
Friday, February 10, 2012

Anwar & Azmin is the problem not the solution for PKR!

From his time in Abim until today DSAI has lived his life adjusting to circumstances of his own making because of choices he has made with his life. And these choices had one common denominator – one vested interest – HIMSELF – he left ABIM because he wanted to change UMNO from within (so he says!). He does not want to go against Ghaffar Baba but then they wanted him to be DPM (so he says!). He wants to be defecto leader of PKR. He wants Azmin as his deputy. He wants to be leader of the Opposition. And now he wants to be Prime Minister? It has always been about Anwar Ibrahim and not about anybody else!

There are many of us who know Anwar for what he is and we think that PM material he is not! You cannot live a lie in the world that we now live in without that lie being uncovered sooner or later. If America can find Saddam Hussein and Osama ben Ladin, if Gadaffi can be ousted and then killed, If PKR can dig so much dirt on NFC, if the President of MCA can unwittingly find himself on camera at his most vulnerable moment - how soon do you think before everyone knows the truth about Anwar? And what is the truth about Anwar?

For Malaysian who can reason what is right and what is wrong many have already form their own conclusion of DSAI. I wager that many will question the sanity of allowing DSAI to be Prime Minister of our nation and many will stand in his way if he insists.

To be accused of sodomy the first time can be excused as being the act of a deranged Mahathir who had patiently waited 16 years to use the sodomy charge against Anwar – a charge Mahathir knew Anwar was guilty of BEFORE he took Anwar into UMNO as confirmed by the Special Branch assessment Mahathir requested of Anwar.

To be charged a second time for sodomy is stupidity to the extreme and smacks of a recklessness that should send red flags over Anwar’s competency to be in control of himself when left to his own devices!

We know the circumstances of sodomy two.

At best DSAI made an error of judgement for putting himself in a situation that allowed Saiful to take his case to the Judiciary  - at worst the act of a man who has not learnt his lesson from sodomy one. Either way you work out for yourself if this is, or is not, the act of someone with his brains caught in his zipper!

For those of you that are upset that I chose again to talk about these matters try to understand this: We are agreed that it is anybody’s right to do what he or she wants to do in the privacy of their bedroom with any sexual partner or partners he or she chooses to do it with. But Anwar is not anybody! He wants to be Prime Minister of a Malaysia that has Islam as its official religion and he says he is a Muslim.

Islam does not allow sodomy. No ifs no buts… so can you work out in your head why sodomy and Islam is not compatible? Now do you understand why this sodomy accusation is such a big deal? It is not a question about choices one makes in life – it is a question of ethics, adherence to your religious edicts and decorum in the country you live in. If you insist on indulging in sodomy go live elsewhere where it is legal to do so!  

Okay….so DSAI has not been convicted of sodomy! Right! Mahathir, Najib, Pak Lah, Muhyiddin and the whole bloody gang at UMNO have never been convicted of corruption or money politics – except for that ex MB of Negri Sembilan who is now head of Felda!  Does that mean they are not corrupt?

Rahim Thamby Chik has never been convicted of raping an underage Malay School girl while he was Chief Minister of Malacca – does that mean he is not a paedophile?

So please grow up and stop ignoring the elephant in the room! You will have to use your own common sense to dot the i’s and pangkah the t’ and after you do that maybe you will get that “EUREKA” moment about Anwar Ibrahim.       

DSAI has cried ‘WOLF’ too many times. I suggest you all wake yourself from the slumber you are in and with clarity of mind and purpose, ask yourself if this guy deserves the accolades, the respect and the reverence that so many of you still gives him.

Let us look at some of the things that have transpired in PKR and Selangor.

Anwar and Azmin diligently conspired and colluded with others within PKR to determine the results of PKR’s party elections – a party election that UMNO itself would have been proud to host! The cost to PKR is credibility lost as it continues its downward slide towards the abyss of political gains to pander to the self-interest of Anwar and Azmin. 

