
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12 ways to change your life in 60 seconds

12 ways to change your life in 60 seconds

december 18, 2013, 5:49 pm melissa ambrosini yahoo!7
It’s so easy to get caught up playing the victim, to throw ourselves a pity party, and wallow in our misery. But that’s no fun, really, is it? You can actually change your life in less than a minute. Here are 12 ideas to get you started.TH

Melissa Ambrosini
It’s so easy to get caught up playing the victim, to throw ourselves a pity party, and wallow in our misery. But that’s no fun, really, is it?
Years of conditioning have resulted in unhealthy habits like this. Did you know you could change those old icky habits right now? You can actually change your life in less than a minute. Here are 12 ideas to get you started…

1. Meditation

Meditation will instantly bring you back into your body and out of your head. Research has proven that meditation can effectively reduce anxiety and stress.  

2. Deep breathing

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, chances are it’s affecting your breathing. Your cortisol levels will have been raised and your body is in “fight or flight” response. Taking a few deep breaths into your belly will completely calm your nervous system.

3. Dancing (or any kind of movement)

No matter how serious and stressful life gets, there is something very powerful about turning up some good beats and busting a few moves. This will get your endorphins pumping through your body and flip any bad mood on its head.

4. Sing like Beyoncé

Singing also releases those endorphins. It will quickly snap you out of your funk. Sing like no one is listening!

5. Positive thinking

You can turn any negative into a positive by asking, “What can I learn from this?” Flipping the negative into a positive helps us put things into perspective.

6. Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to break a negative cycle. Try “I am worthy. I am love.” Repeat it over and over again.
When you first start using affirmations, chances are you won’t believe what you are saying. But keep at it. We are trying to undo years of conditioning so we need to be persistent.

7. Be grateful

Say out loud every morning and night everything you are grateful for. Include things like: your health, home, job, relationships, and family. We tend to focus on all the negative things that are happening to us. What about stopping and acknowledging the positive things in our lives? Try keeping a gratitude log and writing in it daily.

8. Visualization

Visualising what you want to do and create in your life is a great tool to keep you on task. We don’t want to hang out in our head too much as this means we are present. Simply visualising how you want your day to unfold before you get out of bed each morning is a great way to set yourself up for a kick ass day.

9. Laughter

Laughter really is the best medicine in the world. Make sure you crack a few big belly laughs at least once a day. Kids are great for this.

10. Random acts of kindness

With a simple random act of kindness, you can change someone’s life. Smile at the postman. Help a senior across the road. Call up a friend and ask if you can help with anything.

11. Self-love

Flex your self-love muscle. We can get so caught up in day-to-day stresses that we forget to take time out for us, to fill ourselves up. Do something every day that lights you up from your core.

12. Connect with nature

Mother Nature is incredibly calming and healing. Connecting with nature every day can really decrease your stress levels. 

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