
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cakap cakap...the Iceman Cometh!

Are there any legal restrictions to UMNO’s political power? Do they have exclusive control over the government? Does UMNO have the approval of the people to do the things they do? Do they use force to maintain their power? Do they limit the freedom of speech, assembly and the press? Do they deny their people much basic freedom? Does our Prime Minister have supreme power not restricted by law, by any institution or by any group of people? Can he do whatever he please? And do UMNO and our Prime Minister conceal all this political trickery through rigged elections?

These are some of the questions that we ask today of the UMNO led Barisan Nasional Government! We know that UMNO took over our country during the 1969 May 13th Racial Riots to maintain order, security and its prosperity. That was over 40 years ago.

Questions are now being asked as to the relevancy of UMNO to the times that we live in today. Has UMNO served its purpose for the Malays? Do the non-Malays still want UMNO to lead? These are questions to be answered when we go to the polls at the 13th general election due before the first quarter of 2013 – less then 12 months away.

Already the last two general elections have been a watershed in the history of our nations. If anything it indicate that the people will now decide for themselves what is best for our nation, our people and our future.

The 11th General Election was a resounding endorsement of the incoming Prime Minister – PAK LAH. After over 22 years of the stifling and autocratic rule of Mahathir the people were eager for change. Pak Lah promised change. Pak Lah seems to promise an end to money politics, open and responsible government and 1Malaysia in its entirety! The people gave Barisan Nasional its biggest election victory ever – but BN and Pak Lah failed to deliver what was expected of them.

UMNO met its waterloo at the 12th general election! Five States lost to Pakatan Rakyat – amongst them the most developed state, Selangor! They lost their two-thirds majority in Parliament and for once we had a credible opposition in place.

And now the 13th general election is almost upon us. Ask yourself whom the people will now vote into government.

This is a people that understand political trickery. A people no longer ignorant of the abuses of neither political power nor are they unaware of money politics within both sides of the political divides. A people who have ably demonstrated in the last two general elections that it is they who will decide who will be in Putrajaya. And surely in what must be a politician worse nightmare, a people who has access to the good and the bad that any politician do, the promises made and not kept by these same politicians and with these and other relevant information at their beck and call, they will then decide who their elected representative should be. In short Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat will be facing an informed electorate able to discern the corrupt politicians from the honest ones, the good from the bad.

I am sure that there will be some amongst us that will vote along party lines, follow racial and religious divides and even some who would have got it all wrong despite every possible assist available to enable him to do the right thing….but that is human nature. What I know is that if there is any politician out there hoping to get elected for any of the above reasons then not only has he failed himself and his family but also his people and his country!

The fat lady is almost ready to stop singing. All you politician that has not done your work, lied to the people and used politics for your own ends -  you and I now know that the time for reckoning is near. You will be now be called to account for Altantuya, for PKFZ, for NFC, for your sexual indiscretions, your financial misdeeds, your arrogance, your use and abuse of executive power to benefit yourself….all this will now come to haunt you while the people decide what to do with you.

UMNO will begin to understand that no political organization can legitimately govern unless acceptance of its right to govern has been given by the people. And once given government there are rules of conduct that they must obey – and if you do not, then this general election will be the time the people will call you to account for what you did. Do not ever forget that it is the people who are the only legitimate source of authority for any government. And now the time nears for the people to give legitimacy to either BN or PR to be in Putrajaya.

For those politicians that have done good during their time in office then this 13th general election is the time for their electorates to endorse their time in office and elect them to another term in Parliament. For those who have not…..the iceman cometh!


  1. In this cyber jungle, bloggers are like trees as commentators are like birds and monkeys. No trees are left alone, and the blooming ones will attract birds and monkeys to feast and to shit. Both the feast and the shit is what makes the trees grow and bloom without which the trees cannot propagate into a strong and healthy plant. The danger to a tree is not because the birds and monkeys that come to reciprocate the fruits of its labour, but the danger to any tree is the human who sends a troop of monkeys to chop the tree down, and that human is UMNO!

