
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

UMNO/BN Reprise. Lest we Forget!

The time has come for the great but corrupt, the mighty but low life dregs of society and the powerful but despicable UMNO politicians of our land to bow and scrap their knees on the floor as they go cap in hand to the non-Malays to ask, beg and where necessary buy, their votes in readiness of the 13th general elections. UMNO knows the Malay votes are no longer solidly behind them. UMNO knows the balance lies with the others. So let us now watch how these self appointed paragons of the Malays go seek the non Malay votes.

That Din guy will have to sheath his manhood….errr I mean his Keris. That guy from Titiwangsa will have to eat humble pie and admits that he does need the non Malay votes after all – if not for himself then for UMNO and BN. Our DPM will have to put his hand up again this time to tell anybody who will listen that he is a Malaysian first. All the bluster at the recent UMNO gathering will be quietly put aside and in its place will emerge the UMNO politician that fights for 1Malaysia, that talks about land given for Chinese Schools, about land given for Indian Temples and initiatives made to recognize the Orang Asli as the real Bumiputra of this land. This same UMNO politician will talk about 1Malaysia and about their vision of the people in East Malaysia being as developed as West Malaysia and about East Malaysia having what is their fair share of their State resources to be used for their own development. Everything that has to be said will be said, everything that has to be done will be done and everything that has to be promised will be promised! Put back UMNO into Government and all will be well. And if you believe that then you believe that the foxes have a vested interest in the well being of the chicken even as they stalk the chicken coop in the dead of night!

Eating humble pie for UMNO politicians comes with the territory. It is work they undertake with enthusiasm because it is an opportunity to show to the public their ‘other’ side. The other side that they roll out when they need to do so. Play bombastically to the gallery when in PWTC in front of a Malay UMNO crowd – talk contrition and reconciliation when on a Chinese TV talk show. Promise a no stone unturned investigation over the death of Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminurasyid and Sarbani and then stone walled your way to a conclusion that say NFC (No Further action) required! Let the Sultan understand in no uncertain terms that UMNO is the hand that feeds them and then roll them out to do UMNO’s bidding as the 13th general election nears. 

Now how does UMNO intend to overcome this terrible and dismal record of abuse and mismanagement in government for 53 years? Three words. Melayu. Islam and Sultans. They have Perkasa to beat the drums in a tempo that they hope the Malays will march to. So far all Perkasa has is a self appointed General – Berahim – without an army. A toothless tiger who loves his own shadow much too much think of anything else. The Malays are not following him in droves….not even a platoon does he have to march to.

Melayu: While this can be the saviour for UMNO for now it is more likely to be a bummer! Disappointment would be too kind a word to describe UMNO’s reaction to the lack of critical mass within the Malay population to support UMNO – it would be more apt to say that the pendatangs, the mamaks and the new found ‘Melayu’ within the ranks of UMNO will have to be UMNO’s vote bank for now.     

Islam: Despite the attempt to whip up mass hysteria against potential Christian conversions of Muslims into Infidels the only significant episode so far that has generated any debate and interest amongst us all was the appointment of a Muslim as head of a Catholic  School –which much to soon resulted in a back down by the Ministry of Education who admitted a faux de pas in making the first appointment – and replaced said first appointment with an appropriate appointment approved by the Christians themselves.

Sultans? The only thing worth mentioning on this was the emergence of the Sultan of Sulu. Need I say anymore?

I watch all this with fascination. Is this what you have to do as a politician – an UMNO politicians? For what rewards? Money and power? Much money and much power? How much? Millions and many billions? RM$10 million penthouses? Hermes handbags? Numbers with so many naughts after them that it blows your mind away! Welcome to UMNO land! Welcome to a world where murder and mayhem abounds. Where Petronas is where you go to for your spending money and the EPF is for your petty cash. Yearly budget allocations for the various Ministries are just small change to be distributed amongst the faithfuls and ‘orang kita and sahabats’ that makes up the numbers within Barisan Nasional. And all this UMNO do at will. We have given them the political power to do so!

Should not all this be stopped? Should we not say enough at this 13th general election and give political power to Pakatan Rakayt and allow them to do their work for five years and see what happens? Or at the very least we need another 12th general election tsunami that puts into place a balance of power between government and the opposition that will once and for all establish a system that will keep those political bastards honest! The possibility excites me and yet fills me with trepidation in case our people make the wrong choices as to who should represent them in parliament. So think and think well. This would be the mother of all elections in the short history of our nation and you will decide its outcome – good or bad.

