and he has relished the use of power over his own people. Ops Lallang, Memali, the ISA, the sacking of his Deputies, abuse of executive privilege for financial gain for his family and cronies…all using power without wisdom. Only as a means of achieving HIS ends…and he seems to derive pleasure out of abusing the power he had in his hands. Terrorizing his own people with the ISA!

Abraham Lincoln.

Mahathir abused power in and out of office. If only he had used his power for good rather then for evil!


steadyaku47 comment: 
Within a few minutes of posting the above article I got the following comment...anybody care to comment on this comment? ...these goons start work early and are always on their least they are earning their money!

steadyaku47] New comment on cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power.

Wednesday, 12 October, 2011 5:44 PM
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

That is called taking charge for 23years unlike some of the current leaders with no backbone and do not know what to do when have power.
Beside the weaknesses he has...look at his strength and he is still the greatest leader Malaysia has ever had.
Have you been a leader Sein.... 

Posted by Anonymous to 
steadyaku47 at Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:14:00 AM GMT+10:30

Pak Udin has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

Pak Hussein,

This is nothing new about the creature called Mahadey. Just go to his blog-site che-det, a lot of whorshippers think he is the 'Dewa turun dari Kayangan', who can do no mistake, maqsoom to boot. Even worse, some still think he is still the Prime Minister of Malaysia.Some even quote his speech/talk the same level as hadith Nabi, Nau'zubillah ! This is easily recognizeable, they called him Ayahanda Tun Tersayang, Yg Berbahagia Ayahanda Tun, this trademark thing make me want to throw up.

To mahadey bootlickers, he is NOT THE GREATEST LEADER ! he was the manipulative & fork-tongue leader who think of himself above country or Malays. Being the leader of 23 years does not make him any Saint. Look what happened he had done to Kelantan on oil/gas royalty & project when Kelantanese is 98% Malays. Defending Malays my foot.

To Mahadey bootlickers, if you could not understand this, maybe your brain is smaller than your testicles, so you can start thinking through your ass. Live with that.

Ennuff said

Pak Udin

Ex-JKKK UMNO Batu Paha

[steadyaku47] New comment on cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power.

Wednesday, 12 October, 2011 8:36 PM

shuk has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

I see Mahathir as one person who has both positive and negative sides,no holed barred kind of person....his obvious strenght is his commanding power over his audience,the audience seem to be attentive to what he says and they are willing to stay and listen.....his ideas are as we all knows up to the audience to interprete,some are against and some are for...but despite all that,the greatest legacy he left behind is the corrupt culture that we Malaysian seem to comfortably adopt into our its either love him or loathe him. 

Posted by shuk to steadyaku47 at Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:06:00 PM GMT+10:30


  1. That is called taking charge for 23years unlike some of the current leaders with no backbone and do not know what to do when have power.
    Beside the weaknesses he has...look at his strength and he is still the greatest leader Malaysia has ever had.
    Have you been a leader Sein....

  2. everybody, come to papa defence......

  3. Pak Hussein,

    This is nothing new about the creature called Mahadey. Just go to his blog-site che-det, a lot of whorshippers think he is the 'Dewa turun dari Kayangan', who can do no mistake, maqsoom to boot. Even worse, some still think he is still the Prime Minister of Malaysia.Some even quote his speech/talk the same level as hadith Nabi, Nau'zubillah ! This is easily recognizeable, they called him Ayahanda Tun Tersayang, Yg Berbahagia Ayahanda Tun, this trademark thing make me want to throw up.

    To mahadey bootlickers, he is NOT THE GREATEST LEADER ! he was the manipulative & fork-tongue leader who think of himself above country or Malays. Being the leader of 23 years does not make him any Saint. Look what happened he had done to Kelantan on oil/gas royalty & project when Kelantanese is 98% Malays. Defending Malays my foot.

    To Mahadey bootlickers, if you could not understand this, maybe your brain is smaller than your testicles, so you can start thinking through your ass. Live with that.

    Ennuff said

    Pak Udin

    Ex-JKKK UMNO Batu Pahat

  4. The man is asking you Sein. Have you been a leader in your life. What would you do if you,ve been in his shoes for 23 years....

  5. That says it.what can you expect get out of an ex-JKKK Uuuuuuomno Batu Pahat

  6. You got all the time in the world to answer the man Tok Sein

  7. I see Mahathir as one person who has both positive and negative sides,no holed barred kind of person....his obvious strenght is his commanding power over his audience,the audience seem to be attentive to what he says and they are willing to stay and listen.....his ideas are as we all knows up to the audience to interprete,some are against and some are for...but despite all that,the greatest legacy he left behind is the corrupt culture that we Malaysian seem to comfortably adopt into our its either love him or loathe him.

  8. mahathir mahader mahadey mahadi the coming imam?

  9. What this mamakkutty saying is that UMNO will completely lose power in 10 years!

  10. why is this guy sowing seed of discord? why must it always be about malay and losing power? I hope malaysian will wise up and not fall for this trick. Malay will never lose power in Malaysia. Actually what he should say was Umno might lose power. Even with a change of government I believe the PM will still be a Malay and all key ministers will still be Malays. So what he says is just rubbish!

