
Friday, October 14, 2011

Letchumi Muthu has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...Mahathir and Power": 

To those who blindly adore and worship the Man from Kerala, Mahathir, I reproduce here an article of facts from Warong Pak Yeh:
Maruah Melayu di hancuri UMNO

Secebis komen dari seorang bukan Melayu, yang saya dapati di Malaysia Today, sangat2 memalukan bangsa Melayu.!!!

written by Samanyan, October 12, 2011 23:18:39 

The Malays are constantly lectured about 'Maruah Bangsa, Agama dan Negara'. But, the reality of events happening around them tells a totally different story. Malaysia's national debt is RM 456 billion, we are told. Whereas the tiny Chinese Dot called Singapore has a national surplus of nearly RM. 600 billion. 

Orang2 Melayu sentiasa di syarahkan dengan "Maruah Bangsa,Agama dan Negara". Tetapi haqikatnya "Maruah Bangsa,Agama dan Negara" orang2 Melayu telah hancur. Ini kerana hutang Malaysia adalah RM456 billion, sedangkan Negara setitik berna Singapore empunyai sipanan berlebeh/surplus sebanyak RM600 billion.

1) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO telah hancurkan maruah bangsa Melayu.???

2) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu, jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO, telah hancurkan ekonomi hegara.???

3) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu, jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa mereka telah di miskinkan sebanyak 150%, apabila ringgit jatuh nilai berbanding dengan duit Singapore yang dulunya saa nilai.???

4) Di mana letaknya otak orang2 Melayu jika mereka maseh tidak sedar bahawa UMNO telah hancurkan maruah bangsa Melayu.???

5) Kenapa Malaysia yang kaya dengan minyak,balak,ladang dan pekerja boleh kalah 150% dengan Singapore yang tiada apa2 pun hasil negara, terasuk ayer.???

6) Kenapakah pemimpin2 UMNO begitu bodoh, berbanding dengan pemimpin2 Singapore.???

Melayu perlu mencari jalan keluar dari perangkap maut yang mereka telah menciptanya sendiri.!!!
Jangan tidor lagi wahai Melayu.!!!
Sebelum bangsa Melayu jadi macam bangsa "American Red Indian", dan "Australian Aborogines", mari kita REVOLUSI.!!!
Posted by pak yeh at 7:54 AM 

And I wish to add that Hitler was also had strength as do Robert Mugabe! And both these tin pots also have admirers. Hey, even Satan has admirers and worshippers. 

Posted by Letchumi Muthu to steadyaku47 at Friday, October 14, 2011 10:55:00 AM GMT+10:30


  1. Just read about the rantings of a Kutty supporter in another blog.
    These people sound like their "otak tak center" lah.
    So obvious Mamak Kutty was intelligent enough to use and abuse the "Malay" mentality to his own and family's advantage.

  2. What! Malaysia Today is not accessible!

  3. On your article:

    6) Kenapakah pemimpin2 UMNO begitu bodoh, berbanding dengan pemimpin2 Singapore.???

    Pemimpin2 UMNO are not bodoh. They are so clever, they use the power they have to divert the country's money into their pocket/bank account.

    They are so clever, they know how to scheme and cover to pilfer the country's coffer.

    ThE BODOH ones are the UMNO/BN Malaysians! Makan taik punya orang!!!

  4. UMNO is the mother of all Plunderer.. and the Melayu blindly support it without realizing their narrow mindedness is use advantagesly by their own representative. Why is this so?.. EDUCATION... UMNO since Mahathir has systematically destroyed it by staffing the education sustem with low grade personel and unqualified teachers.