After the election we want to see all these arrogant politicians arrogant no more. We want to see those who have become wealthy by plundering our nation’s coffers are wealthy no more. And we want each and every bastard that have taken anything that is not their due from the Rakyat’s money be held accountable for the wrong they have done while holding the trust placed upon them while in public office. No revengeful pursuit of those that have done wrong – we will just allow the wheels of justice to move along at a steady pace to dispense justice as it should have done (but did not!) in all these years of BN rule.     

And then we will sit and watch Pakatan Rakyat do government. And woe betide Pakatan Rakayt if they should stray from the path they have promised to take – open, accountable and responsible government. No more, no less.

This is just a short piece to remind you that as the momentum gathers towards the 13th general election we must not forget our work for change. Do not take your eye off the ball – keep it focus on our matalamat –our end! Change for the better! ABU!


  1. Hussein, we normally require 2 guys to play good cop bad cop, but holy cow, you did it all by yourself.

    Remand Prisoner

  2. We want to see those who have become wealthy by plundering our nation’s coffers are wealthy no more. And we want each and every bastard that have taken anything............. SEin were you supposedly to be one those bastards but who didn't/couldn't, ,make it.So sour grape orang melayu even in the faraway land.A sure trademark of melayu Sein

  3. It will take an enormous effort to change a corrupt, it can't be done yet,not this 13GE...perhaps may be a few more GE is required in order for change of mindset to take of now corruption will take precedent...long live corruption.

  4. Well said my friend. I just hope that there are people out there who hasn't made up their mind be convinced by what you have said. For me, my family and friends, we know what to do in the coming general election. In fact, we knew it for a long time ago. It's just unbelievable that the plundering of the nation, instead of slowing down due to all the adverse publicity is actually building into a crescendo. They have no shame and no moral.

  5. Sir,

    I dah konpius sikit. Sekejap steady, sekejap tak steady dan repeat.

    Bagi saya, tetap ABU sehingga UMNO tumbang. UMNO tumbang bererti MCA, MIC dll tergolek bersama.

    Semoga pendirian awak teguh dan tidak berbelah-bagi lagi sehingga matlamat tercapai.

  6. I am reliably informed by my deepthroats that I'm a very good "COOK"! An exceptional one..OF COURSE..Dont you stupid readers know?

    I've cooked up the figures of my readership at MT. See article Where do Malaysia Todays readers come from.

    I've cooked up comments in my blog to show how many readers I have.. Also you know how my readers prostate to me..Why you're laughing?...oh sorry not prostate but prostrate... Aiyah! Why so bodoh one ah?
    Going back to how people prostate aka prostrate to me look at how they glorify my prostateness with calling me "Yang Mulia" and with comments like this..."TQ RPK, I try not to abuse the privilege this time.."
    Ah you see how people especially my readers shake in their pants with their prostate kecut? all so fearful of me...(The Great RPK says with chest thumping actions like Kong...).........
    I'm the Greatest...Yeah The Greatest cook author of the book "How to COOK UP a sellable story in 5 mins"

    Dont believe me ah? Wait till I spit out some more what my Deepthroats tell me....I'm a great fact the greatest among all the bloggers the world over thats why I got so many readers from all over the world including those places you never know the tiny nook and corners of my crotch! Bodoh lah you semua...KONON!

  7. I'm weary of you Ssein. I believe most of your readers are.....

  8. Yeah..KEEP IT UP! to make us more weary!

  9. Yes Hussein..keep it that you too will lose your credibility like your good friend fact you're already losing it...


  10. I would call the problem the Middle Kingdom syndrome. As one group dominates the discourse, they grow ever more "inbred" - disconnected from reality. The best example today is of course USA - which calls itself "America". The news media and Internet overflows with their drivel, whether on other cultures, threats, and even climate change. Their leaders are either silver-tongued servants of capitalists or stark staring loonies. What is happening here is the same on a smaller scale.

    "Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." This is a quote from a Roman senator - I don't have his name.

  11. China has just ousted a thug who had been heading a province, and a railway official who stole a large sum had to flee. Burma had international observers at its recent by-elections. In Indonesia, governors have to be elected, and face the public in open debates, even in Aceh. Meanwhile, back in Boleland... zzz... zzz...

  12. Waah...... 30% of diehard UMNO fanatical ass-lickers and another 30% of diehard A&A ass-lickers on the other side of the divide.. all yelling and shouting that "THEIRs" is the BEST. GE13 is definately round the corner.

    2X5. This 30% look into the mirror and see the other 30% starring back. Pot calling kettle black.

    God help those who get in their way. So let's make way and just let them fight to the death among themselves ( all the while licking furiously their own chosen equally-corrupt leaders !). And we the 40% will pick up the pieces after they have demolished themselves ! Haha

  13. Waah...... 30% of diehard UMNO fanatical ass-lickers and another 30% of diehard A&A ass-lickers on the other side of the divide.. all yelling and shouting that "THEIRs" is the BEST....----Anon

    So you say you LICK your own ASS! What a Pervert! Worst than anyone else here....