    Your tree is getting bald Pak and you're not a Maple tree that is balding in Autumn, you are a Rambutan tree growing in a faraway land of not its natural flora and fauna. The birds and monkeys are deserting your tree Pak, those birds and monkeys are from the same origin of your Rambutan tree Pak, not from any other place on earth, but from Malaysia Pak, a land where Rambutan trees are abundant that made the birds and monkeys a redundant!

  2. FMZam said..."the blooming ones will attract birds and monkeys to feast and to shit....and.. makes the trees grow and bloom".

    Haha....these monkeys make the trees to bloom ? Then obviously SteadyAku attracted a wrong type of monkeys, as these type of monkeys only know how to throw mud and sh*t at the blog owner and those few who do not subscribe to their point of views.

    Hardly enriching or blooming as comments after comments filled with relentless scolding and cursing, either at the blog owner or those few who disagree with these monkeys.

    Unless of course your defination of enrichment and blooming is a blog's comment section packed to the brim with mindless, sh*t comments.....quantity over quality.

  3. Unless of course your defination of enrichment and blooming is a blog's comment section packed to the brim with mindless, sh*t comments.....quantity over quality. - Anon 7:40am

    I think you got FMZam comment wrongly. He meant about readers who truly discuss and give their 2 cents worth. Yep, they're gone...
    Even you are not giving your 2 cents worth on Husseins article but merely attacking another commenter.

    Me too am not giving my 2 cents worth. Why? not worth it!

    In fact, just like you..I too will sign off this comment as Anonymous Why? I'm like you too...he..he...

  4. Hussein,

    A good illustrative comment from FMZam.

    As a local bred rambutan tree in a faraway land it is a savourful feast not only for birds and monkeys but the usual carcass-eater vultures will want to gulp it up. So, this rambutan tree needs to be injected with more doses of resistant virile manure to withstand these devouring vultures (UMNO cyber troopers).

    .... jamos56

  5. G'day mate! Everyone is gearing up for the biggie duduk bantah and focusing on local scandals and the latest revelations chipping at the umno block.

    You coming too?

  6. One Anon said.."Even you are not giving your 2 cents worth on Husseins article but merely attacking another commenter."

    To comment on another's comment whenever applicable is considered as 'ATTACKING' ? Mmmmm....that one sentence of yours alone shows you up.

    FMZam went on to say.."Your tree is getting bald, Pak, are a Rambutan tree growing in a faraway land of not its natural flora and fauna.."

    There is a common misconception that Malaysians domiciled in foreign land are not quite 'kosher' or 'eligible' to put forth their views on anything about their own country of birth, especially about Politics.

    Whether a blogger/writer garner only one comment or thousands of comments to his postings have nothing at all to do with his tending to 'his tree in a faraway land'.

    This is the era of the internet la....get used to it.

  7. what I see...Hussein has got a "Champion" wacking other commenters not in sync with Hussein....courtesy of the Twisted RPK?...

  8. At least Hussein is not writing his own comments unlike RPK... Just to show that his blog still has many readers and that MT is still popular, lately he's been writing his own comments using different names...

    Go have a look, suddenly his latest writing has got lots of commenters BUT if you read the comments carefully you'll see that its from a similar source..

    Boastfulness, Smugness, Arrogance and Self importance makes a person become so lowely.... Kesian sama lu lah RPK....

  9. Hope Hussein is not turning into the Shitty RPK...trying to play a holier than thou' role...... Slime Ball Botak Pariah!

  10. Yet another Anon said.."Hussein has got a "Champion" wacking other commenters not in sync with Hussein....courtesy of the Twisted RPK?..."

    Is it the food ? Is it the education ? Is it the air ? Whatever it is, our country is now infested with mindless people who obviously subscribe to this "if you are not with me, then you are against me" shittiness.