  11. If not for Dr. M, we, and I mean all of us Malaysians will still be swinging up in the trees. Call him what you will, but it comes down to the fact that he took us from the stone age into industrialization and modernization. You can say that Proton, Putrajaya, twin towers, Besi berani, etc are grandiose projects and crony schemes but without his ability to organize these ventures, us Malays will still be selling nasi lemak and goreng pisang, the indians kacang putih and the chinaman still running the economy. So, quit moaning and do something positive.

  12. Weren't you the corrupt one in that era who fail to make it and turn sour grape..... Sein

  13. The man is still waiting for your enswer uncle Sein

  14. In other words, since he has asked everyone to unite in their Islamic faith, he's endorsing PAS!
    Because there's nothing Islamic about UMNO!

  15. Mahathir wants the Malays to unite so that UMNO (including his sons) and their cronies in BN can continue robbing the nation.

    It has been drummed into the Malay minds by UMNO for over half a century, that the Malays are weak.

    And weak minds need to perceive that they have strong leaders to protect their interests. This is where UMNO's illusion has succeeded in colonizing the Malay minds.

    So, it is nothing strange that many Malays worship Mahathir and UMNO.

  16. Sir,

    Mamak put the Malay genie inside a little bottle. Once a while, he lets in some fresh air so that the Malays can breathe a little (or else they would suffocate and die) and for that the Malays always think that the mamak is like divine stuff, their saviour.

    Sir, you are probably one of the few that managed to get out of the bottle. The rest and their future generations are still inside that stinking bottle.

  17. I wish I can live long enough to see UMNO BARU and BN erased from history... the 'dark age' that starts when the mamak came into power...


  18. Locally, Mkini and the good Law prof Aziz Bari (uia) have had police reports made on them by PKR turncoat Ezam, the number of registered voters has shocked the GOM into reporting only 2009 and 2010 figures, Malaysia Today has been inaccessible for the last 7 hours

    Overseas, the Indian Supreme Court is courting kuthy's indian cronies, Indonesia is coming down hard on the Borneo boundary theft issue, the Bangladeshi PM is watching intently as bus loads of her nationals are bused to Putrajaya for instant Mykads, Australia is breathing down Taib over Ta Ann, France is meticulously preparing the Scorpene trial.

    The pot is boiling over and kuthy's papa fascade is cracking.

  19. I forgot to add that the Sultan of Brunei wants immediate implementation of full syariah laws (with hudud). While it is ironic for him to demand this, it does make you wonder why now.

  20. To those who blindly adore and worship the Man from Kerala, Mahathir, I reproduce here an article of facts from Warong Pak Yeh:
    Maruah Melayu di hancuri UMNO

    Secebis komen dari seorang bukan Melayu, yang saya dapati di Malaysia Today, sangat2 memalukan bangsa Melayu.!!!

    written by Samanyan, October 12, 2011 23:18:39

    The Malays are constantly lectured about 'Maruah Bangsa, Agama dan Negara'. But, the reality of events happening around them tells a totally different story. Malaysia's national debt is RM 456 billion, we are told. Whereas the tiny Chinese Dot called Singapore has a national surplus of nearly RM. 600 billion.

    Orang2 Melayu sentiasa di syarahkan dengan "Maruah Bangsa,Agama dan Negara". Tetapi haqikatnya "Maruah Bangsa,Agama dan Negara" orang2 Melayu telah hancur. Ini kerana hutang Malaysia adalah RM456 billion, sedangkan Negara setitik berna Singapore empunyai sipanan berlebeh/surplus sebanyak RM600 billion.

    1) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO telah hancurkan maruah bangsa Melayu.???

    2) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu, jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO, telah hancurkan ekonomi hegara.???

    3) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu, jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa mereka telah di miskinkan sebanyak 150%, apabila ringgit jatuh nilai berbanding dengan duit Singapore yang dulunya saa nilai.???

    4) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO telah hancurkan maruah bangsa Melayu.???

    5) Kenapa Malaysia yang kaya dengan minyak,balak,ladang dan pekerja boleh kalah 150% dengan Singapore yang tiada apa2 pun hasil negara, terasuk ayer.???

    6) Kenapakah pemimpin2 UMNO begitu bodoh, berbanding dengan pemimpin2 Singapore.???

    Melayu perlu mencari jalan keluar dari perangkap maut yang mereka telah menciptanya sendiri.!!!
    Jangan tidor lagi wahai Melayu.!!!
    Sebelum bangsa Melayu jadi macam bangsa "American Red Indian", dan "Australian Aborogines", mari kita REVOLUSI.!!!
    Posted by pak yeh at 7:54 AM

    And I wish to add that Hitler was also had strength as do Robert Mugabe! And both these tin pots also have admirers. Hey, even Satan has admirers and worshippers.

  21. A person is what his Creator says about him, regardless of what other people say. This is what Allah says about people like Mahathir:

    "And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever, they indeed are the Fasiqun (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allah)".(Al Quran 24:4)

    This also applies to people who accuse others of homosexuality.

    So, let us not waste our time with Mahathir and the likes.


    ALL OF US!