Anwar and Azmin has personally profited and diverted business opportunities within Selangor to profit not the people of Selangor but themselves and their cronies. Anwar and Azmin are the chief culprit of this deception. Go read what Petra has to say on this. I know this happens but Petra has the evidence.

Khalid as MB should have known about this deception. If he knew and kept quiet he is guilty of collusion. If he did not know then he is guilty of gross negligence! We will wait for Khalid’s version of how he intends to play this out but anyway you look at it we begin to understand why UMNO thinks that Selangor is there for the taking!   

Anwar and Azmin is as classic a combination as Sharizat and her husband are in the NFC debacle. Sharizat the wife claims that she does not know what her husband is doing. Believe Sharizat and you will believe what Anwar and Azmin (who are NOT husband and wife!) has to say about corruption in the Selangor State government.

Do not tell me that Anwar as the Economic Czar of Selangor does not know what Azmin, who is PKR’s head honcho in Selangor, is doing under his watch?

Now you know why these two need each other in PKR and in Selangor. Azmin and Anwar and Anwar and Azmin! Together they watch each other’s back and hopefully do nothing else with their back or to their back!

Since DSAI’s triumph at the 12th general election we are again privy to witness how he does things.

As with ABIM, and then UMNO, and then the Reformasi movement, then PKR, Pakatan Rakyat and now Selangor – DSAI always begins well.

But soon he begins to corrupt these organizations by installing his own questionable values and the declines starts! Oh what a tangled web he weaves once he sets out to deceive.

Pakatan Rakyat has not gone from strength to strength since the 12th general election under the leadership of Anwar. DAP has and PAS has but not Pakatan Rakyat.

From his ill fated announcement of the takeover of the Federal Government, his taking of refuge in the Turkish embassy, the ill advised Anwar led exposure by Bala of the Altanatuya murder, the loss of Perak, the Carcosa Tapes – all these incidents have embarrass Pakatan Rakyat and us.

We have all been embarrassed not only by the spectacle of DSAI being on trial for sodomy two but also all of the above!

But Pakatan Rakyat has DAP and Pas – Kit Siang and Hadi – it will survive.

PKR only has Anwar for now! How soon, like everything that Anwar has been involved in – how soon before PKR bites the dust? This exposure by Petra of PKR’s  Selangor is a case in point. In as long as Anwar can keep the lid on things, PKR will lurch from one potential disaster to another. The last potential disaster was his sodomy trial….and now Selangor.

And after allegations of corruption by PKR in Selangor what?

Maybe after Selangor there may be nothing left in PKR that is worth saving! 

While there is still this tolerance towards you by many because of what you have done to put together Pakatan Rakat you must also understand that this affection for you is not open ended.

You are not the warrior we had hoped you will be to fight our fight against UMNO.

You are no longer the person that has been relentlessly persecuted by the powers that be because we now know that you, and you alone, is the architect of your own political demise.

And all you have left to ruin is PKR.   

Let us now watch what Anwar will do. Will he do to PKR what he has done to his political future? A future that was once was so bright but now forever taken from his sight! 

I hope Anwar will see the writing on the wall that says “ENOUGH”. Anwar and Azmin are the problem not the solution to PKR’s current malaise.

Nurrul Izzah is the solution.

Ignore these equations to your peril Anwar and if you do…tiada maaf bagi mu!

Not from Azizah, Nurrul or your family. Not from those that still believe that PKR can still be relevant. Not from Pakatan Rakyat and certainly not from the people who will chose their government at the next general election.


  1. No, you are wrong. Because you were pro Anwar, you can easily be anti Anwar. I am 60 years old, have watched him from far and near, never pro nor against, saw some of his missteps, saw some of his contributions - to me, him moving from one phase to another was natural, as natural as one changes from a child, to a teen, to an adult. But never far from his `evolution' was his desire to help the people. All the other things are embellishments by other people who were for or against him. Two things about him stick in people's throats so much so his `perjuangan' become a `pursuit of power' or`self-promotion' - his `sexual antics' and `Azmin'. Can anyone in his right mind believe that he sodomised Azizan or Sukma or Saiful or Munawer? Didnt they hear how Munawer confessed abt being tortured to say he did it? Didnt they hear Sukma confess how he was tortured to `admit' it. And the Datuk T tape? Have you analysed it, like I have? Have you watched it a hundred times like I have? IT IS NOT HIM.