  14. Go read what Assmin Ali said about PKR in Sabah at People's Parliament posting "Please, lah, Min, get real and cut the bullshit!”

    Who could dispute that the UMNO in this ass man had not left him although he apparently left the UMNO party and is now in PKR ?

    So continue to lick this Ass min lah you 30 percenter mindless fanatics.

    A picture paints a thousand apt. See his head in the sand and his ass up in the air....all the easier for you guys to ass-kiss, heh heh.

    We should be so lucky if we could just maintain what we had this GE13, all thanks to PAS and DAP. PKR should just heal itself before more damage is done to the PR cause.

  15. So continue to lick this Ass min lah you 30 percenter mindless fanatics - Anon

    Whoever is licking anybody's ass? You're a real pervert asshole! Whats your problem eh? You really love using the word ass licker...OK are THE KING OF THE ASS LICKERS...

  16. that ALL you could managed eh, Anon 9:17 ? Who's talking about perversion?

    Try to read beyond the literal meaning and get the real message lah...but then, what does one expect of such mindless fanatics, compromised as they were by the sort of education they had in our good old tanah air.

    Go read the posting mentioned above about the latest shenanigans by one of your idol leaders and make relevant comments rather than harping on your obsession with YOUR perversion.

  17. ......obsession with YOUR perversion.-Anon

    Oh YOUR perversion? --- Knew it already? Good at least you know.... Lest you forget..its YOU who fancy the word ASS go figure why you're called KING OF THE ASS LICKERS....

  18. Keep at it, Sir. The truth must be spelt out until it sinks in even into the thickest of hides.

  19. bn amno - mca mic- all these guys have their fingers in the big pie- see lah pkfz - billion dollar stuff. amno - in the same league from cows to mas to proton to everything ? why are our voters so naive n iknnocent_ cant they see the destruction in this nation due to rampant corruption from west to east malaysia- sabah n sarawak, arise malaysians n save our nation> there is no hope nor future under the present plunderers n robbers

  20. Sein,

    The very process of your argument confirms its stereotypes and entrenches a false notion of itself. For the reasons that you have given, and if you are the PM, don't you think that you have to keep the power and must remain in power for another 1000 months even it means that you have to win the election(s) by holding the hilt of the keris?

  21. “I don’t believe Umno will reform itself, I think the best way for Umno is to be defeated and become the opposition and then go and do some serious reform and find new leadership.”
    ...Barry Wain

    Give PR a Chance to rule Malaysia at the Federal level once and see whether they can 'replicate' the PENANG Model. But if the result is a close call, I am afraid of the Integrity of the PKR MPs which can be bought over[Kataks]and give false hope to PAS n DAP. There will definitely be jostling of top Cabinets post within the 3 parties.

  22. “I don’t believe Umno will reform itself, I think the best way for Umno is to be defeated and become the opposition and then go and do some serious reform and find new leadership.”
    ...Barry Wain

    Give PR a Chance to rule Malaysia at the Federal level once and see whether they can 'replicate' the PENANG Model. But if the result is a close call, I am afraid of the Integrity of the PKR MPs which can be bought over[Kataks]and give false hope to PAS n DAP. There will definitely be jostling of top Cabinets post within the 3 parties.

  23. Sad to see many Malaysian have strong opinions but less actions.To be honest the mentality of Malaysian has to change overall...until that happens am afraid nothing the lot of u say is going to make any difference.

    Saying and acknowledging it is different then acknowledging it and taking actions.

  24. Do not rejoice with Steadyaku's stalling in active posting. He's a man of courage, he can take all the beatings and all the punches none of us could withstand a quarter of what he had been landed with. He's consolidating and licking his wounds, he's healing and recuperating because as I said, he's a man of courage and courage has been his middle name that has kept him steady in "rising everytime you fall".

    He shall return!

  25. Hussein, tak rugged la main diam je. Nampak belia. Tak best la cepat tutup kedai bila business kurang maju. Masih ada pelanggan yg menunggu.

  26. The post is very nicely written and it contains many useful facts. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement. Thanks for sharing with us.

  27. well the season is almost ending- i mean the football season in UK _ EPL will end in may 12. so so parties may be sacked for not performing. in our nation the rakyat has finally awaked after 50 years of slumber n a change is imminent soon in GE 13, the ground is moving n pins n giants will fall soon??

  28. Sir,

    Kenapa sunyi tanpa berita sekian lama?

    Saya sudah ada kat KL untuk Bersih 3.0.

    Tuan teruskan usaha ABU melalui karya.

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