
Monday, September 22, 2014

The Sultan can keep a secret...and so can the incoming MB!

Today would have to be one of PKR's and Anwar's lowest point since its inception.

The state of Selangor that they control will have a new MB by tomorrow...less than 24 hours away...and PKR has no idea who that MB will be! 

An embarrassment would not be the right word to describe the situation because it is PKR themselves who are responsible for the embarrasment. This is stupidity in the extreme. This is what happens when you have leaders and followers who can see no further than the tip of their nose. All that they are concerned with is to further their own selfish interest in the guise of advancing the cause of the people that they are lord and master of - in this case, the people of Selangor. 

The Sultan have made them eat humble pie and not only that, he has heap upon them the additional punishment of NOT telling them who the MB will be until the very day of his appointment. The Sultan can keep a secret and so can his people. And of course so can the the incoming MB. So far so good.

And all those learned consitutional lawyers and men and women of distinction that have wade into the battle on the side of PKR and all will have to eat humble pie too because in the end what the Sultan of Selangor has done is to give you all the finger. 

Of course the Sultan is not off the hook yet even if he is the one that is going to decide on who will be MB.   There is still going to be the aftermath of his decision. Can the MB he choses run the political gauntlet that PKR and DAP will make him run through and if he does, at what cost to Selangor? And if the new MB can do so and survive, then and only then, will the Sultan be hailed as a wise and responsible ruler.      

I hope this is as low as PKR and Anwar will ever find themselves to be. Anwar's had done some "ajaib tapi benar" stuff in the past. I thought that "take over of the Federal Government" bluff he aimed at Pak Lah and then that running off to the Turkish Embassy would be two classic Anwar's escapades that would be hard to top but this Selangor Kemelut would have a valid claim to be amongst the top five list of failures for Anwar.     

As for the Sultan of Selangor.....I guess he will be the pin up boy for Malaysian Royalties for some time. 

As for PAS......that will be another story best left to another day. 

And to add insult to injury...this is what Khalid had to say:

Dr Wan Azizah didn’t make the cut for MB, says Khalid - 

SHAH ALAM, Sept 22 — PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will not be the next Selangor mentri besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim confirmed today.
Khalid, who is due to be replaced by the Sultan of Selangor’s hand-picked candidate tomorrow, said he does not know who the ruler’s choice will be, but was privy to the nominees shortlisted for the post.
“Wan Azizah did not make the list, despite some of her people still hoping for that (to happen),” the outgoing mentri besar told Malay Mail Online in an exclusive interview.
“I will only know when the new MB signs the letter of appointment tomorrow.”
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