    Anwar and Azmin. Azmin has him by the balls because of Shamsidar or because of other secrets only the two of them know? You mean, Azmin is a cuckold, willing to let Anwar
    lust after his wife as long as he gets special treatment by Anwar? How many years has it been? You mean a husband can tahan seeing the boss and the wife exchange secret glances for years and years? He would have poisoned Anwar by now. Dont you think Azmin can get even more preferential treatment if he leaves Anwar and join UMNO. After all, BN is still slotted to win the next elections, so he actually has a better future with UMNO. Please think logically. If he were only to think of himself, there are many ways he can avoid going to jail for 6 years.

  2. RPK! WTF and bullshitttttt.....
    PKFZ, NFC, FELDA and many more an so what rubbish!

  3. You may write till doomsday about Anwar & Azmin but is there any way we can vote for ABU without voting for Anwar & Azmin, Pak? So what are you suggesting now? We don't give our vote to PR until Nurul Izzah is the right choice for ABU? How long will it be? 3 or 4 more PRU?

  4. HH - Chill. Narrul's time will come. Selangor has 2 billion started with 400Mil did not get there through corruption. For sure the kitty will be emptied out quickly if the other side get their fingers in it.
    Can't imagine how they can dream of using EPF cash for Govt welfare - political sucide. Then to top it 10% deduction for iCare!! What's worse than suicide??? SULA !!! For want of a nail the kingdom is lost. Anwar is that nail.

  5. Sounds very much like RPK. this blogger can easily be influenced.

    Would DAP, PAS & PKR stick together under PR banner without Anwar? PR is not ready to live without Anwar at this juncture for as long as you have people like karpal singh (who is always confuse whether he is a politician or a lawyer), that stupid PAS youth head whose name is not worth remembering, azmin ali, etc. around.

    i guess people like you & rpk are the problem - looking for a perfect world & yet claiming to be a realist.

  6. HH, you intend to take down the ABU logo on your sidebar? Let's take Putrajaya first, and if the cat or cats have to be skinned, WE WILL DO IT...after ABU it will be ABC....anything but corruption.

  7. Dear author,

    You wrote that, "Islam does not allow sodomy. No ifs no buts… so can you work out in your head why sodomy and Islam is not compatible? Now do you understand why this sodomy accusation is such a big deal? It is not a question about choices one makes in life – it is a question of ethics, adherence to your religious edicts and decorum in the country you live in. If you insist on indulging in sodomy go live elsewhere where it is legal to do so! "

    I suppose Islam tolerate corruption? Like what RPK wrote again and again, 95% of of govt servant are Muslim and our govt is famous for corruption.

  8. Lately u seemed to be bent on condemning Anwar!
    There has been so much of incessant attacks on him,over such a along time, which has been totally unfair. A lesser man would not have been able to survive it!
    You can make your comments from afar...and be idiotic sometimes.
    Come back to Malaysian grounds and fight the fight!
    I was apolitical until 1998! Even now I m not involved in any political party! PAKATAN is the best that we have, for now. We will have to grow and make and contribute to changes in PAKATAN if they are allowed to come to power. BTW, know that ANWAR has been, and IS the cementing force of pakatan!
    So, stop condeming PAKATAN, HELP get BN out....and make some real difference in your sunset years, being an armchair critic and basking in the OZ breeze!

  9. Haha Sein,

    There you are again, throwing tantrum at Anwar for the umpteen times. Many of your commentators including me had also tried again and again to explain/rationalise that this is a game plan that the other side deploys to demonise Anwar in this war between BN and PR. I suppose nothing will change that. You with your views and we with our views.