    You mindless people have no one else to blame but yourselves for the kind of political leaders you now have or will have to lead the country down the blind alley.

    Continue to blindly support, continue to absolutely brook no dissent from any quaters who hold views different from your own. Then be prepared to suffer for your foolhardiness.

  11. Continue to blindly support..bla..bla...bla..-Anon too continue bullshitting...follow like RPK...hypocrisy...holier than thou.... you too continue to absolutely brook no cannot accept when people disagree with you..moron! Case of the pot calling the kettle black! Yikes!

  12. Anon of 12:31 AM wrote of Raja Petra :

    "Just to show that his blog still has many readers and that MT is still popular, lately he's been writing his own comments using different names..."

    O.M.G. How low can these people go ? On what basis, with what evidence you have to come out hurling such accusations ?

    Surely RPK is also just as human and nobody could agree with him 100% of the time as it is impossible for him to be correct ALL the time ? So dispute rationally with him BASED on the points raised by him in his postings. One can be pretty sure he's more than broad-minded, in fact more than welcome, if one takes him on in that manner.

    But to insult bloggers with unfounded accusations, with not a shred of proof.....

    Just like someone here recently have accused ME as RPK commenting annoymously here.( Hahaha )

    You guys take umbrage when UMNO uses its kangaroo court and its barking dogs the MSM to slander and lay false charges on your idol leader. You shouted out, asking for clear concrete proof.

    But here you are hurling accusations against a blogger (who happens to speak out against your Great One) without any evidence at all.

    Alamak.... the hypocrisy. Nak muntah.

  13. Alamak.... the hypocrisy. Nak muntah.- Anon

    Pot calling the kettle black....Again?

  14. One can be pretty sure he's more than broad-minded, in fact more than welcome, if one takes him on in that manner. -Anon

    RPK broad minded? My Foot! look at how he shoots down at readers who dare to dissent.

  15. Agree with Anon Monday, April 9, 2012 8:15:00 AM GMT+09:30. Though he is brilliant - making the political field look like insects - he is insecure. He claims he does not want praise or respect but takes umbrage when others disagree on points. Sometimes, he conveniently blames Malay culture for this. Nevertheless, if you are unable to consider his insights, it is your loss.

  16. Are we even disecting and discussing RPK's character here ? Aiyo...

    The point raised was that some Anon has hurled unsubstantiated accusation that the man had dastardlly used different nicks to write his own comments. But where's the proof ?

    The message here is that if one wants to criticise, to castigate, to admonish, to counter, to whatever.....then cross swords without demeaning oneself by resorting to baseless accustions.

    This again just prove that the anwaristas are just the exact twin of the UMNOs hardcores.

    Aiyo...macam ini, let's hope BOTH of these fanatic camps ( some say they make up 60% ) get demolished somehow come GE13 and allow the rest of the 40% to bring some fresh air in. Haha...fat hope la.

  17. Are we even disecting and discussing RPK's character here ? Aiyo...

    So what are you doing? Aren't you doing the same?

  18. Aiyo...macam ini, let's hope BOTH of these fanatic camps ( some say they make up 60% ) get demolished somehow come GE13 and allow the rest of the 40% ...-Anon 5:42PM

    Arent you speaking for yourself?
    Yeah, you're in the 60%...GOOD at least you realize that the likes of you should be demolished...

  19. GE13 and allow the rest of the 40% to bring some fresh air in...- Anon

    You? in the 40%? My Ass...

  20. Colorado Party of Paraguay kept getting "elected" for 62 years up to 2008. Kuomintng Party of Taiwan was displaced only after 52 years in 2000. Congress Party of India (in multiple incarnations) was displaced after 49 years in 1996. Like its PAP counterpart in Singapore, Alliance/BN (in mutiple incarnations) has been running Bolehland for 55 years. However, I don't see the usual pride in boasting over this record.
