
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What can we expect next? A detail explanation of Najib's and Rosmah's daily bowel movement with diagrams and explicit description of each stool and the interval between each droppings as it splashed into the toilet bowl?

I am no who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest or righteous. Neither am I constrained to doing what is normally expected of me. I do as I please mindful that what I do should not intrude into the personal space of others. In Australia where I live teats and cleavage are a dime a dozen on the trams in Summer. What passes for entertainment on television at times makes looking for porn on the Internet a superfluous act -  quite like a fifth wheel on a car! I see men kissing each other on the streets and women being grabbed and fondled by their partners (men and women) in the name of love or horniness - take your pick. Nothing fazes me anymore. Go onto the Internet and you can see Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and a host of other celebrities getting their rocks off  without so much as an "excuse me!" or "pardon!". And yet I blush when I read of the goings on in the Kuala Lumpur High Court these last few days in front of these learned Judges:

Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus, KY-Y jelly..Jesus Christ what has our country descended to? 

What can we expect next?  A detail explanation of Najib's and Rosmah's daily bowel movement with diagrams and explicit description of each stool and the interval between each droppings as it splashed into the toilet bowl? And we need to know their bowel movement to explain the need for a private toilet in the Government Jet used by them in their travels to far and distant lands on government service. Only by a knowing their bowel movement (noisy and smelly) can the government justify the need for a private toilet in their government jet just for their own personal use! 

Really ......I do not care a fuck about what Anwar and Saiful do in the privacy of a room! And that goes double for what Najib and Rosmah do in their own bathroom or the bathroom of the government jet There are just some things that decency and good manners will tell you is best left unsaid. But decency and good manners are not what this fucking Prime Minister of ours are familiar with. Tun Razak will be turning in his grave at the goings on in the Kuala Lumpur High Court. Najib on the other hand considers it a personal triumph to have check mate his nemesis and damm what our nation has to go through to make that happen. 

Sadly for this BN government, anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus, KY-Y jelly are now being discussed in schools, colleges and Universities. Najib and Rosmah too dicusss Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus, KY-Y jelly over dinner in their home. In fact nothing can distracts the nation's rapt focus on Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus and KY-Y jelly. Our King in his Istana too talk about Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus and KY-Y jelly....we are today a nation of Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus and KY-Y jelly. 

Well may we say Allah Selamatkan Malaysia dan Rakyat nya but nothing will save Najib Razak and the BN government when the time comes for the people of Malaysia to register their hatred, disgust and contempt for a government that allows Anal, rectum swab, high rectum, low rectum swab, semen samples in Saiful's anus and KY-Y jelly to overcome all other ethical and moral consideration because it is politically expedient  to proceed with the character assassination of Anwar Ibrahim. This BN government led by Najib Razak ignores the vulgarity of their method of doing Anwar Ibrahim in. Now it has become an embarrassment for our people and our nation as people from other nations laugh at how any nation can allow themselves to be the subject or ridicule and laughter as Malaysia is now. 

The only comfort I can draw from all that is happening this week in the Kuala Lumpur High Court is just this : Let us give Najib Razak and the government he leads enough rope so that they can hang themselves! This Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy Two case is probably the last few yards of rope that Najib and his cohorts will need to do just that!

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