    But don't go telling us to "grow up and stop ignoring the elephant in the room" or asking us "to use your own common sense" as if we are not able to analyse and think for ourselves on the events that had taken place. Its an insult to intelligence.

    Nevertheless, let me try to be with you this time. Anwar is guilty of sodomy, Anwar cried wolf too many times, Anwar live a lie in the world that we now live in, Anwar made an error of judgement for putting himself in a situation that allowed Saiful to take his case to the Judiciary and so on and so forth. This makes Anwar the cleverest and most deceitful person who is able to con PR supporters/symphatisers. In other words, PR supporters and especially PAS/DAP leaders are plain stupid to be deceived by Anwar.

    Yes we should abandon Anwar and support Nurul to lead PKR/PR. As FMZam said that might take 3 or 4 more PRUs, and that is if Nurul could withstand God knows what attacks will be laid down by UMNO/BN against her.

  10. I'm very displeased by Malaysia Constitution's sarcasm that Islam is not against corruption just because, Muslims, making up about 95% of the public service, are corrupt. Islam is so much against corruption that the holy Prophet says, "giver and taker of bribe will go to hell" and the definition of corruption in Islam is more strict than that prescribed by our anti graft law. Sadly this hadis is very seldom highlighted. When people are fed with food from haram sources, the flesh formed from the food will have negative effect on those people spiritually. They become rotten and this rottenness pervades as corruption spread.

    Going by that saying of the Prophet, by analogy, a very severe punishment can be prescribed for corruption. But if severe punishment is meted out in the name of Islam you can expect the biggest of uproar even though they claim to be so much against corruption. Talking about religious prejudice!

    Is Malaysia Constitution saying that if non-Muslims form the majority of the public servants they won't be corrupt? Get lost........and go to hell! They will be as corrupt if not more. Go check with MACC about corruption in the private sector, the majority of whom are non-Muslims, you will know the truth. Please don't relate corruption with any religion because none condones it, more so Islam.

    Corruption in Malaysia is a culture created by the political leaders in the government, both Muslims and non-Muslims, nurtured to pervasiveness by that "dajjal" Mahathir. Now it is so deeply entrenched in the society that only a few escape its clutches. Even the previously impervious succumb to it and it will take a few generation to just minimize it...Now, even the threat of hell fire will not scare the habitually corrupt Muslims because their hearts are already dead!

    So Malaysia your words!!!!

  11. I think Uncle Hussien is right. Lets not replace them devils in BN with another new set of devils in PR, namely PKR.

    Lets do it right once and for all. We need to put a better man as PM and fill them cabinet posts with men/women of integrity. NO MORE CARI MAKAN TYPES.

    And in PR, there are many capable leaders which are not tainted.

  12. Just to add to what bullmastiffs said......corruption is one of the legacy left by the well loved mahataik.....just don't we all forget is not so rampant before him but now like bullmastiffs said very few seem to escape it's for Anwar and Azmin,what can we expect from someone whose culture is deeply rooted from an earlier umno days.....if not deceit and lies and more lies.

  13. Hi Hussein,
    There you go again trying to, as a Chinese proverb says, "squeeze oneself into a bullhorn" where you will finally get trapped in that little end-tip of the horn, screwing yourself for being an arrogant stupidity. Please don't put yourself in the same contemptuous category as the self-thought smart asshole RPK. I fully support FMZam, Zorro and Pok Li for their comments.

  14. All these so-called ABU supporters and the die hard fans of Anwar. These people have only tunnel vision.

    Do we really want to replace a robber with a thief?

    Do we really want a weak leader to lead us? Zulkifli Noordin has been walking over Anwar, and should have been sacked a few months earlier.

    Do we really want a leader who can't even provide fair elections for his own political party?

    Do we really a PM who is being held to ransom by his deputy, AZMI, to keep his secrets hidden, and whose deputy hase been alleged to be involved in corruption but have seen fit not to defend his character?

    Do we really want a person whose main goal to become PM using whatever means and with little regard for the well being of the new polcies to improve the economic well being of citizens?


