
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One word defines what the non-Malays do. EMPOWERMENT!

I have no doubt that the Malays, as individuals, have roamed far and wide to seek their own fortunes and the life they want - whether far from the maddening crowd or, if they so choose, plunge themselves into the hustle and bustle that waits for those who are game enough to seek material gain through hard work and gainful employment. There are not many of them in Melbourne but I do see Malays out and about in the city - mostly young Malays - the guys conservatively dresses and the girls with their head covered - one foot still in Malaysia and the other tentatively trying out the Western world that they now find themselves in. Time will ease their discomfort in trying to blend into another world and I know that they will be the better for it.

The Malays as a people are adjusting to the realities of a world much changed from the one they were born in. The world they were comfortable with when growing up is now rapidly changing. Whether the change is for better or for worse is a personal judgement but adjust to it the Malays must for this new world does not suffer fools easily. By fools I mean those who are not able to take cognizance of the changes around them and adjusting accordingly so as to allow themselves to be part of it, will be left by the wayside.

So Umno now tells the Malays the getting and holding on to political power. the use of the Malay numerical advantage to ensure that Malay race dominates, the Malay religion dominates  and that Malays will be the first amongst equals are the fundamentals required to ensure tak kan melayu hilang di dunia!

After 50 years of an Umno/Malay dominated rule there is a clear, present danger and immanent danger that the Malay culture and the Malay society will break down.

And that danger comes not only from the Christians, the non-Malays but also now comes from the Malays who are not in Umno - the Malays in Pakatan Rakyat and any other Malay who will not give their support to Umno.

This is the thrust of Umno's argument to win over the Malays into the fold of Umno. Umno tells them that there is danger from outside, circle our Umno Malay wagons and let us defend ourselves from the marauding "others" who seek to destroy the Malays culture and Malay society. This is how Umno chooses to do battle with the "others"  - a siege mentality that plays on negativity by emphasing the "them versus us" mentality justifying their use of race, religion and politics in championing the Malays.

How do the "others" deal with this Umno mind frame of "them versus us" when Umno has all the advantages of a large army and deep pockets?

One word defines what the "others"  do. EMPOWERMENT!

The "others" educate their young to the best of their abilities in order that they be able to make decisions about their future from a position of knowledge, optimism, strength and confidence knowing full well their rights, their place in Malaysia and their options outside Malaysia. 

And this my friend is the way too for the Malay society and Malay culture to survive and continue to progress. We must empower our people, especially the young, to also be able to make decisions about their future from a position of knowledge, optimism, strength and confidence knowing full well their rights, their place in Malaysia and their options outside Malaysia.    

The "others" are well on their way to doing this to their own with emphasis on the best education for their young. This is achieved at considerable sacrifices and costs where ever that education can be got.

The "others" are empowering themselves politically. Whether that is to be done in isolation or in congress with "others" who are similarly empowered is a work in progress but the "others" have never been more aware than now of their new found political empowerment in being able to make a difference as to how politics and government is to be conducted in the present and the future - starting with the manner in which they do government in the states under their sphere of influence.

And where the "others" find their way thwarted by obstacles and an intransigent Umno led BN government blinded by its "them and us" mentality - they seek more accommodating government elsewhere - not in the hundreds but by the hundreds of thousands - even millions.They migrate to where they are welcomed.

And how are the champions of the Malays - Umno - placed in all this?

There is no better indicator of where this Umno led BN government is at today than to look at what is making news this morning- 31st March 2015. A Tuesday at 9.54 AM.

The first news item on my Yahoo page is about the GST that is to be implemented tomorrow - on April Fools day!

GST forces Chinese shop to close after 74 years - The Malaysian Insider

March 30, 2015.Yew Chian Hooi's Chinese medicine shop 'Ban Swee Choon' in Bukit Mertajam is opening tomorrow for the last time after 74 years in business. It will be closed for good come Wednesday, the day the goods and services tax (GST) begins implementation.

That says it all.

In the above news item we see a bullying domineering Umno led BN government that is desperately seeking new avenues of revenue. BN with its many irresponsible and grandiose schemes of "national development" that has largely benefited their own kind and their cronies have already brought our nation to its knees burdened with debts and an ever increasing costs of living that directly affects the masses. How does thsi BN government propose to raise additional revenue? The GST.

What the GST will do to people like Yew Chian Hooi is now known. He will close shop.

What the GST will do to others who will be affected by the rise in the costs of living (because the money to be given to the government in the form of the GST tax has to come from somewhere!) is to be seen.

What will it do to Najib's government?

In their mind they are already spending the money that they think will be coming from the implementation of the GST. Within a year we will be back to a negative balance in as far as what was estimated to be reliazed  when they implemented the GST. The nation will go deeper into depth  and possible another Jet will be added to the fleet of Jets for the use of Najib and his family.

And where will the Malays be?

Umno will again come to them, cap in hand at the next election, and tell the Malays again the same old stories of yesterdays :

The Malay society and culture are being threatened.

Islam is under threat from Christianity.

And of course Umo needs another term in government to make things right.....and so it goes on and on and on. The pillaging and plundering of our people and our Malay nation by an Umno skilled in the art of deception and lying to the Malays. And this debilitating circle continues until there is nothing left for the Malays to do in their "own" country except to think of what of might have been if only.

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