
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Anwar on top again?


Majlis Pimpinan Pusat KEADILAN (MPP) telah mengadakan satu mesyuarat tergempar pada hari ini, 22 September 2014 berikutan perkembangan terbaru perlantikan Menteri Besar Selangor.
Berikut adalah resolusi yang telah diluluskan sebulat suara di dalam mesyuarat tersebut:
1. MPP mengambil maklum bahawa pada 22 September 2014, pihak Istana telah mengutuskan satu surat memaklumkan kepada Saudara Azmin Ali, Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN akan perkenan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan ke atas perlantikan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor. Beliau telah juga dijemput untuk upacara angkat sumpah pada 23 September 2014.
2. MPP melahirkan rasa yang amat kesal dengan layanan yang telah diberikan oleh pihak Istana terhadap pencalonan Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail yang telah memenuhi kehendak Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor dengan sokongan majoriti 30 ahli Dewan Negeri. MPP juga tidak bersetuju dengan cara pihak Istana menangani proses pencalonan yang melibatkan Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sehingga beliau langsung tidak dipanggil mengadap walaupun mempunyai sokongan majoriti yang jelas.
3. Oleh itu, MPP berpendapat bahawa proses memperkenan lantikan Menteri Besar Selangor yang baru ini tidak mengikut kehendak Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor dan bertentangan dengan amalan prinsip demokrasi berparlimen. Ia juga menjejaskan kemuliaan institusi raja berpelembagaan.
4. Walau bagaimana pun, MPP juga mengambil kira keperluan menyelesaikan isu perlantikan Menteri Besar Selangor ini secepat mungkin demi menjaga kepentingan rakyat.
5. Makanya, MPP telah memutuskan untuk menghormati permintaan Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail untuk beliau menarik diri dari dicalonkan agar isu ini dapat diselesaikan segera. Berikutan itu, MPP juga bersetuju dengan cadangan yang dibawa oleh Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail agar Saudara Azmin Ali dikemukakan sebagai calon Menteri Besar supaya pencalonan Saudara Azmin Ali itu adalah dari parti mengikut tuntutan amalan demokrasi.
6. Ini selaras dengan pendirian MPP bahawa kemuliaan perlembagaan dan keluhuran undang-undang perlulah dipertahankan sepanjang masa. MPP menegaskan juga bahawa proses yang tidak menepati kehendak undang-undang ini tidak boleh dijadikan satu duluan (precedent) di masa hadapan.

22 September 2014

DAP: We’re with you, PKR

 | September 23, 2014
Lim Guan Eng says DAP stands firmly behind PKR in light of new developments regarding the appointment of the new MB.
Lim Guan Eng DAP

KUALA LUMPUR: In a great show of solidarity, DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng said his party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) agreed to accept the decision of PKR’s President Wan Azizah to withdraw her candidacy for the Selangor Menteri Besar’s post.
The CEC also directed its 15 state assemblypersons to pledge their support for the palace’s choice of PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali, who will be sworn in as Selangor’s new MB in an official ceremony at the Istana Alam Shah in Klang today.
In the party’s official statement, Lim also conveyed the CEC’s deep regret at the four PAS Selangor exco members who chose to remain as part of former MB Khalid Ibrahim’s team, even after he unceremoniously sacked six PKR and DAP exco members.
Despite past transgressions, Lim stated the CEC’s firm hope that the resolution of the prolonged political crisis in Selangor, will make way for a more just, free and prosperous state with the appointment of Azmin as its new MB.

steadyaku47 comment: 

Last night, in the last conscious moments before sleep came over me, a thought crossed my mind. 

DId not Azmin Ali informed us that the MB's post was offered to him by Anwar before the last general election?

And if there ever was going to be collusion between Anwar and the MB of Selangor with regards as to how the RM3 billion reserve in Selangor's coffers were to be used...who would be the two most likely to collude? Anwar and Tan Sri Khalid, Anwar and Azizah or Anwar and Azmin? 

And in the hazy state of mind that I was then in, it struck me that had Anwar once again conned us all  - the Sultan included - into what he really wanted us to do? 

That of making Azmin Ali MB of Selangor?

Even it meant putting his own dear sweet wife through a public and gut wrenching humiliating experience of being dismissed as being "not up to the mark" of being MB by Khalid and the Sultan?

That in the end the Kajang move and all the hysteria and drama that went with it was a sandiwara manufactured and acted out to achieve what Anwar wanted? 

And more astounding...that Anwar was prepared to push the Pakatan Rakyat coalition on a collusion course just so he could make his sandiwara believable and achievable? 

That he would risk the break up of Pakatan Rakyat just so he could achieve his objective of making Azmin MB? 

I though of all this only because in the hours before sleep you tend to let your mind wander lazily through possibilities and probabilities. If I had all my faculties with me I would not think that anyone would be that evil as to go through months of lies, deceits and double speak like Anwar and PKR did just to achieve their goal. 

And in the process they were prepared to rubbish a perfectly decent and responsible MB like Tan Sri Khalid to the ground.

And more impressive Anwar and gang took on the Royal house of Selangor and played the Sultan for a fool. 

And if you talk about betrayal...surely how Anwar and PKR played DAP and PAS like a violin is indeed stuff that legends are made of. They will speak about all this for many decades to come....if it were true. 

These may just be the rantings of a blogger who had an "eureka moment" late last night as he was about to fall asleep.

Pick anyone of the following words that best described what I have just said. Please feel free to do so....because I myself am still unsure what happened!    

adj. misguided

Anyway put it all down to lesson learned. Maybe it was just a bad dream that I allowed to intrude into my sleep....maybe yes maybe no....maybe.......the Sultan did do what is best for the people of Selangor...and maybe, just maybe....Anwar came up on top again! 

And somewhere in the recess of my hazy mind came that refrain that Mahathir and Umno are familiar with in excusing what they do to retain political power in Malaysia.... the end justifies the means....was not Anwar Ibrahim one of them once?  

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