    STEADYAKU AK47, In your several recent posts you had received praises for your comments on UMNO leaders and the "TRUE HALF BREED" MELAYU Mahathir. Now this article on ANWAR, the PKR supporters, true to form, called you a trojan horse.
    I think their behaviour is no different to the UMNO thugs.

  15. I have a strange feeling UMNO is holding your (RPK) balls which you and GOD knows.

    Your episode in Australia marked a twist. It is a strange thing to give an interview to a journalist. It looks like prearranged.

    Furthermore you went to Thailand and supposed to meet the Special Branch in the Malaysian Embassy in Thailand. It smells busuk

    Suddenly how come the Malaysian Government allowed your son to go to Australia.

    You probably made a deal with UMNO.

    Possibly your son was threatened with AID injection. It brought demam kura-kura to you.

    So you went down on your knees and betrayed the Malaysian who trusted you.

    Now you talk of JUSTICE.

    You run down ANWAR and the Pakatan Rakyat.


  16. Yah I believe UMNO is holding your balls. Rightly said. That is why you are playing a double game ie. what you are doing.

  17. Pak, please get off your high horse. Just because you have Caucasian wife and live down under doesn't make you our moral compass. What Anwar does in his bedroom is his own problem and between him and God. As for what RPK did and said I would like to believe he did what he did to save his own son. But let's not digress.
    The issue here is bread and butter. For many years we have been raped and looted by the present government. Semua barang naik in Malaysia and the most recent, electricity bill. We pay the highest car prices in the world. And now what more with 1Care project. I could go on and on. Does it still matter whether Anwar is gay and unfit?
    Anwar for the time is our only beacon of hope to unravel all these.
    Pak, you can bitch and moan about Anwar only because you are not here but living a good life down under. Also are you perfect as a human being? Why do you judge saudara Anwar with a microscope but your own self with a telescope.
    As Jesus would say "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."
    For the rest of us still here in Malaysia, may God save us all.

  18. Anwar Ibrahim. I have always hated this man since his DPM days. Then, I always told my friends; "this man will never get to be the PM of Malaysia". So far I am still right.

    Again, then, initially I hated Anwar because he chose UMNO over PAS. All my adult life, even during my care free and naivete days, until now ( and I think I forever will), I have always hated UMNO as much as I hate hell.

    Back then, I hated Mahathir more than I hated UMNO and I still hate Mahathir as much to this day (I must be hating Mahathir more than I hate hell!). But I have to acknowledge that, when Anwar was DPM, in terms of intellectualism, he was way behind Mahathir. That's why I said Anwar was not a PM material.

    Anwar joined UMNO with the sole purpose of becoming the PM. In no time that ambition became an obsession. And in no time that obsession became an insanity. Need I elaborate and provide evidence? This man is rotten to the core. Evidence is widespread and glaring but PR supporters, in their zeal to oust UMNO, have lost all their objectivity.

    Anonymous said he saw the sex video a hundred times and did not believe it was Anwar. I watched it a few times and I find it difficult to believe that it WASN'T him.

    Our aim is to have and prosperous, clean and just Malaysia. Believe me, Anwar can't deliver and he won't deliver. Like the comment of one reader, changing a robber with a thief. May be it will even be vice versa. I even believe that even God doesn't approve of Anwar being the PM of Malaysia. Just look at his face now, how filthy it has become!

    No doubt, at the moment, Anwar is the man who can hold the opposition together but that is not the ultimate objective. We need a leader who is capable, responsible and not least, sincere and honest. Has Anwar that attributes? Get lost and go to hell!

    What's the point of ousting UMNO when the party coming in is another UMNO in a different garb?

    The coming GE is my most dilemma-tic. I really do not know who to vote this time. I am peeved!

    All along I used to vote for PAS. But now PAS leaders have become Anwar lickers. Many of them are already dreaming and salivating at becoming federal ministers, mentris besar, state exco members or at least a state assemblyman. They are currying favour with Anwar, confident that Anwar will be the next PM and shamelessly selling their souls, hoping that Anwar will pick them as ministers and MB's.

