
Monday, October 6, 2014

cakap cakap....Monday morning.

Monday Early Morning.....I am grateful for life....grateful for all that I have and grateful that I am living life as I want to. I was awake early and ready for the day by 6 am.....ready for another day with no appointments, nobody to see, no chores left undone from yesterday, nothing that I have to do that I do not want to do....all my bills paid, a bit of money in reserve, enough food in the fridge for the week ahead....and the whole day ahead to do as I I want. What bliss!

This last week had been difficult emotionally as I went through the last few days of a much beloved Uncle of mine and predictably it ended mercifully for him on Friday when he breath his last. That I had expected for him to leave us did not make it any easier for me......suffice to say that he had lived a good, honest and pious life - exactly as he wanted it to be....and that should give comfort to him in his final conscious moments on this Earth.

Early this morning too I told my daughter that I miss her so very much. We live in Melbourne and she and her family in Canada and I have not seen her for years. Most times i can live with that but sometimes, like this morning, not having her close by hits me where it hurts my heart. But I know she has a life there now and with her family I know she will be alright. Terrina is a fighter and a survivor....I think the very image of me...though she is better looking!

This morning too I have already took out the washing that I put on last night and hung them out to dry. Wash the dishes left in the kitchen from last night, fed the cat and posted three items onto my that I did last night and polished off this morning before posting them on to my blog and facebook.

I am mindful that one or two of you do want to read what I write over breakfast - I am grateful that yo do and I do not want to disappoint ......not if I can help it. 

I tried to find out more about the condition of Bianchi - the F1 Driver who was injured in the Grand Prix in Japan....but there is nothing much on the net about him except to tell us that his injuries were severe. I can only hope that all will be well with him over time...and my thoughts turn to Schumacher and his battle to recover from his injuries..... and I am grateful that I am in good health and well.  

It is now 9.30 am and I want to wake up my wife and get her to start her day. It will take about an hour to get her organized and I hope that by around 10.30 am we will be sitting together having breakfast......well actually it is her that is having breakfast and me keeping her company.....and then my day begins in earnest.

Maybe another article to write, watch the news on the telly....and I do want to go the city to go look for some outdoor furniture. Summer is almost here and I want to put the balcony of our apartment to good use this summer. 

Enough for now. Llife is good. I wish the same for those who read what I write....for those who don' does not really matter then.......does it?

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