
Friday, October 14, 2011

Just another Friday in Malaysia....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

Locally, Mkini and the good Law prof Aziz Bari (uia) have had police reports made on them by PKR turncoat Ezam, the number of registered voters has shocked the GOM into reporting only 2009 and 2010 figures, Malaysia Today has been inaccessible for the last 7 hours 

Overseas, the Indian Supreme Court is courting kuthy's indian cronies, Indonesia is coming down hard on the Borneo boundary theft issue, the Bangladeshi PM is watching intently as bus loads of her nationals are bused to Putrajaya for instant Mykads, Australia is breathing down Taib over Ta Ann, France is meticulously preparing the Scorpene trial.

The pot is boiling over and kuthy's papa fascade is cracking. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

I forgot to add that the Sultan of Brunei wants immediate implementation of full syariah laws (with hudud). While it is ironic for him to demand this, it does make you wonder why now. 


  1. Thankfully MT is back online. I hope it was a glitch and nothing else.

  2. my ring my ring where's my ring? after chopping off both hands, big mama was concerned about the ring.
