
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

There is only hope for Pakatan Rakyat in the guise that we have become familair with : PKR, DAP and PAS. Anything else is not an option to be even contemplated if victory at the next general election is to be a reality. And yes........last, but not least...get rid of Anwar Ibrahim!



YB DATO' SERI HAJI ABDUL HADI BIN AWANGPRESIDEN PASem politik dwi-parti, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) perlu menjadi sebuah koalisi politik yang kukuh sebagai mekanisme semak dan imbang kepada Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN). Malah PR juga dilihat sebagai harapan baru rakyat Malaysia apabila memenangi 52 % undi popular dalam PRU 13 yang lalu. Maka tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kewujudan pakatan pembangkang yang kuat akan memberi kesan berbalik yang positif kepada rakyat Malaysia. Namun sekiranya pakatan politik pembangkang lemah, maka ia akan membuka ruang kepada Kerajaan yang memerintah mentadbir secara wewenangan sekaligus menindas rakyat.Menekuni sist

Setelah membuat analisis terhadap beberapa forum anjuran LENSA berkaitan krisis politik Selangor, dapat disimpulkan bahawa Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) sebagai salah sebuah rakan komponen PR banyak menyumbang kepada krisis yang berpanjangan sekaligus mengganggu gugat keutuhan permuafakatan PR.

Oleh itu, LENSA akan menyerahkan surat rasmi kepada pihak Presiden PAS, YB Dato' Seri Haji Abdul Hadi bin Awang bagi menyuarakan tuntutan agar PAS berhenti mencetuskan ketegangan sesama rakan PR. Satu sidang akhbar juga akan diadakan sejurus selepas surat diserahkan.

Serahan surat ini akan dijalankan seperti ketetapan berikut:

Serahan Surat
‘PAS PERLU BERHENTI CETUS KETEGANGAN’ Kepada YB Presiden PASTarikh:30 September 2014 (Selasa)

10.00 Pagi

Pejabat Agung PAS, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. (Di Hadapan Pintu Utama)

Oleh itu, LENSA ingin mengundang rakan-rakan media untuk membuat liputan serahan surat dan sidang akhbar ini.
Untuk sebarang maklumbalas atau pertanyaan, pihak Tuan/Puan boleh menghubungi Penyelaras Program di talian 013-6025 461 (Ekhsan) atau emelkan kepada Terima kasih

steadyaky47 comment:

And so Anwar Ibrahim and his cohorts are off onto their next big adventure....they are all off to see the Wizard of Oz to seek his blessing in getting rid of PAS from the Pakatan Rakyat coalition! 

What stupidity!

There is already an MB in Selangor. What profit, what advantage, what good does it do to Pakatan Rakyat to have PAS out of the coalition? Pakatan Rakyat have weathered much worse weather than this...two general elections, the Hudud issues, the loss of Perak and Kedah and the day to day tedious practicalities of three political parties with diverging ideologies having to work together! Now over an issue that has been resolved and a done deal, Anwar is unleashing his dogs upon PAS?


Is all that matter to Anwar and to PKR is what Anwar Ibrahim wants?

Is all that Anwar can think of is to get even with PAS for the perceived slight upon himself and Azizah?

Is PAS to be taught a lesson?

Please lah brother Anwar.....fikir lah sikit! 


  • This is not like your September Declaration when you announced your intention to take over the Barisan Nasional government because you had the "numbers" 
  • This is not like your caper of taking refuge in the Turkish Embassy.
  • Not another one of those exposures that eventually backfires on you!
  • This is not like your sodomy cases where through legal maneuverings you could delay and maybe even stave off the inevitable
You get rid of PAS and Pakatan Rakyat might as well pack up and balik kampong!  

I hope Azmin Ali will now make his play to do what needs to be done in PKR a long long time ago. 
  • Bring back some semblance of common sense, decency and the kind of thinking needed to make PKR a force to be reckoned with within the Pakatan Rakyat coalition. 
  • He must not do this by a process of eliminating those who are not with him or for him! There must be inclusion and a place for these people because they are also part of PKR and PKR can ill afford any more defections or musuh dalam selimut. At all costs there must be inclusion not exclusion.
Once Azmin starts that process in PKR he should also reach out to PAS and work things out with PAS to do what is right for Pakatan Rakyat...stay together!

On a national level Azmin should once again by the time of the next general election, take the lead in the challenge to face the UMNO led Barisan Nasional at any level that Barisan Nasional chooses to fight the good fight.....and who amongst them all knows Umno better than probably Anwar Ibrahim.

There is only hope for Pakatan Rakyat in the guise that we have become familair with : PKR, DAP and PAS. Anything else is not an option to be even contemplated if victory at the next general election is to be a reality.

And yes........last, but not least...get rid of Anwar Ibrahim!


Abdul Rahim

21 minutes ago  -  Shared publicly
Who is this Lensa? Another PKR or Anwar's lackey(babu)? These individuals ore so moronic that they are stupid enough to blame Pas and Hj Hadi for all the rackets and rumpuses  arousing from PKR and Anwar's misadventures and greed for power.  Pas had nothing to do with the ill-fated Kajang Move and was never consulted let alone agreed with the stupid move. When things got out of hand, these punks placed the blame on Pas and Hj Hadi!!  And the immoral act of stealing the loyalty of a partner's  party members to fulfill one's desire is nothing more than an act of sabotage and despicable!! The disparaging remarks and actions by both PKR and Dap leaders of late clearly show  their opportunistic and chauvinistic nature. The incessant insults heaped upon Pas that continued after the MB imbroglio has passed can only be interpreted as a strategy to oust Pas from the coalition or to force Pas to be subservient to PKR and DAP  rules forgetting that the former had existed long before them. As you correctly said,  if they get rid of Pas, PKR and DAP might as well pack their bags and PR can close shop.     

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