
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

None…and I repeat with a certainty born of knowing what politicians in UMNO do…none amongst those of UMNO first tier leaders are clean. You may see them pray in public. You may see them attend kenduris and maybe even lead in the doa. You may see them go the Mecca to perform the Haji but do you know what they do behind close doors?

Who amongst the first tier leaders in UMNO care about Islam? Tell me who? Najib Tun Razak? Huh! Was this not the man who was fooling around with somebody’s wife when both him and her were still married to others? Is this not the man whose sowing of his own wild oats while an MB and while in Cabinet is almost as legendary as Bahaman Shamsuddin? Was this not the man who offered to pay the costs of flood mitigation of an area if they will vote for the BN representative? Is this not the same man who promised us an end to the ISA and the PPPA and never kept his words? And I remember clearly what he said under oath about “not knowing this Mongolian girl” but yet will not submit him self to an inquisition by the Malaysian courts to clear his name!    

What about Muhyiddin? This is the man who declared himself a Malay first and a Malaysian second not because of his own conviction but because he saw in that act an opportunity to garner Malay support. He is a very wealthy man – where did he get his wealth? While he was MB of Johor or while he was in cabinet? Either way he must have done so illegally –maybe corruption may be too harsh a word to use on this Malay but why not? Is not the taking of money by those in public office other than their emoluments just that?

None…and I repeat with a certainty born of knowing what politicians in UMNO do…none amongst those of UMNO first tier leaders are clean. You may see them pray in public. You may see them attend kenduris and maybe even lead in the doa. You may see them go the Mecca to perform the Haji but do you know what they do behind close doors? They lie, they cheat, and they fornicate with mistresses and girlfriends – anything but give praise and worship Allah! And yet when the occasion is there they will be the one swearing undying love for Allah and make the promise to whomsoever that will listen and believe them – that they will be more Islamic than PAS! Huh!

What is worrying for us all is how all this Islamic resurgence within UMNO will pan out to be. In their eagerness to prove themselves more Islamic than PAS what else would these UMNO dickheads do?

They have already spent billions on Ketuanan Melayu – most of going into their own pockets. Now are we to see billions spent on the promotion of Islam ala Sunna wal Jamaah? I can already see it…billboards all over the country yelling out to us “Another BN Islamic project!” Mosques will be built  - even on top of Gunung Ledang and Mount Kinabalu if there is a need for it so that Muslims can say their prayers after the long hard climb to the top. Will there be a “Muslim only” entry gate at our airports? What about beefing up Jakim? Ahhh the ways of making money from this resurgence of Islam is already being worked out in the corridors of power in Putrajaya. You can be rest assured that those politicians are on top of everything...even thinking of ways of making money while on top of their mistresses!   

And who is to argue against this? Any Malay, any Muslim who dare to voice an opinion on this (good or bad!) risks the ire of UMNO and the religious authorities –something no Malay would want to risks! Being branded apostate is a fate worst than death for any Muslim!

The non-Muslims? Huh! They are already cowered into submissions on matters less religious than this. They have been harassed even for inviting Muslims over for lunch! Every once in a while ‘arrangements’ are made to throw a pig head and offal’s into mosques and the Christian’s blamed…just to keep them on edge. And can you see how the police keep a blind eye on cars indiscriminately and illegally parked during Friday prayers? This is just one way the authorities are saying…if you do not like it how we do things…leave!

Let us all see this Islamic resurgence within UMNO for what it really is!

This is another recycle attempt to dupe Malays into thinking that UMNO is more Islamic than PAS and by so doing UMNO hopes to pressure PAS into talks with them and get the rural Malays to continue to believe in UMNO’s claim to champion Islam.                  

This is also another way for those with the right connections within UMNO to make money. Lots of money by being a ‘consultant’ for another of UMNO’s periodic makeover to make itself more attractive to the Muslims. 

The next group to climb on board this “Islamic UMNO express” will be the Royals. I wonder who amongst them would be more Islamic than PAS? Islamic my foot…more the Sultan’s of Swing than anything else!

Let us hope that given enough rope Najib and his cohorts will hang themselves. All it needs is a few ministers caught with their hands in the cookie jars or better still…another of those Zahida Rafik-Shafie Apdal or JJ raba raba sex scandals. 

Don’t worry it will happen…these UMNO dickheads are walking around with their brains stuck in their zippers… is just a matter of time before they do what comes naturally to them….and when they are caught let us hope that it will be  enough to blow their “We re more Islamic than PAS” cover to smithereens!   

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