    I don't support Hassan Ali or his struggle but I agree with what he says about PAS leadership, as do many of my friends. PAS definitely will not get my vote this time. I hope there will be an independent or 3rd party candidate for Kuala Terengganu and DUN Bandar (KT)in the next GE. Whoever they are, I don't care asalkan bukan UMNO or PAS.

    I believe Hadi is turned off by the parasites in PAS, Mustafa Ali (a "Terengganu reject"), being the most notable, that he declared his intention not to contest in the coming GE. Even though a weak leader, at least Hadi is honest and sincere. Now, I have even lost my respect for Nik Aziz, a saint turned Anwar licker, who can't tell an imam masjid from a kampung thief. Is he also dreaming of becoming the DPM if not PM?

    Go to hell all you crooked and rouge politicians! Malaysia doesn't need you! But I got a plea to make to all blog readers out there...please use civilized language when commenting. Many of you, who have caught RPK disease, are simply sickening...!

  19. Anwar Ibrahim. I have always hated this man since his DPM days. Then, I always told my friends; "this man will never get to be the PM of Malaysia". So far I am still right.

    Again, then, initially I hated Anwar because he chose UMNO over PAS. All my adult life, even during my care free and naivete days, until now ( and I think I forever will), I have always hated UMNO as much as I hate hell.

    Back then, I hated Mahathir more than I hated UMNO and I still hate Mahathir as much to this day (I must be hating Mahathir more than I hate hell!). But I have to acknowledge that, when Anwar was DPM, in terms of intellectualism, he was way behind Mahathir. That's why I said Anwar was not a PM material.

    Anwar joined UMNO with the sole purpose of becoming the PM. In no time that ambition became an obsession. And in no time that obsession became an insanity. Need I elaborate and provide evidence? This man is rotten to the core. Evidence is widespread and glaring but PR supporters, in their zeal to oust UMNO, have lost all their objectivity.

    Anonymous said he saw the sex video a hundred times and did not believe it was Anwar. I watched it a few times and I find it difficult to believe that it WASN'T him.

    Our aim is to have and prosperous, clean and just Malaysia. Believe me, Anwar can't deliver and he won't deliver. Like the comment of one reader, changing a robber with a thief. May be it will even be vice versa. I even believe that even God doesn't approve of Anwar being the PM of Malaysia. Just look at his face now, how filthy it has become!

    No doubt, at the moment, Anwar is the man who can hold the opposition together but that is not the ultimate objective. We need a leader who is capable, responsible and not least, sincere and honest. Has Anwar that attributes? Get lost and go to hell!

    What's the point of ousting UMNO when the party coming in is another UMNO in a different garb?

    The coming GE is my most dilemma-tic. I really do not know who to vote this time. I am peeved!

    All along I used to vote for PAS. But now PAS leaders have become Anwar lickers. Many of them are already dreaming and salivating at becoming federal ministers, mentris besar, state exco members or at least a state assemblyman. They are currying favour with Anwar, confident that Anwar will be the next PM and shamelessly selling their souls, hoping that Anwar will pick them as ministers and MB's.

    I don't support Hassan Ali or his struggle but I agree with what he says about PAS leadership, as do many of my friends. PAS definitely will not get my vote this time. I hope there will be an independent or 3rd party candidate for Kuala Terengganu and DUN Bandar (KT)in the next GE. Whoever they are, I don't care asalkan bukan UMNO or PAS.

    I believe Hadi is turned off by the parasites in PAS, Mustafa Ali (a "Terengganu reject"), being the most notable, that he declared his intention not to contest in the coming GE. Even though a weak leader, at least Hadi is honest and sincere. Now, I have even lost my respect for Nik Aziz, a saint turned Anwar licker, who can't tell an imam masjid from a kampung thief. Is he also dreaming of becoming the DPM if not PM?

