
Thursday, December 5, 2013

cakap cakap....are you sure your hearing is ok? Chill!

Ok guys...chill. Take a few minutes to listen to this...and smile a bit ! Kalau your better half or girlfriend is nearby just share this with them...make them smile too! No need to call your teenager son or daughter over because they will know that you are not cool listening to CCR. I don't care what I listen to just as long as I like it. I even listen to Barry Manilow...but only when I am alone in my room...must jaga class a bit lah! Not that there is anything wrong with listening to Barry Manilow...but seriously friend, will you listen to him in public? Shy lah!

All this started when I was surfing the net yesterday and came across that old  Rolling Stone song "Get off my Cloud". I have not heard it for a long time and so listened to it - and there were lyrics on the screen - and I realised that what I thought Jagger was singing about was totally different from what he was really singing about - as evident from the lyrics. Watch below and see if you had the same problem as I did.

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