    Go to hell all you crooked and rouge politicians! Malaysia doesn't need you! But I got a plea to make to all blog readers out there...please use civilized language when commenting. Many of you, who have caught RPK disease, are simply sickening...!

  20. like father, like daughter. how then?

  21. nurrul i the solution ??

    LOL !

    you got to be fucking joking, what has that dumb fool ever done in her life except hang on to daddy's balls


  22. Well done Hussein, you have let rosmah win again

  23. Since when has this becomes an Anwar-PKR hate blog, HH?

    Criticism be given for their good and for Pakatan's sake and I had my share of it too but yours is so ridiculous, has totally gone overboard. Looks like you are not very steady now eh? How come, what happened? Out with it!

  24. Since when is it that just because certain bangsar chinese say " it's a hate blog " then it is true ?

    It's called being objective, just cause certain people say Nuri is the answer to everything don't make it so.

    And many people will and have the right to disagree.

    If this censorship ' unless you hang on to the balls to PKR ' is a taste of what is to come then this country will truly become a cockhole if ever PR ever get into power.

  25. Mr steadyaku47 we have always respect you for your fairness and wisdom and fair play. Ok you have given your thought on the Double As or 2 As. Now let go on to more important issues for the rakyat.
    Write full and proper on our EPF money , the stupid health care program or penyamun scheme.
    The billions of projects given out with no accountability and there is nothing anyone can do a SHIt about it. Nothing all Good man all can do nothing nothing. Please write on these and write until we can see Some Good man do something ya.

  26. Now u see wahts going on huh? Just kick out Anwar-Azmin , everything settle. BUt.... PKR will no longer relevance without two big small giants. What i heard from friends, the light will slowly dim and I can see the ants will slowly eaten PKR bit by bit until its time to close down just like S46. Mark my words, and it will happen. Chill.........

  27. Yeah right! you said you've watched the sex video may times and came to conclusion that is not Anwar? You are the first person who say so.

    Vote for ABU? Come on.. that is a childish play. In every house they will be defects. Pisang setandan, satu-dua mesti rosak. We can't say that UMNO is totally bad. Just don't vote for those who are bad. The same goes to PKR, don't tell me that you guys think that PKR is sinless?

    Vote for the individuals. That's the more mature way. We are Malays. Being divided is not in anyone best interest.

    If you like Anwar, vote for him, if you don't, vote for someone else. Not everyone in UMNO likes to condemn Anwar, same goes to PKR and PAS. Not everyone of them likes to see Malays divided.

    Just because we can write in English, we start to think that we are smart already and start to influence others about abolishing Malay rights etc. There are others to consider. There are more unfortunate people. The most important thing is to bring the people together. Tell them to work harder so that they can improve their lives and make the country to be better developed.

    Whether Anwar or Najib is to be the PM, that is not important. One thing is true, none of us will get rich, unless you are in the inner circle la. So, why bother? Take care of ourselves, our family and our neighbors first. While you are talking big in this blog, some idiot is humping your daughter out there. Take care.

  28. While other political leader caught in video (local and international can name it many) revealed in public, they admit it without need to be scientifically analyzed by professional scientists but NOT Anwar Ibrahim. Though in the sex video 99.99% approved confirmed as Anwar Ibrahim by scientists he (Anwar Ibrahim) still denying.

  29. So you continue and insist on writing about 'them and us'......hmm..used to read your postings eg 'takkan melayu hilang didunia'article..'.but now kamu memang macam melayu!..cakaplah fasal MCKK..melayu intellectual macam mahatiew,sultan azlan,anwar,zaid, said so what's so great about the melayu's?..please la melayu Aussie address the issues please and not about melayu's..

  30. Dey, friend, no need yr help to make sure anwar don't become PM. Kutty is very much alive & well, wl ensure that. Whatever u write here, or RPK accuses, we wl continue to support anwar. I used to think like you, but that was 10 yrs ago. The relentess attacks against anwar came from 360degrees. Very suspicious indeed.
